Evolution: I became a polar bear

Chapter 34 A feast of prehistoric giant crocodiles!

The moonlight was bright, and its pure white light shone on a polar bear whose body was all white.

Outside the cave!

A crocodile covered with ferocious bone spurs lay quietly on the ground.

Bai Yang sat quietly on a rock, looking motionless at the prehistoric giant crocodile in front of him.

After several hours of hard dragging, the crocodile was finally dragged back. Bai Yang was worried all the way, fearing that the anesthetic would wear off and the crocodile would suddenly wake up and give him a bite.

Fortunately, the anesthetic worked well. Several hours had passed and the crocodile still showed no sign of waking up!


Bai Yang also encountered a problem!

There is an anesthetic in the crocodile, and he doesn't know how much the drug is still effective, so he keeps thinking about whether he dares to eat the crocodile in front of him now!

I haven’t eaten all day today!

Bai Yang's stomach has been protesting for several hours!

"Kill him first?"

Bai Yang got off the stone and picked up the stone under his buttocks with his two front palms.


Hit the crocodile directly on the head.

It was indeed a prehistoric giant crocodile. It was hit so hard that the skin was not even broken.

Bai Yang took a deep breath and picked up the stone again and threw it down.

one time……

Two clicks...

Three times...

The dull banging sound spread throughout the outside of the cave. The birds in the distant trees flapped their wings and flew away because they couldn't stand the sound!

After a long time!

The crocodile's head on the ground had been smashed to pieces by Bai Yang.

Even the crocodile's eyeballs were blown off.


Bai Yang looked like an executioner who had just finished his execution, the white bear fur on his chest was stained red with blood.

At this time, it looked like a bloodthirsty evil bear.

"It should be almost done!"

Looking at the flesh and blood in front of him, Bai Yang swallowed hard.


My stomach also made a roaring sound at this time.


Nearly 10 hours have passed. No matter how powerful the anesthetic is, there should not be much left at this time!

Think of this!

Bai Yang lowered his head and began to tear apart the crocodile in front of him.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully eating an ancient creature - a prehistoric giant crocodile and gaining 30 evolution points!"

"Ding, congratulations on successfully activating the ancient function. The current ancient point is 1/100."

Back to ancient times?

What is this?


He glanced at the name of the crocodile in front of him: Prehistoric Giant Crocodile!

Could it be...

This ancient point will make him become a prehistoric creature like this crocodile!

However, Bai Yang is skeptical about this speculation. Polar bears do not have such a long history at all!

What if it was really possible to go back to ancient times?

Who knows what polar bears can become?

Fortunately, there are enough evolution points, but this crocodile is too huge!

If Bai Yang ate alone, he might not be able to finish it for several days. The recent climate has become more and more tropical. There were still some ice floes on the sea when they came, but now they have basically melted away.

Moreover, the sea used to be not far from the cave between him and his mother bear, but after more than half a month, now if Bai Yang wants to go to the beach, he has to walk for half a day!

It seems that the whole world has indeed changed a lot!

Could it be that the land area has become larger?


No matter how the earth changes, Bai Yang can predict that survival will become increasingly difficult, especially for ordinary animals.

It's good that he has a system to evolve, and he has human wisdom. If this prehistoric giant crocodile hadn't encountered him, I'm afraid it would be difficult to have a natural enemy here.

I simply can’t imagine how Mama Bear and Sister Bear will survive if I leave Mama Bear.

Bai Yang was thinking in his mind while he kept tearing the crocodile meat and swallowing it.

After the first mouthful of a lot of evolution points, the remaining crocodile meat can basically provide 2-5 evolution points each time, depending on the size of each mouthful Bai Yang swallows.

It seems that this crocodile can fully increase the defense value, but I don’t know what attributes will appear after the system evolution is full!

Half an hour later, Bai Yang patted his belly and slowly dragged the crocodile into the cave. The smell of blood was very strong and might attract some wild beasts at night. The safest place was to drag the crocodile back.

After dragging the crocodile in, Bai Yang dragged out his bed, the grass nest, and lay down quietly at the entrance of the cave.

Bai Yang felt like a miser, giving up the best position to food and sleeping outside the cave.

He looked up at the stars in the sky.

Bai Yang had a lot of thoughts for a moment!

I wonder if the landlord will call the police if he sees that he hasn’t paid two months’ worth of rent and is disappearing!

Also, has the company already deducted all your salary?

However, after being a polar bear for so long, Bai Yang has gradually gotten used to it. Being a polar bear means a lot less intrigue and a lot less flattery.

Nature only emphasizes the law of the jungle. Whoever has a bigger fist or a bigger body is the king!

Just when he was about to fall asleep, the sky suddenly lit up and turned red.



A sound of shaking came from far away. Bai Yang stood up in fear and looked up at the night sky.

It turned out to be a meteor shower!


The epidemic this time was different from what he had seen before when he was still a human.

A bit too big!

From far away, Bai Yang could see the meteors falling continuously in the sky, each one as big as a boulder.

You know how far away you can see from here, I'm afraid each of the falling meteors is as big as that pond!

No wonder the ground started to shake.

This power is probably not weaker than a bomb!

However, the meteor shower was fleeting and soon disappeared, and the trembling place returned to calm.

"I'm afraid it's not a good thing!"

Bai Yang then lay down, squinted his eyes and began to officially fall asleep.

Before everyone could react.

The place where the meteor shower hit seemed to have been blasted by a bomb. The ground was devastated, and huge meteorites stood in deep craters.


Suddenly, the surface of the largest meteorite began to crack.


Then a plume of smoke rose.

After the smoke and dust cleared, a giant egg as smooth as jade appeared inside the meteorite.


Cracks appeared continuously outside the eggshell, and the entire egg body emitted dazzling lights.


Suddenly, a small arm with black hair stretched out, and then a strange lizard-like thing with a long tail emerged from the egg.

I saw that it had sharp teeth when it was born.


The creature kept sniffing and began to gnaw at the eggshell.

Soon, after gnawing away the eggshells, the little guy seemed not to be full.


There was a strange sound.

He instantly jumped into the nearby forest and disappeared.

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