Evolution: I became a polar bear

Chapter 98 I’ll kill you in one fell swoop!


The Fengshen Pterosaur spit out a piece of meat from its mouth again, looked at the cubs next to it, and couldn't help but neigh with pride!

As long as the three cubs grow up successfully!

By then, on the entire continent, except for the terrifying existence on the volcano, they will have no natural enemies anywhere else!



The giant white bear I met in the past two days was really interesting!

You don’t have to worry about hunting anymore every day, just grab the white bear’s food!

It’s simply not too beautiful!

Ever since the Fengshen Pterosaur successfully snatched food from Bai Yang for the first time, it felt like it had discovered a new continent!

He no longer hunts safely every day, but just hovers over the entire grassland, waiting for the giant bear to finish hunting and grab it again!

This not only saves energy, but also allows you to come back to accompany the cubs as soon as possible. It’s so comfortable!

"Fuck her second uncle!"

Bai Yang was lying behind the tree, listening to the proud roar of the Fengshen Pterosaur, and suddenly felt furious!

How hateful!

Damn it, she actually stared at him.

Why don't you hunt properly for your size, and you try your best to just grab other people's food?

Can this be tolerated?


I whispered to Erha Penguin not to run around!

Bai Yang slowly got out, then lay down in the grass, and moved step by step towards the direction of the Fengshen Pterosaur.

Fortunately, when Bai Yang found the Fengshen Pterosaur family, he reduced his size to the smallest state. If he was lying in the grass at this time, it would be impossible to find them if he didn't search for them specially!

Climb forward for more than ten meters again!

Suddenly, a young Aeolus pterosaur not far away seemed to have discovered something. It raised its head and kept looking around.

He actually walked directly towards Bai Yang!

"Damn it, how did this little guy find out?"

Bai Yang took a deep breath and buried his head lower. He must not let this little guy find out, otherwise the plan of a direct sneak attack would fail!


The little guy's two wings, which have begun to take shape, are standing on the ground. He walks towards the grass step by step, stretching his neck to sniff from time to time!

It smells strange!

It should be in the grass!

Stretching out its wings to push away the grass, there was nothing in front of it. The baby Aeolus pterosaur looked back in confusion. The brothers behind him were still grabbing food, and the mother pterosaur had already begun to eat by herself.


The little pterosaur was about to turn around and leave.



A pair of huge white bear paws on the back pinched its mouth directly, and then it felt pain in its neck, and the little pterosaur fell unconscious!

Bai Yang bit the little pterosaur to death in one bite, slowly dragged its body behind the tree, threw it next to Er Sha, reduced his body shape to its smallest form again, and then slowly crawled over!

At this time, the Fengshen Pterosaur lowered its head and kept tearing at the Brontosaurus corpse, not even realizing that a small pterosaur had disappeared!


Like an experienced hunter, Bai Yang straightened his hind legs and crawled forward slowly.

Finally, we arrived less than ten meters behind the Fengshen Pterosaur.

"about there!"

"Pounce on it immediately and bite it to death!"

Bai Yang took a deep breath as he kept thinking about various possibilities in his mind!

"Furious fury!"

"Thorn Armor!"

The skills are fully activated quickly, and then the size becomes larger!

The height increased to 20 meters in the blink of an eye!

However, Bai Yang didn't expect that the Fengshen pterosaur in front of him would eat so happily, and he still didn't notice that he had grown so big!

"Damn it, the ones you grab are really different. They are better than the ones you catch!"

Bai Yang slandered in his heart and gritted his teeth!


Let out a thundering roar!

Then the bear stood up and pounced!


The Fengshen Pterosaur was a little confused when he heard the roar.

Why is this voice so familiar? It's exactly the same as the cry of the white bear!

Is that white bear chasing me?

How can it be?


The Fengshen Pterosaur turned to look at his cubs, and found that one of them was missing. His expression changed greatly, and he hurriedly dropped the flesh and blood in his mouth, and flapped his wings to fly.


Suddenly, I felt a pain on my back, and then a pair of claws directly hooked its neck, pulling it to the ground!

Suddenly a bloody mouth appeared in front of him, and the terrifying and ferocious fangs were right in front of it!



Bai Yang bit the eyeball on the side of the Fengshen Pterosaur's mouth!


Half of its face was torn off in an instant.

The Fengshen Pterosaur let out a shrill scream, and its huge wings wanted to flap towards Bai Yang.

However, Bai Yang, who had considered various possibilities, had already changed direction. He still hugged the neck of Fengshen Pterosaur with his forepaws, twisted his hips and jumped to the other side instantly!


Bite the other half of the Fengshen Pterosaur's face again!

"Quack, quack, quack..."

Bai Yang retreated decisively, and the two eyes of the Fengshen Pterosaur in front of him had been torn off by him.

At this time, the blinded Fengshen Pterosaur seemed to be going crazy, its wings spread out and kept waving.


The big tree next to it was knocked directly to the ground.


Suddenly, Bai Yang felt a pain in his feet. When he lowered his head, he saw two small pterosaurs staring at him angrily and biting the soles of his feet.

"It's really a bandit dragon!"

Bai Yang couldn't help but sigh!

He raised his feet and stepped directly on the heads of the two cubs!


Step on it hard!

Suddenly there were two explosions!

Bai Yang lowered his head and took a satisfied look, then raised his head to look at the Fengshen Pterosaur!

Without its eyes, it couldn't flap its wings and fly into the air!


Bai Yang roared on the spot and moved to the left in an instant. Sure enough, the Fengshen Pterosaur opened its mouth wide and bit into the spot where Bai Yang was just now!


However, Bai Yang rushed forward from the side, and his sharp bear teeth pierced directly into its neck!

The sharp bear claws kept tearing at the wings of the Fengshen Pterosaur!

Suddenly, the fleshy membrane that looked like bat wings was torn open by Bai Yang!

"Quack quack..."

Listening to the miserable scream of the Fengshen Pterosaur, Bai Yang raised his head and took another bite!

While you are sick, I will kill you!

I want you to steal my food!


Finally, under Bai Yang's continuous violent tearing, the Fengshen Pterosaur howled and its huge body fell to the ground.


Bai Yang took a deep breath and climbed down from the body of Fengshen Pterosaur.

I was about to yell at Er Sha in the distance to tell him to come over quickly!


Before Bai Yang could roar!

Er Sha's howl sounded first!

I saw it waving its wings and running towards Bai Yang desperately.

"Quack, cluck, cluck!"

"Dad Bear, run away, the monster is coming!"

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