Evolution: I became a polar bear

Chapter 37 Prehistoric creature war!


A loud roar shook Bai Yang's ears.

The monster-like animal in front of him almost scared Bai Yang to the point of peeing!

This monster has a huge crocodile mouth and is huge, no less than the prehistoric Titanoboa over there. It also has two short claws on its chest, and a crocodile tail full of ferocious bone spurs on its back that keeps sweeping on the ground.

This damn animal is another beast?

The man in front of him, who looked like a combination of a crocodile and a dinosaur, just roared to the sky, causing the leaves beside him to fall down.

Bai Yang was covered in bear fur and crawled to the side cautiously.

It seemed that the giant beast in front of him was not very interested in him and did not attack Bai Yang immediately.

After climbing a few steps hard.


The giant beast in front of him roared again, and white sword energy spurted out from its nostrils.

The huge soles of the feet seemed to slowly begin to exert force.


At this time, the same sound of snakes came from the distance.

Bai Yang didn't dare to express his anger, only now did he understand!

This giant monster has no choice but to attack itself, and its emotional prey is the prehistoric Titanoboa in front.

Bai Yang quickly got up and ran towards a towering tree in the distance.

I wish I had 8 legs now.

The two creatures in front of him were really awesome, either one of them could easily kill him.

Can't afford it!

Can't afford it!

Bai Yang, who was leaning behind the tree, quietly poked his head out. At this time, the two giant beasts stayed in place quietly, staring at each other.

Bai Yang used the system to stare at the animal that looked like both a crocodile and a dinosaur.

Name: Prehistoric Boar Crocodile

strength:? ? ?

speed:? ? ?

endurance:? ? ?

Skill: Swift Shadow Bite!

Sure enough, the attributes are still all question marks!


At this moment, the two giant beasts finally started to move.

Like thunder, the Titanoboa raised its snake head high, opened its mouth and spurted blood. The snake letter in its mouth kept raising and biting the wild boar crocodile with a whistling sound.


The wild boar crocodile in front of it let out a deafening roar, and its tail quickly twitched, directly flying the snake's head in front of it.


Titanoboa broke a waist-thick tree next to it, shook its head and climbed up quickly.

The wild boar crocodile took advantage of the victory and pursued it, quickly biting the Titanoboa's snake body, and a stream of blood suddenly spurted out.


Titanoboa kept spitting out, not even bothering with the wounds on its body.

The whole body moved quickly and rolled directly into the body of the wild boar crocodile.

At this time...

The wild boar crocodile bit the Titanoboa tightly, and its own body was also strangled by it.


Bai Yang was lying behind the tree and could see the scales on Titanoboa's body flashing continuously, and the entire snake's body slowly tightened.

"It seems that this wild boar crocodile can't do it!"

Bai Yang muttered in his heart.

The Titanoboa was twisting the body of the wild boar crocodile, making bursts of bone-breaking sounds.

It actually cracked its bones!


This wild boar crocodile is really a rogue!

Bai Yang was so impressed in his heart that he was so impressed!

His bones were broken and he didn't even hum.


Hear a howl from it.

Bai Yang quickly looked over.

Is this wild boar crocodile finally dying?

I saw it opening its mouth quickly, and the two rows of fangs in its mouth grew rapidly.

Immediately afterwards...

Bai Yang saw an incredible scene.

The wild boar crocodile opened its mouth and brought up several phantoms.




He quickly bit down on the seven inches of Titanoboa's body, and it wasn't just one bite.

Huge biting sounds kept ringing.

Kill him with one final bite!

Bai Yang could even see that a huge sharp tooth pierced the Titanoboa's snake body directly.


Feeling severe pain, Titanoboa's huge snake head kept swinging back and forth, trying to get rid of the huge mouth biting on the seven inches, and its entire body tightened rapidly.


A forest-white bone protruded from the back of the wild boar crocodile.

This Titanoboa actually broke the bones in the Boar Crocodile's body.


The wild boar crocodile opened its mouth and let out a shrill scream.

A tail kept hitting the ground.


The twitching giant tail directly broke a big tree next to it.


Looking at the giant tree that was falling straight towards him, Bai Yang was so dumbfounded!

Did I really offend you?

Isn’t it just for fun?

Maybe both of you are dead...


Bai Yang suddenly pounced!


Falling heavily to the ground.

Like a nimble fat man, Bai Yang rolled on the spot and hid behind a nearby tree again!

At this time, looking at the two prehistoric giant beasts still fighting in the distance, Bai Yang's eyes became more and more fiery!

He can't beat any of them, that's right!


Damn it, I was just watching the excitement, and didn't even think about it. I could have waited until they were both hurt and went up to take advantage!

Looking at the two giant beasts fighting each other for their lives, they must be fighting to the death today.

Well done!

Bai Yang quietly poked his head out again and looked at the anxious battle situation.

"Damn it, bite its head, you're a vegetarian with such a big crocodile mouth!"

"Quick, quick...keep twisting harder, harder! Come on! You'll be hanged soon. Titanoboa, you can't let go of the chain!"

Bai Yang seemed to be a crazy fan watching football at this time. Although he couldn't roar from his mouth, it did not affect him from roaring in his heart.

If he were given a red flag now, he would even want to walk next to the two giant beasts and wave the flag and shout.



The wild boar crocodile let out a miserable cry again, a cloud of blood mist burst out from its entire body, and its thick tail hung down feebly.

His body was actually strangled by the Titanoboa, and all kinds of thick intestines, blood and flesh flowed out.

A strong smell of blood filled the entire vicinity of the clearing.

Bai Yang was confused now!

Damn, this won’t work?

The problem is, Titanoboa doesn't feel like it's dying yet!

Although a huge gash had been bitten at the 7-inch position, and even a piece of flesh and blood had been torn off by the wild boar crocodile.

But... Titanoboa can indeed still move.

Slowly loosening the body of the snake wrapped around the wild boar crocodile, Bai Yang could see that it was breathing heavily, and the black snake letter seemed to have lost its vitality at this time, hanging out of its mouth.

It’s over!

Bai Yangbu glanced at the Titanoboa unwillingly, stretched out his bear paw and patted his heart gently.

"Do you dare to go out and do something!"

"No, you'll have to answer for this giant python's mouth."

"Repair, what are you afraid of? It can be repaired!"

"No, think about Mama Bear! What if..."

Bai Yang was currently at war between heaven and man in his heart.

A man is a good man, capable of bending and stretching.

Bai Yang was giving up.


The roar of the wild boar and crocodile came from over there again!

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