Evolution: I became a polar bear

Chapter 353 Third Senior Brother’s cry for help!

"Hey yo hey, hey yo hey!"

Bai Yang was shirtless and kept swinging the divine hammer with both hands, and the sound of knocking echoed throughout the yard.


Suddenly, a rapid ringing of bells came from the sky above the sect!

Bai Yang couldn't help but stop forging and looked up at the divine clock in the void!

If the knocking sound is so rapid, it must be something big happening in the palace.

But what is it?

"All direct disciples must come to the main hall within a quarter of an hour. There must be no mistakes!"

Just as he was about to pick up the hammer again, a majestic voice spread throughout the palace. It was the voice of senior brother Anchen.

"It seems like something happened!"

With a groan, Bai Yang quickly put the divine forging platform into the storage space and quickly walked out of the mansion.

Everyone must be there within a quarter of an hour. It seems that something is going on that is not small!

When Bai Yang arrived at the main hall, several senior brothers had already arrived. However, seeing everyone's cold expressions, Bai Yang found a place to sit down without saying anything.

The senior brother was sitting on the main seat with the same grim expression.

After taking a quick glance and seeing that everyone was here, Anchen waved his hand to seal the main hall door, and then said coldly:

"I just received a distress message from Third Junior Brother Zhu Chou. I summoned all the Junior Brothers to come here to discuss and prepare to rescue Third Junior Brother!"

"This time, Junior Brother Zhu Chou happened in the Binglan God Realm. The third junior brother can send a message for help. The other party must be a strong man in the Chaos Realm. This time, when going to the Binglan God Realm, you must be more careful!"

"You must rescue your junior brother!"

Having said this, Senior Brother Anchen sighed.

"I don't know why this matter happened so far. After going to Binglan Divine Realm, you must not scare the snake. This time, Junior Brother Bai Yang will stay, and I and the others will all go!"

"No, I'll go too, let Senior Sister Ying stay!"

After Bai Yang heard this, he quickly stood up from his chair, raised his hand and said:

"I will master the Ice and Snow Avenue soon, and then I can advance to the Taoist Realm, and... I am good at investigating information. With the body of the monster, it will be easier to sneak in!"

After finishing speaking, Bai Yang looked at his senior brother expectantly!

It’s true that when you feel sleepy, someone will give you a pillow!

I didn’t expect that everything would come together in this Binglan Divine Realm.

The system mission, the request from the ancestor of the Yun clan, and now the third senior brother’s distress message.

What on earth is this Binglan Divine Realm!

"Well, I'm waiting by your side, little junior brother...Okay, I'll take you with me!"

Anchen pondered for a while and nodded heavily.

"Then Junior Sister Ying will be in charge of Cangxuan Shrine, and we will all go there."

"The Binglan Divine Realm is controlled by the Lord of the Binglan Kingdom. He is a powerful man at the pinnacle of the Chaos Realm. It is best not to expose your identity easily!"


Bai Yang and others nodded to express their understanding.

After all, they are all direct disciples of Cangxuan Palace. If they anger the Lord of Binglan Kingdom, things may be even more difficult to handle.

"Let's separate the Star Territory to investigate. The entire Binglan Divine Territory is only that big!"


After the discussion, everyone quickly got up and returned to the mansion. After settling everything, everyone set off for the Binglan Divine Realm today.

However, with the strength of the Dark Dust Chaos Realm, everyone can reach the Binglan Divine Realm tomorrow at most.

After Bai Yang went back, he built a few more recently developed results, took a look at Youfeng, and then left with peace of mind.

I am afraid that the search for Third Senior Brother this time will not be too short. The Binglan Divine Realm is vast, and... I am afraid that Senior Brother Zhuqiu was not harmed by others, but was trapped in a secret realm, which would be even more troublesome.

However, everything is just a guess. What exactly is going on can only be known by arriving at the Binglan Divine Realm.

Soon, a group of people flew away from Cangxuan Shrine and boarded the chariot in the void.

After everyone was seated, Anchen controlled the chariot and flew quickly towards the Binglan Divine Realm.

"I have traveled to the Binglan Divine Realm once. This Divine Realm is a world of ice and snow. Everything is completely different from the outside world. There are few humans in this Divine Realm and monster beasts are rampant. Junior brothers, please be careful when exploring!"

Anchen sat in the huge chariot and said earnestly:

"Actually, the most convenient person to investigate this time is my junior brother. As a monster walking in the Binglan Divine Realm, you will rarely be attacked. By then, all the human cities will be investigated by us. As for the territory of the monster, we have to ask my junior brother. Junior brother!"


Bai Yang nodded in agreement.

No wonder the eldest brother followed him after he agreed to the divine realm. The entire Binglan Divine Realm is full of monsters!

Then he does have a natural advantage.

After all, although they can also transform into monsters, they can tell them apart at a glance when they meet strong people of the same strength.

Bai Yang is different. He is a monster. Maybe he can get information more easily in the monster's territory.

"Also, please do not go to Binglan Star. I have never dealt with the Lord of Binglan Kingdom, but I heard that he has a strange temperament. If we have to, we will not go to Binglan Star for the time being."

Anchen narrowed his eyes and said.

Bai Yang could see a trace of embarrassment on his face.

After such a long period of understanding, Bai Yang also roughly understood the current strength of Cangxuan Shrine.

Except for the eldest brother, who is in the middle stage of the Chaos Realm, the rest of the entire temple are at the Heavenly Realm.

This resulted in the entire Cangxuan Shrine not having top-notch combat power. At least a group of them together could not defeat the Binglan King.

However, the mission given by my own system is to avenge the Zijin Emperor. The Binglan Kingdom Lord is so powerful that he is already the pinnacle existence among the titled rulers.

When will the task be completed?

Moreover, the system has not yet revealed what the reward is. However, for such a difficult task, Bai Yang feels that he must give him a great rare item no matter what!

There was also the plea from the ancestor of the Yun clan, the towering turtle.

If I have a chance this time, I'll look for this thing as well.

For a moment, the entire carriage fell into silence.

In the entire Cangxuan Shrine, there are a total of 10 direct disciples, including Bai Yang himself. However, it is said that there is also a fourth senior brother who is still practicing outside and has not returned for more than a thousand years. However, it can be known from the jade slips in the shrine that this person is not Not fallen.

"Reaching soon!"

Anchen looked outside the carriage and suddenly said:

"We will descend at the outermost area for the time being, and search slowly from the outside in. Don't worry about it. Junior Brother Zhuqiu is not in danger for his life for the time being!"

Bai Yang turned his head and looked around. What appeared in front of him was a vast expanse of white stars, shrouded in layers of thick fog.

The entire planet is also white, which is completely different from other planets. It is actually a world of ice and snow.

Whether it is a lake or an ocean, they are all wrapped in a thick layer of ice.

"Let's go down!"

Anchen said something coldly, controlled the chariot, and quickly rushed into the planet in front of him.

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