Evolution: I became a polar bear

Chapter 347 Shrine Mission!


Bai Yang sighed and walked out of the Points Exchange Palace, feeling that the sun in the sky had become dim.

what is this!

I only redeemed a thousand points by pulling up a piece of bamboo forest.

I only have 1,500 points now.

It seems that the way of using items to redeem points has been cut off. Now you can only get points quickly by taking on tasks.


After the trip to the Exchange Palace, Bai Yang now understands the importance of points, and it is really difficult to obtain them.

No wonder the old man spent his points carefully.

In Cangxuan Shrine, it can be said that without points, one can only make slow progress in the palace and practice hard.

If you want to practice quickly and comprehend more avenues, you can only spend points to go to the comprehension room. If you are more wealthy, you can buy rare items.

This is simply an infinite matryoshka doll!

Get points, spend them, and then get points again!


Follow the bluestone road and turn towards the Shrine Mission Hall.

Near the mission palace, countless disciples gathered together in twos and threes, constantly discussing the missions they could take on.

However, there was also a disciple covered in blood who completed the task and walked out of the palace.

It can be seen that everyone is envious.

Bai Yang walked through the many disciples and walked into the hall.

Over the entire hall, a huge jade stone stood.

All the disciples explored their spiritual senses and penetrated into the jade, looking for tasks suitable for them.

Bai Yang came to the bottom of the jade stone and also probed in with his spiritual consciousness.

The first thing that catches the eye is the crude classification label.

"God Realm Mission!"

"Tao Zun Realm Mission!"

"Tianzun Realm Mission!"

"Chaos Sovereign Realm Mission!"

There were a whole 4 categories, Bai Yang tried to open the Chaos Realm mission, but found that his spiritual consciousness could not penetrate at all.

"It seems that this is accepted based on strength. If you are not strong enough, you can't even see the content of the task!"

No, Bai Yang opened the Divine Realm task bar!

"Simple mission: A group of sub-sacred cultivators have appeared near Tiexin City in the Cangxuan Star Territory and are doing evil. Eradicate them all. The mission reward is 30 points!"

"Difficult mission: Help the outer cities of Cangxuan Star Territory resist the beast tide. Success will reward 50 points, failure will deduct 100 points!"

"Hell Mission: Investigate the strange situation on Yanshan Star, and award points depending on the situation!"

"Nightmare mission: Help your direct disciple Xiao Ying to refine elixirs. Each time you refine a new type of elixir, you will be rewarded with 300 points!"

The tasks are divided into four levels of difficulty. However, when Bai Yang saw the last task, he looked at the date and frowned.

Isn't this the little girl from Ninth Senior Sister?

Helping to refine an elixir actually gives 300 points, and depending on the situation, this task seems to have been pending for a long time.

Judging from the description of the task, it seems to be a long-term task!

As long as the Ninth Senior Sister refines a new elixir, she will be rewarded with 300 points. If she refines ten of them, wouldn't that be 3,000 points, or 30,000 points for one hundred elixirs?


The other tasks are either far away or have very few points rewards.

Bai Yang pondered for a long time and prepared to take on the Ninth Senior Sister's nightmare mission. Of course, Bai Yang was also secretly wary, fearing that it would not be that easy to refine a new elixir, otherwise it would not be designated as a nightmare mission.

It just so happens that I still need to stay in Cangxuan Shrine recently, and Youmeng is also in the process of enlightenment, so it is most suitable to accept this task.

The worst thing is that it is not refined, and the points will not be deducted, so you have no losses at all!

Thinking of this, Bai Yang smiled slightly, turned around and walked out of the mission hall. Now he went to Ninth Senior Sister to see how this mission should be completed.

Just after Bai Yang walked out.

"Oh my God!"

Suddenly, a disciple in the hall covered his mouth and exclaimed.

"Someone has taken over Ninth Senior Sister's alchemy task!"

"What? Who is so stubborn as to dare to take on this task?"

"What a ruthless person! It is said that the junior brother who took over the mission last time is still recovering from his injuries!"

"Do you think you have a long life? It's so unthinkable that you dare to take on a nightmare-level mission!"

After inquiry, it was found that the Ninth Senior Sister's mansion was located behind the entire Cangxuan Shrine, and it was the only mansion in the surrounding area, which looked very abrupt.

Bai Yang passed by Qingshi Road, not meeting a single disciple along the way, and arrived at the door of Ninth Senior Sister's residence in a blink of an eye.

"I'll ask Ninth Senior Sister later what kind of work I have to do. After all, I haven't refined elixirs before, so don't be in a hurry!"

Bai Yang stood at the door. After pondering for a while, he raised his hand and prepared to knock on the door.


Suddenly, there was a deafening roar from the mansion, and a mushroom cloud rose from the mansion. A transparent layer of prohibition in the sky covered the mushroom cloud.


Bai Yang's hand, which was about to knock on the door, suddenly stopped, and a bad feeling arose in his heart.

The situation just now was simply more terrifying than a nuclear bomb explosion, and... with the existence of restrictions, the specific power of this energy torrent could not be felt by the outside world at all.

I don’t know if I can go back on this mission!

Bai Yang took a deep breath, turned around and prepared to leave the door of the mansion.

No, this mission is a bit scary!

This is not refining elixirs, this is just refining cannonballs!

Although the situation is similar to that of a nuclear bomb, you must know that this is the Cangxuan Shrine, and everyone is at the divine level at the very least. The mission can be feared by everyone, and the power of the explosion must be extraordinary!

For the sake of your own life, let’s forget about this mission!

Although Ninth Senior Sister looked a little jumpy, she didn't expect it to be so terrifying!

Bai Yang slandered a few words in his mind, and the two hurriedly stepped back from the door, turned around and prepared to leave.

"Junior Brother Bai Yang!"

Suddenly, a bell-like sound came from behind.

It's too difficult, Ninth Senior Sister, just pretend you haven't seen me... Bai Yang took a deep breath, turned his head and pulled out a forced smile.

"Senior Sister Ying, I...went the wrong way. Well, I didn't expect your mansion to be here. So what...I have something urgent to do. You go on, I'm leaving now!"


Senior Sister Ying covered her mouth and chuckled.

"I knew you were coming when I took the mission. You can't give up on this mission!"

"Come in quickly, the elixir furnace exploded just now, but senior sister, I have another good idea, and it will definitely succeed this time!"

"Why are you still standing there? Without further ado, come in quickly!"

With that said, he pulled Bai Yang into the mansion without any explanation.

Passing through the courtyard, what appeared in front of them was a bottomless pit, and the entire mansion was in a mess.

Houses collapsed and debris was everywhere.

"Haha, it's a bit messy. It'll be fine soon. Just wait!"

Senior Sister Ying smiled awkwardly and waved her hand. Suddenly the ground under her feet seemed to come alive. The deep pit began to be gradually filled up. After a long time, the flat land appeared again in front of her.

"Here, that's the stove. You set it up. Senior sister, I'm going to prepare the materials. Let's start the formal alchemy!"

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