Dozens of black lightning rushed past, and Chu Feng's body also turned into a black afterimage.

The black flash current passed through Chu Feng's body. However, after the flash current passed, there were a total of three black dream horse corpses on the ground.

"It's been a long time since I felt this way."

Chu Feng gently wiped the red blood off his face, his eyes became more excited.

Since his rebirth, he has not actually encountered too many decent enemies.

Although he had been forced into a desperate situation before, it was after his vitality was exhausted. As long as he still had power, it would not be considered a desperate situation for him.

During this time, most of his energy was spent on the refiner.

This is a necessary stage to develop one's own power, but this is not his main purpose.

For him, the most important thing is to improve his strength.

The Hell Nightmare Horse clan dispersed, forming several circles around Chu Feng.

Then, a dozen **** nightmare horses launched a charge towards Chu Feng in opposite directions.

The charge of the Hell Nightmare Horse blocked all angles, making Chu Feng inevitable.

A faint smile appeared on the corners of Chu Feng's mouth when he saw the Dream Horse blocking all angles.

His speed is not as fast as the Dream Horse, but the Yuan Ling Dao Body can predict the actions of all enemies and let his body make corresponding movements.

And this increase is based on my own response consciousness.

If he is just an ordinary person, then the essence of the Dao body is at best to make his attacks more precise, but he itself is a battle-tested battle. After the increase of the essence of the Dao body, all actions, Almost all anticipation has become instinct.

Turning his body upward, he pressed one hand on the back of a nightmare horse, and escaped the impact of the **** nightmare horse in the air.

At the same time, his Nether Cold Iron Sword blocked the path of a Hell Dream Horse.

The Hell Nightmare Horse sprints too fast, so fast that even oneself can't make a correct response to the sudden situation.

There was no sound, and a Hell Dream Horse became two halves.

So Chu Feng didn't need much strength at all, he only needed the sharpness of the Netherfrost Iron Sword itself, plus the sprint speed of the Hell Nightmare Horse, to achieve this effect.

All Chu Feng needed to do was put the sword in the right position.

Of course, there is another requirement, that is, his hand holding the sword must be steady.

However, relying on the sharpness of the Nether Cold Iron Sword and the terrifying power of the innate sword aura, Chu Feng separated the body of the Hell Dream Horse without much resistance.

But when he turned over in the air, a sudden change occurred.

The dream horse on the side passed by, and after the black figure passed, several dream horses suddenly appeared in Chu Feng's line of sight.

This is the blind spot of vision, the blind spot of vision created by the charge of the Dream Horse itself.

If Chu Feng fell on the ground like this, he would immediately be overturned by the unicorn of the dream horse.

In such a battle scene, all you need to do is to attack him once and the battle is over.

With one enemy and many, it was originally an unfair duel.

The Hell Dream Horse was like a black bolt of lightning, hitting Chu Feng's body with lightning speed, and the eyes of the three Hell Dream Horses without hands were excited.

has it ended?

At the moment of contact, Chu Feng suddenly stretched out his left hand and pointed it like a sword.

He became the left hand of the sword finger, and slashed it on the proud horn of the dream horse.

"What is he going to do?"

Even the Tier 6 Dream Horse with very rich combat experience can't understand Chu Feng's movements at this moment.

It could see that the sword in Chu Feng's hand had different responses, but it didn't mind, because humans were originally creatures that were good at using weapons.

What is the difference between letting humans not use weapons and letting nightmare horses not use unicorns?

Being able to obtain the weapon of the gods originally proved the excellence of this human being.

But, did he use a palm and a single horn to split?


A crisp sound passed, and Chu Feng turned over to the ground, his left hand stained with blood.

However, the dreamy horse had fallen to the ground, and the whole horn was cut in half along the horse's head.

"Is it just injured?"

The aura on the sixth-order red unicorn dream horse became fierce. I thought I didn't need to take action, but now it seems that I still need to take action.

After a large number of dream horses sprinted for a certain distance, they immediately returned to the encirclement circle, and after a round, they began to sprint in the direction they were getting along.

The red unicorn dreamy horse turned into a black lightning, and the red unicorn on its head almost became an afterimage, sprinting towards Chu Feng's direction.

The scene around him was constantly changing, and the sixth-order red unicorn dream horse approached Chu Feng like lightning, and the approach speed was twice as fast as the ordinary dream horse.

The Nightmare Horse gave way, giving the red one-horned Nightmare Horse a chance to sprint.

At this moment, its eyes suddenly saw that Chu Feng shook his left hand, and all the blood was directly thrown out in this way, exposing a generous and sharp palm.

"Is he healed so soon? No, he is at all!"

The sprint speed of the red unicorn horse suddenly slowed by 1%, and it suddenly felt a panic of fear because it realized one thing.

The blood on Chu Feng's hand is all the blood of the dream horse!

In the clash between Chu Feng's palm and the dream horse, he was not hurt at all.

"come yet?"

Looking at this red one-horned dreamy horse, Chu Feng's eyes only left fierce killing intent, even if he appreciates the opponent's strength and pride.

But in such battles, he simply couldn't keep his hands.

"Innate Sword Qi!"

The innate sword qi in Chu Feng's body exploded in an all-round way. Under the influence of the Yuanling Dao Body, even if it had exceeded the limit of his body, the damage to his body was still minimal.

This is because the Yuanling Dao body itself has a strong control over the vitality, even if it is the innate sword aura, the composition is still vitality.

"More powerful!"

Chu Feng's sword aura suddenly increased. Since the innate sword aura in this state had no harm to his body, he continued to improve.

Innate sword aura has a characteristic, that is simple stacking.

By continuously stacking sword aura, you can become stronger, sharper, swing the sword faster, and make the sword more sharp.

A sword qi storm blew up, and a sword qi and blood lotus formed beside Chu Feng.

The other two Tier 6 Mongoose horses launched a charge, but just reached halfway point, they suddenly changed their direction, and then their hoofs rubbed on the ground, forcibly stopped their figure, and trembled all over.

The sword qi and blood lotus stopped, and only a piece of broken body was left beside Chu Feng.

The speed of Hell Dream Horse was too fast, and Chu Feng couldn't keep his hands.

Looking at the two Tier 6 dream horses trembling all over, Chu Feng stretched out his left hand with a red unicorn in his palm.

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