Evolution: I became a polar bear

Chapter 63 Warm sealskin!


Bai Yang kept yelling in King Kong's ears.


King Kong didn't wake up for a long time.

"It's over!"

"What's going on now?"

Baiyang Xiong sat next to it, staring quietly at King Kong lying on the ground, thinking non-stop in his mind.

It was impossible to drag him away now, let alone his small body.

However, King Kong was injured and the smell of blood was very strong. After landing for a while, he attracted the prehistoric saber-toothed tiger. Just in case something more ferocious came again...

so hard!


His stomach kept protesting, and Bai Yang climbed up, came to the saber-toothed tiger, tore its fur, and dragged it behind a nearby rock.

He needs to eat. Only by filling his stomach can he have the strength to take care of King Kong!


Soon, Bai Yang twisted his butt and came to the Vajra Legs. Several hideous wounds were bleeding out.

The temperature is already very low now, and it will get dark soon. After dark, the temperature will probably be even lower, and King Kong's wound will be in trouble by then!

"Should we light a fire?"

An idea suddenly popped into Bai Yang's mind!

However, he immediately denied it!

Maybe it would be possible if it was in a jungle, but now we are in the Arctic tundra. Apart from moss and some low shrubs and grasses, there is nothing that can burn!

Moreover, Bai Yang had been walking around just now, and this tundra was not like the cave before.

The cave that used to be there is still a certain distance from the Arctic Circle, so the temperature in summer will be above freezing, so that more types of vegetation can grow. However, this place has entered the Arctic Circle, and even the moss on the ground will freeze at night. It’s freezing, let alone the plants!

"It's a bit difficult!"

However, the first priority is to protect King Kong's wound. If there is something to keep it warm...


Suddenly, Bai Yang remembered a creature.

This creature’s skin is very thick and insulating, and most importantly, it’s easy to find here in the Arctic!

Thinking of this, Bai Yang turned around quickly. It was not too dark at this time, and Xiong Li stood on the beach, looking out.

Sure enough, there were seals coming up to breathe air on the ice in the distance.

Yes, the creature Bai Yang was thinking of was a seal!

There is a thick layer of fat under the seal skin for warmth, so if the seal skin is torn off and fixed to King Kong's legs, it will definitely have a certain effect.

However, King Kong's wound is not small. I'm afraid a seal skin is not enough!


Exhaling a breath of turbid air, Bai Yang turned back and ran to a place not far from King Kong to urinate, dispersing his own scent, so as to avoid animals such as snow wolves or snow foxes from stealing food.


After the bear jumped into the sea, Bai Yang swam towards the ice in the distance.

He popped his head out of the water and glanced at the ringed seal not far away, which was covered in white spots. It can be said that this kind of seal is the most numerous animal in the entire Arctic.

However, this seal is smaller.

However, now even Bai Yang will not let go of the seal cub. It is not meat, but just for the seal skin. As long as there is skin, it doesn't matter how small it is!

Bai Yang kept thinking about the attack route. The seal was in a strange position. It was not at the edge of the ice floe, but in the middle of the ice floe.

In this case, there is no way to attack from underwater, you can only go up to the ice floe!

Thinking of this, Bai Yang dived into the water again and slowly swam to the other side of the ice floe. If he went up from there, he would be 200 meters away from the seal. For Bai Yang now, the distance of 200 meters would be covered in a few seconds. It can be reached, and in a few seconds, it may be difficult for the seal to crawl into the water.


Bai Yang carefully climbed onto the ice floe and lay quietly on it, exposing his head and looking at the seals in the distance.

Fortunately, polar bears have a natural advantage on the ice. They have pure white hair and lie motionless on the ice. If they are too far away, it is really difficult to distinguish them.

The seal in the distance was lying on its side on the ice, enjoying the remaining warmth before the sun set. It was very comfortable with its eyes squinted, and it did not realize that there was a beast not far away looking at it eagerly.


After Bai Yang got up, he took a deep breath.

"Rageful Will!"

To be on the safe side, it’s better to activate the skills.


He let out a low roar.

Bai Yang was like a sharp bow and arrow, carrying a strong wind and running towards the seal.


What does the seal seem to realize?

He opened his eyes suddenly, raised his head and looked around.



It began to scream in panic, its eyes filled with fear.

There was such a big polar bear running towards me in the distance.


This is becoming a spirit! I have never seen such a big polar bear in my whole life!


Bai Yang watched the seal twist its body and begin to crawl towards the edge of the ice floe, and couldn't help roaring.

It's close, it's coming soon!




There was a cracking sound from the ice beneath my feet.

"Damn it, no! It's coming soon!"

Bai Yang immediately jumped up.


But it was too late. A large piece of ice floe under his feet collapsed completely, and Bai Yang fell into the water!


The ringed seal, which was crawling desperately into the sea, heard the sound and looked back!


That huge polar bear is missing?

After taking a look at the huge hole in the ice, the ringed seal seemed to understand that the polar bear had trampled the ice!

You deserve it!

Who made you so strong? It’s no wonder this ice can support you!

However, you can't stay in this place for long. Who knows if this polar bear will come looking for you after climbing up!

Thinking of this, the ringed seal crawled towards the edge again.


Immediately crawling to the edge of the ice, it turned back and barked at the hole in the ice to express its ridicule.

He turned around and jumped into the sea.

The ringed seal kept waving its tail, but...

What's the situation, why is it waving its tail and not moving forward?


At this time, I felt my body being lifted high.

Ringed seal is confused!


Suddenly there was a sharp pain, and its head was hammered down. It was just in time to see before it died...

It turned out that after falling into the sea, this polar bear actually swam here to wait for him!

Damn, this polar bear is a real dog!


Bai Yang bit the seal to death and threw it directly onto the ice.

He put his palms on the edge of the ice floe and climbed up with difficulty.

There are disadvantages to this large size. It seems that the ice will no longer be his hunting ground in the future.

I was lucky this time. If it fell into an ice hole, it would be over!

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