Bai Yang immediately rushed to the side of the little whale and turned to look at the tundra.


A familiar scent could be smelled from afar, and a snow-white figure quickly ran towards this side.

It’s Mother Bear here!

The nose of polar bears is very sensitive, 7 times that of dogs. After the calf landed, the mother bear noticed a smell of blood from a long distance away. She followed the smell all the way to find it. Unexpectedly, it was at the door of her own home. .

Pausing at the edge of the rock, Mother Bear looked around.

No other creature found the baby whale carcass earlier than she did.

Stepping on the rocks, step by step.


Bai Yang jumped out and roared at Mother Bear.

The mother bear was instantly frightened.


She slapped the cub aside, and when she walked behind the calf, the mother bear paused.

In front of him was the corpse of a snow wolf.

He lowered his head and sniffed it, and it was a snow wolf that had just died.

Mother Bear was confused for a moment.

He turned around warily and began to look around.

He just ignored Bai Yang!

In the eyes of the mother bear, she never considered that this snow wolf would be killed by her son.

After checking around, there was no sign of any other creatures.


Unable to bear the hunger, the mother bear quickly came to the calf's body and sliced ​​open the whale's skin with a pair of broad bear paws.


Lower your head and start eating.

Bai Yang looked at the mother bear devouring the food, and couldn't help but move to the other side and start tearing it apart.

Since this little whale cannot be removed, and it is estimated that more predators smelling blood will come soon.

It's okay if it's a snow wolf or something like that. Once a male polar bear comes, the mother bear will definitely give up this food, because for polar bear cubs, the biggest killer is the male adult polar bear.

It’s better to eat as much as you can while you’re at it!

Moreover, Bai Yang has recovered from his injuries, and the system's evolution value is no longer sufficient.

Mother Bear lowered her head and stood at the other end, not raising her head at all. She just lowered her head and kept tearing and swallowing.

Polar bears can eat 50-70 kilograms of food at one time. The mother bear has not been able to eat like this for a long time. Recently, the most she eats every day is some omnivorous food!

Although it can satisfy hunger, the most important thing for polar bears is fat!

How can you gain fat by eating omnivorous food?




At this time, bursts of wolf howls came.

Bai Yang glanced sideways, and sure enough, the snow wolves were coming!

However, with Mother Bear here this time, the Snow Wolf probably won’t attack rashly!


Mother Bear stood up, turned her head and rushed forward.

When the snow wolves saw a huge polar bear with blood on its mouth and neck rushing out, they immediately dispersed, letting out low roars.


Bai Yang also roared and rushed over quickly, imitating the mother bear, lowering his head and staring at the group of snow wolves in front of him.

I saw a giant wolf with a stronger body and whiter fur slowly walking out of the team.

"Is this a wolf?"

Bai Yang thought to himself.

The alpha wolf kept wandering in front of the group of wolves, his cold green eyes scanning the carcass of a small whale in the distance from time to time, and he lowered his head and stared at the two polar bears in front of him.


Waves of low roars came from his mouth.

Bai Yang nailed the bear's paw to the ground, his muscles tensed up and his hair stood up.

He could feel that the alpha wolf was hesitating!


However, the mother bear roared angrily and rushed forward a few steps.

The alpha wolf quickly backed away, and the wolves next to him also took a few steps back.

The war is about to break out!


However, I didn't expect that the alpha wolf in front of me howled loudly, glanced at the mother bear, lowered his head and quickly turned around and walked to the side, followed by the pack of wolves.

However, a group of snow wolves did not leave, but stood not far from the little whale's carcass.

The mother bear glanced gloomily, said nothing, slowly turned around and walked towards the whale carcass.

Bai Yang, who didn't understand why, could only follow his mother bear to the food again, lowered his head and started eating.

Although there was already a feeling of fullness in his stomach, he still struggled to swallow the whale meat.

The evolution value is really lacking!

Bai Yang turned his head from time to time and stared at the snow wolves in the distance, fearing that they would sneak attack.


But the mother bear wasn't worried at all. Without even raising her head, she stuffed the whole head into the belly of the calf, chewing and swallowing.

After the mother bear was full, she turned around and walked to the snow wolf's body. She pulled the body of the snow wolf with her mouth and slowly walked towards the cave.

It wasn't until they were far away that the group of snow wolves howled and swarmed towards the little whale's carcass.

Only then did Bai Yang understand!

I'm afraid this is the law of the frozen tundra!

No matter how much the mother bear tried to eat a small whale, it was impossible for him to finish it. All the alpha wolves chose to give in and quietly waited for the mother bear to finish eating before coming over.

After returning to the cave, the mother bear did not drag the snow wolf's body into the cave, but threw it outside the cave.


After the mother bear came back, she kept wandering near the cave entrance.

Bai Yang, who didn't understand why, could only lean against the rock and look at the mother bear spinning around. He had no idea what this meant!


Until much later!

The mother bear roared at Bai Yang, turned around and walked towards the tundra.

Bai Yang understood what he said, and Mother Bear asked him to follow him!

Are you full now? Are you going to hunt again?

No, there's still a wolf that hasn't been eaten. Just leave it outside. Aren't you afraid of being stolen by other animals?

Bai Yang didn't understand what Mother Bear meant, so he could only follow her step by step.

The mother bear walked very fast along the way. She didn't stop and look for some food to satisfy her hunger like before. This time, the mother bear seemed to have a destination. She no longer walked along the seaside, but went deeper into the tundra. Go deeper and deeper.

Until it gets dark.

Bai Yang vaguely guessed what Mother Bear was going to do!

They're moving!

Maybe it's because of the snow wolves today, or maybe the mother bear is afraid that the snow wolves know where the cave is...

In short, they are indeed moving!

And it's still far away from the sea, deep into the tundra.

Bai Yang, who has no sense of direction at all, doesn't even know which direction he is going now.

Going north will get closer and closer to the Arctic Circle. If you go south...

Based on the name on the system and the landforms, Bai Yang could probably guess that he was now in the territory of the Bear Country. If the mother bear continued to go south, she would gradually be far away from the Arctic Circle!

Just like this, I was speechless all the way!

Under the black night sky, the cold wind howls!

A round female bear was followed by a cub with snow-white hair. Under the night, it kept walking in one direction.

I look back from time to time. I have lived in this cave for more than a month. Speaking of which, Bai Yang is still a little reluctant to let go!

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