Evolution: I became a polar bear

Chapter 41 I brought you something delicious!

Bai Yang only took a few mouthfuls before he couldn't stand the sticky green juice of the dragonfly and gave up directly.

However, each one can add 0.1 ancient points, a total of 5, which is quite a lot.

After jumping into the sea water, he dragged all the dragonflies up.

Bai Yang took a bite of each and swallowed it.

After everything was done, Bai Yang looked at a larger dragonfly and planned to drag it back to Mother Bear and the others for a taste.

Prehistoric creatures evolved a lot if they ate them. I wonder what would happen if Mother Bear and Sister Bear ate them? Although there is no evolution point, the energy is definitely stronger than ordinary animals.

Bai Yang picked up the dragonfly's neck with his mouth and slowly walked back along the seashore. When he passed by the group of snow wolf corpses, Bai Yang paused.

At this time, only the whitened bones of a group of snow wolves were left, and no trace of flesh and blood was left.

"You have to be stronger!"

Bai Yang thought secretly in his heart.

This mountain forest is not far from where they live. If those prehistoric creatures escape, this island will be too dangerous!

Now Bai Yang's strength is simply unable to defeat a prehistoric creature on his own. Although he has obtained a lot of evolution points today, the ratio of 10 to 1 is exchanged. He doesn't know when the system will be upgraded next time.

The strongest evolutionary system

Host: Bai Yang

Species: Russian Wrangel Island-Western Alaska group (mutant polar bear)

Strength: 129

Speed: 100

Stamina: 150

Defense: 102

Skill: Violent Fury!

Evolution points: 370.

It can add 37 attribute points. Bai Yang was cruel and added all of them to speed.

Bai Yang thinks about it this way. He now has the upper hand against ordinary animals in terms of speed and strength, so hunting is not a problem at all. But now he is simply invincible against the prehistoric creatures in the mountains and forests. In addition to his speed, he still has to escape for his life. Lord, develop slowly!

Bai Yang now feels that he is just like the dog head in the game he once played. He is underdeveloped and reaches his peak when he comes out of the mountain!

Soon Bai Yang arrived at the door of Mother Bear's cave.


Bear Girl was playing at the entrance of the cave. When she saw Bai Yang coming back, she jumped over and ran over. However, when she saw what Brother Bear was holding in his mouth, Bear Girl seemed a little scared and stood cautiously next to Bai Yang.


After dropping the prehistoric giant-veined dragonfly, Bai Yang sat down on the ground.


He roared at the mother bear in the cave.

Indicates that the prey has returned and is ready for dinner!

The mother bear slowly emerged from the hole, came to the prey left by her son, stretched out her neck and sniffed it.


He yelled at Bai Yang.

What is this thing? Can this be eaten?

After Bai Yang heard this, he rubbed his head with his bear paw in embarrassment and pulled Sister Bear over.


He stretched out his bear paw and pointed at the dragonfly corpse.

The bear girl didn't know why, but she came up to it, opened her mouth and tore it gently.


Swallowed it in one gulp.

Seeing that Sister Bear was starting to eat, the mother bear quickly moved over to eat.

Bai Yang looked at the delicious food they were eating and couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

Could it be that his sense of taste is different from other polar bears?

Or is this dragonfly special?

Gently leaning his head towards her, Bai Yang pushed the bear girl aside, and Bai Yang also took a bite.

Suddenly, a thick green liquid filled the entire mouth. After swallowing it with difficulty, Bai Yang sat on the ground and gasped.

It seems that he is indeed different.

The food that Mother Xiong and the others ate was very sweet, but what Bai Yang ate did have a disgusting taste.

too difficult!

The body of this dragonfly is not too small. After throwing away the shell, it is as big as a goat, which is enough to feed Mother Bear and Sister Bear.

After staring at Mother Bear and the others and eating all the dragonflies, it was already getting late.

After Bai Yang said goodbye to them, he turned and returned to his cave.

Lying quietly in the dark cave, Bai Yang still couldn't sleep.

Under the influence of the sense of worry, Bai Yang kept imagining various situations that might happen in the future.

It is now certain that some unknown changes must have taken place in the world, and all kinds of ferocious prehistoric animals appeared out of thin air.

The entire island is unknown how many times bigger it is.

When I came back from the beach today, I could still see the high-rise buildings on the other side, but now they are blocked by a dense forest, and not even a trace of human beings can be seen.


If the climate continues like this, I’m afraid the ice and snow in the Arctic will have melted away!

I have seen reports that if all the icebergs at the two poles melted, wouldn't it be possible to submerge the entire land?

We haven't seen any sea level rise recently. Could it be that the area in the sea has also expanded?

Thinking about the futility of all this, Bai Yang gradually closed his eyes.

Regardless of the situation, the most important thing is to improve yourself as quickly as possible through the system. Whether you encounter prehistoric monsters or humans, as long as you are strong enough, you can protect Mother Bear and the others intact.

A small city on the western coast of the United States.


A towering building collapsed, leaving a mess on the ground, with various broken limbs scattered on both sides of the road.

Cars seemed to have been flattened with the soles of their feet, and they fell over in the middle of the road.


A red Ford SUV rushed directly into the sky with a roar, and instantly hit a helicopter and exploded.


A roar that resounded throughout the world came from a distance.

Then another car flew up and hit the ground. The man in the car was already dead, and all kinds of red and white internal organs were covered in the entire car window.


The ground seemed to start shaking.

A huge foot appeared on the road and instantly trampled the road into pieces.

I saw a giant chimpanzee with jet black hair all over his body and a height of 20 stories slowly walking out.

His face was fierce and his fangs were exposed.


After knocking down the building next to him with one punch, the chimpanzee bent down to pick up a car from the ground, threw it into the air in an instant, and knocked down a helicopter again.

The whole town felt like hell at this time, with cries for help and screams heard endlessly.


A military tank with camouflage patterns at the front roared.

A cannonball was fired at the chimpanzee.


A huge explosion sounded, and gray smoke rose.

Wait until the smoke and dust clears.


The chimpanzee was unharmed, and seemed to have gone into a state of rage, jumping up.


Landed directly in front of the tank.


The chimpanzee actually raised its soles and stepped down hard.

one time……

Two clicks...

Three times...

Until the tank in front of him is trampled into a discus.


Roaring to the sky again, the giant chimpanzee used both fists to hammer its chest.

At this time, it seems to be the master!

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