Evolution: I became a polar bear

Chapter 447 Give me a show of strength

"Have you heard? There is a mysterious force in Tongtian Jungle recently!"

"Why haven't you heard of it? I heard it's called the Zhatian Gang or something. It's so powerful. Even some of the surrounding hills have been integrated. I guess it will soon become the largest force in the area."

"However, I guess Biyun Mansion should send someone here immediately! After all, there is such a rapidly developing strength in the jurisdiction, and Biyun Mansion will definitely not sit idly by!"

"Tell me, is Biyun Mansion integrated or..."

"I guess they are being taken in, but please don't start a fight, otherwise we might be in trouble if we are so close!"

Recently, all the big and small forces in Biyun Mansion are discussing the newly emerged "Zhaotian Gang" force. It is really that this force has been too conspicuous recently.

We have been expanding our territory all day long, and I heard that we are still recruiting people.

At first, some forces were indeed unwilling to surrender. After all, they had never even heard of the "Zhaotian Gang", but... after the boy in white took action once, everyone was shocked.

On that day, a mountain with several hundred people on it was completely razed to the ground.

Only after this did the Zhatian Gang appear in the eyes of everyone.

There are even some weak forces that are willing to vassal themselves under the jurisdiction of the Zhatian Gang.

Biyun Mansion!

"Master of the Palace, this new Zhaotian Gang has appeared, should we... fight or contain it?"

A middle-aged man in a green robe walked out of the queue with a gloomy face, looked up at the Palace Master sitting above him, and said in a deep voice:

"Several forces have already surrendered to this Sky-Exploding Gang. If they are allowed to continue to develop, I'm afraid... it will cause serious trouble!"

"What do you all think?"

I saw the master of Biyun Mansion wearing a dark purple Tibetan crane cloak, with a navy lychee-patterned brocade belt tied around his waist, with long black hair, clear and bright tiger eyes under his eyebrows, a tall body, and piercing eyes. Over everyone.

"Report to the Lord of the Palace!"

At this time, a white-haired old man in the queue slowly walked out, cupped his hands and said:

"I think the main thing is to appease. After all, the once-in-a-thousand-year peach festival is about to begin. If there is any trouble, the Demon Emperor may not be happy!"

"No, if we allow these forces to continue to develop, how will everyone view our Biyun Mansion?"

"Then tell me, if the quota for the Peach Festival is eliminated, you will bear the responsibility?"



Biyun Palace Master Fu Kuan frowned and shouted coldly:

"In this case, then... General Zang Crazy, I ordered you to lead five thousand troops to negotiate with the Zhatian Gang. If you are willing to surrender to our Biyun Mansion, you will leave a few recruiters. If you are not willing... then let them be Eradicate them all!"

"There will be a peach event organized by the Demon Princess in the near future. I will need to bring a few people there with me. At that time, you can choose a few people from the younger generations of the family to go and experience it together."

"If there is a junior who can fall into the eyes of the Demon Emperor..."


After hearing this, everyone accepted the order one after another.

The Demon King is the highest commander of the Demon Clan in the entire Wild Star Territory. With his own power, the Human Clan is suppressed, and both the Buddha Clan and the Buddha Clan cannot hold their heads high.

The Peach Festival held once every three thousand years is actually a grand gathering for all the important people to recruit disciples.

And... although the Demon King no longer accepts disciples, but... there are many powerful people under his sect. No matter which one is chosen, it will be a great joy for the entire Biyun Mansion.

At this juncture, if anyone dares to step out and cause trouble, they will be suppressed forcefully.

After all, if Biyun Mansion wants to take a step forward, it can only seek a bigger backer.

"Your Highness, it's not good!"

Hei Laoer hurriedly took the boat to the island in the middle of the lake, jumped on it with a quick stride, stretched out his arms and shouted:

"Someone is coming from Biyun Mansion!"

"There are a lot of people here, and something seems wrong about the situation!"


Bai Yang heard the sound, sat up from the recliner, and grinned.

"Don't be anxious, sit down and speak slowly!"

Hei Lao Er didn't even look for a stool. He sat down on the ground, took a few deep breaths and said:

"It's like this. News came out today that Biyun Mansion sent General Zang Feng with 5,000 troops and is on his way."

"Your Highness, judging from the situation, it seems that he wants to destroy us!"

"Do you need me to lead someone to ambush them from halfway?"

"A lot of people have turned to us recently."

"Haha, Your Highness!"

Nalan sat aside, smiled slightly, and said:

"It seems that Biyun Mansion can't sit still anymore. Your Highness is right in guessing, but I don't know if he really wants to recruit us?"

"But... five thousand troops came to attack us..."


Bai Yang picked up the teacup on the table, took a sip of tea, and said to Hei Laoer:

"There is no need to ambush them, just keep everything as usual. I guess... Biyun Mansion should still have a talk with us, otherwise... even if it means to annihilate us, there is no need for such a grand bluff, and we are not afraid that we will abandon this Did you escape somewhere?"

"Then Your Highness, if they want to recruit us, should we... agree or not?"

Xiong Laoer stretched out his hand and scratched his head and said with some confusion.

You can let him go on patrol or something, or you can go out and fight with people, but it's a roundabout way of doing this. It's really difficult for Xiong Laoer to consider this with his mind.

"We definitely need to talk about it, and this... we definitely need to fight it!"

"I heard that the Peach Blossom Conference is about to be held recently, and we should go and join in the fun, but...it is a bit difficult to replace the time spent by Biyun Mansion, and...there are still forces in Biyun Mansion, and finally The best thing to do is... defeat the Biyun Mansion once and for all, and then we will not be under his jurisdiction. In this way, although we are obviously under the power of the Biyun Mansion,... in fact we are not under his control. "

"That's right, Your Highness, I guess you can meet people of your race by participating in this Peach Conference!"

After hearing this, Nalan nodded slightly.

"Oh, Your Highness, do you mean to talk to them first?"

Hei Laoer was confused after hearing this, and quickly said:

"Then I go to the lake in advance to invite them in?"

"Need not!"

Bai Yang waved his hand casually and smiled mysteriously at Hei Laoer:

"First show them how to show off your power, and then you can just bring that general in... As for the rest of them, a show of power is probably enough."

"Okay, go down and get ready. Remember that you are the patrol leader of the Zhatian Gang, and you must not let our reputation be compromised."

"Then I understand. Don't worry, Your Highness, we must not weaken our reputation!"

After hearing this, Hei Lao Er suddenly realized what he was saying. He excitedly raised his hands, turned around and ran out in a hurry.

“Nalan, you should also go and take a look, and let Mo Hai take action if necessary!

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