Evolution: I became a polar bear

Chapter 66 Great changes in the snow-capped mountains!


Bai Yang yelled at King Kong who was already asleep.

Speechlessly, he stretched out his front palm and pushed down the leg that was on his body, and moved his body to the side a little.

This King Kong seems to be really a child!

Nima is so dishonest when sleeping, one leg is always draped over him.

Don't know how much you weigh?

King Kong was able to move yesterday, and the wound on his leg had basically healed, but Bai Yang never met the imperial mammoth again.

Since the last time, Bai Yang hunted on the tundra every day, always wanting to encounter it again. He didn't know where the mammoth went?

"Did you go further north?"


Thinking of this, Bai Yang thought of Mother Bear and Sister Bear again. He had no clue about finding them. With King Kong and himself like this, they would probably be attacked as long as they were close to humans.


"They must be fine!"

Bai Yang could only comfort himself in this way.

It's still too weak!

If you can evolve to the point of being invincible and no longer afraid of human heavy weapons, then...

The images of Mother Bear and the others kept flashing in his mind, and Bai Yang slowly closed his eyes.


Speechless, he glanced at the sweet sleeping King Kong. Bai Yang was so envious!

It seems that there are advantages to having lower intelligence!

Eat and drink enough every day without thinking about anything.


Bai Yang sighed again and prepared to fall asleep.

Tomorrow they are going to migrate further north. I don't know what's going on in this place recently, and the animals are getting rarer and rarer.

Yesterday, Bai Yang even saw a group of snow hares starting to move in groups towards the North Pole.

Did something change happen somewhere?


Just when Bai Yang was about to close his eyes, a bright light suddenly exploded in the sky.


King Kong woke up instantly, jumped up from the ground, and looked up at the silver-white light beam.

Bai Yang also frowned. The beam of light came from the snowy mountain far away and shot straight into the sky!


Huge rumbling sounds kept coming, and Bai Yang could tell that it was the sound of an avalanche. The beam of light actually shook down all the snow on the entire snow-capped mountain.


After looking at it for a long time, King Kong quickly turned his head and roared at Bai Yang, pointing at the snow-capped mountains with his fingers.

"what does it mean?"

"Are you going to the snowy mountains?"

Bai Yang turned to look at it and saw that he looked very anxious and kept dancing on the spot.

No way!

I'm afraid this light beam is not emitted by a simple thing. Now go to this snow-capped mountain?



King Kong kept pretending to chew something in his mouth, gesturing with his body with both hands, and pointed at Bai Yang.

After a long time, Bai Yang understood!

King Kong means that there may be good things on the snowy mountains, just like the small tree in the valley.


"real or fake?"

Bai Yang turned his head again and looked at the snow-capped mountains in the distance. At this time, he saw that the top of the snow-capped mountains was constantly emitting a dazzling light, and the light pillar soaring into the sky showed no sign of dissipating.


Get ready to say hello to King Kong and set off!

When I turned around, I saw that King Kong next to me had already run several hundred meters away!

Bai Yang took a deep breath and ran to catch up with King Kong.

Last time, the fruit of the small green tree gave him a full 10,000 evolution points, and...

If there is indeed that kind of plant on the top of this snow-capped mountain, it may be several times the size of the fruit of a small tree!

The fruit of the small tree can only emit a little light, but this thing on the snowy mountain is much more terrifying. Looking at this situation, the light beam is almost reaching the clouds.

I'm afraid it's not something simple.

Bai Yang also thought about it. With the great changes in the world and the resurrection of all kinds of ancient creatures, the plants in ancient times should also be reborn!

The small tree they ate from last time was probably from ancient times.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to add so many evolution points, which is simply more than what a prehistoric animal could add.


King Kong kept turning around to urge Bai Yang behind him. He seemed anxious.


At this time, a shocking wolf howl came from near the snow-capped mountains.

The white light from the top of the snow mountain made the surrounding area look like daytime. Bai Yang could see a huge white figure in the distance running towards the snow mountain. Judging from the situation, it should be for something on the top.


King Kong also saw the white figure, reached out and directly picked up Bai Yang behind him, and then jumped up quickly, each time he jumped up to a distance of several hundred meters.


There were bursts of roaring sounds from the earth behind him, and Bai Yang looked back.


Immediately roared loudly at King Kong.

Behind him turned out to be the group of giant birds he encountered last time, now wrapped in huge snow and fog and rushing towards them.

King Kong just glanced back, unmoved at all.


He raised a hand and swatted away a giant bird that rushed in front of him.

King Kong turned around and jumped up again, quickly rushing towards the snow mountain.

Bai Yang can see clearly now. I am afraid that this thing on the top of the snow mountain has a fatal temptation for all prehistoric animals. Otherwise, it is night, how could so many animals rush there in unison.


Every time the King Kong falls, a great earthquake trembles.

Behind him were a flock of giant birds that kept running.




At this time, the howls of various wild beasts could be heard from under the snow-capped mountains ahead.


Bai Yang couldn't help but swear in his heart. He didn't expect that this place would hide so many beasts. He had been driving here for almost half a month. Apart from meeting the saber-toothed tiger for the first time, as well as giant birds and mammoths, there were no other animals at all. I didn't encounter any other prehistoric animals.

Unexpectedly, all the animals were attracted to the top of the snow-capped mountains this time.

"call out!"

Suddenly, there was a burst of bird song behind him. Bai Yang looked back and saw that all the giant birds stopped at this time. A giant bird that was obviously taller than all its kind came out and kept looking at him. It is not difficult to see among the creatures under the snow-capped mountains that the leader of this giant bird is hesitant.


However, King Kong also stopped at this time, and slowly placed Bai Yang on the ground with a serious look on his face.

Bai Yang has never seen King Kong show such an expression.

Is it possible that the front...

The bear stood up and Bai Yang looked down the snow-capped mountains.


Several huge beasts were confronting each other at the foot of the mountain, each of them no smaller than King Kong.


Bai Yang took a breath of air.

You can tell just by looking at their size that there are probably at least 5 ancient creatures in front of you!

Moreover, Bai Yang saw a familiar figure, which was the ancient imperial mammoth. At this time, it was staring at a giant silver-white wolf in front of him.

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