Only six years before the last protection period of the earth!

Lu Chen remembered that Feng Xiantai said that after becoming a fairy, he would directly improve his strength. He didn't complete the triumph, and he lost this opportunity to improve.

However, the old gentleman seemed to be very interested in his "potential", that is to say, maybe he had spent the twelfth-level catastrophe three times, and it was not without gain!

Seventh Heaven no longer quantified the attributes, and even the personal panel disappeared. Lu Chen could only find the gap through the battle of immortals or through discussion.

"Senior Lishang, may I ask, are there any restrictions on the Seventh Heaven Battle Spirit?"

Li Shang smiled slightly. He was very clear about Lu Chen's situation. He was relying on himself all the way, his strength was strong, and his theory was poor...

What's more, he was the first to come to Seventh Heaven after Nine Days officially opened the service on Earth, so naturally he didn't know the situation of Seventh Heaven.

He patiently answered, "The Seven Heavens Battle Soul will no longer have the ability to unite soul and body!"

"Huh? Isn't that a loss?"

"Because it is only the body that is really embarking on the immortal road, and the battle soul attribute will no longer be a limitation of the body's promotion." Li Shang said.

"This, isn't this a big loss?"

"No, Lu Chen, listen to me first." Li Shang said, "The attributes of the battle spirit now have two functions. One is as a stock. You can withdraw the attributes to yourself, and after the withdrawal, the battle spirit The attributes will be reduced accordingly."

"In addition, the battle spirit will be able to act independently! As long as you inject a small amount of soul consciousness, your battle spirit will become your most loyal subordinate."

Lu Chen's eyes widened, the battle spirit still has this effect?

Seeing Lu Chen’s shocked look, Li Shang laughed, "Actually, there are many things that war souls can do. Haven’t you encountered many war souls before? In fact, these are war souls with the abilities of the immortal body. How much soul consciousness is injected, how many own attributes are left, and the ability of battle souls also differ greatly."

"Seventh Heaven's strength improvement mainly depends on cultivation, and the progress of cultivation is often slow, so most people will extract a large part of the battle spirit attributes, and the remaining small part can be used to help themselves with some trivial matters."

"If combined with some special items, the magical effects of battle spirits can be said to be countless."

Speaking of this, Lu Chen did remember that he had encountered many battle spirits before.

Desolate gods, ice gods, and Nuwa should also be war souls... Considering their role in the lower realm, it seems that the separation of war souls can't be said to weaken the strength.

"Oh, yes, you need to withdraw the useful things from the battle soul as soon as possible."

Lu Chen frowned, "But there are some things that don't have a corresponding withdrawal volume, such as my mentality."

Li Shang was not surprised, "This question of you is something that all people who have just entered the seventh heaven will encounter. Before, there was almost no body mental method. Cultivators rely on withdrawals to enhance their body attributes."

"But in the Seventh Heaven, withdrawal is no longer the main method. Therefore, when it becomes an immortal, Jiutian will not only directly increase the strength of the robbers, but also directly transform the mind and some of the techniques into reality. Gongfa."

Lu Chen took a deep breath, "I'm going, I'm not at a loss for one and a half!"

Li Shang thought for a while and said, "Your situation is special, and I have never heard of it, but there is no need to worry."

"Senior Lishang, is there any remedy?"

"Yes!" Li Shang gave Lu Chen an answer from the beginning.

"any solution?"

"Seventh Heaven does not specialize in the withdrawal of treasures of a certain mental technique, but the spiritual film! With enough of these spiritual films, you can transfer the items from the soul of the war to yourself, whether it is the mind, the practice or the equipment. "

"Of course, depending on the level, the number of spiritual tablets required for various items is also different."

Lu Chen asked, "Where do you get these spiritual films?"

"The celestial battle record exchange, celestial fate, true celestial reward, treasure exchange, etc. can all be obtained. In fact, this is a relatively common treasure, and there are still many ways to obtain it."

However, Lu Chen still frowned. In his current situation, it may be too early to participate in the battle of immortals. After all, he still has the last coordinate on the earth in his hand, so he can't be kidding.

As for the immortal courtyard, it is something you can never ask for, a reward from a true immortal... He didn't even intend to recognize the Lord.

The only thing that is feasible is the treasure exchange, but he has no treasures to exchange.

Is it possible to replace the little beast?

I don’t know if anyone wants...

Lu Chen was thinking wildly and saw Li Shang snickering there. Lu Chen suddenly realized something was wrong, "Senior Li Shang, why are you laughing here alone?"

"I, what is my Yinxiao?" Li Shang was caught off guard by Lu Chen's words, "I am a deep smile!"

"Oh...then what are you doing with this profound smile?"

With a black line from Shang, this kid really doesn't look like a fairy.

"Have you forgotten? We have been here for some years. We also know that our strength is limited and we have always been frugal. With the support of a lot of resources before, we have also saved a lot of spiritual tablets! "

Lu Chen's eyes widened, and he saw hope all of a sudden, "Thank you, Senior Lishang!"

"I, I haven't said that I want to give it to you..." Li Shang shook his head. Sometimes this kid is silly, sometimes better than a monkey.

"Well, I won't sell it anymore. Immortal Master Lu Yuan has left you some, plus we like it. There are a total of 1,100. Anyway, we people don't need it anymore. It must be given to you. ."

"One thousand and one hundred!" Lu Chen said in surprise, and now he can transfer all the gods and demon sets that were not withdrawn from the battle soul.

Li Shang smiled slightly, "1100 spiritual films, this can be considered a huge wealth, how about, we old things are still useful, haha, here, these spiritual films are collected, and we should be able to exchange a lot of things. Up."

Lu Chen took a stack of neatly arranged spiritual tablets. These spiritual tablets were like dragon scales. One piece was the size of a palm, but as thin as a cicada's wing, and more than a thousand pieces were not thick.

"The attribute interface of your battle spirit can still be used, so first summon the battle spirit and inject the scales into the items that need to be reflected to transfer." Li Shang guided Lu Chen.

Now the battle spirit is "summoned", instead of relying on the unity of the soul and body to wake up the battle spirit.

Lu Chen tried to summon the battle spirit.

In front of him, a guy exactly like himself appeared.

This is your own fighting spirit?

Lu Chen checked the properties interface of Battle Spirit and everything was normal.

"First extract the mind of the gods and demons." The mind is the foundation of cultivation, and it must be given priority.

Inject one spiritual response, two response, three tablets...still no response.

Lu Chen suddenly felt like throwing money into it. The injection of Zhang Ling's film was like throwing in one hundred yuan bills...

"700 pieces..." Lu Chen was almost crying, crying, still smashing spiritual films in, "Senior Lishang, is 1100 pieces really a huge fortune?"

Li Shang's face was pale, "Well, Lu Chen, you, what are you withdrawing... 700 pieces have not been raised yet? Normally, only two or three hundred pieces of fairy law can be raised!"

900 pieces, Lu Chen almost doubted whether his fighting spirit was broken...

Lu Yuan is a legendary real immortal, plus more than a dozen people like Li Shang, they still have a lot of resources for nine days to support, and this has saved 1,100 spiritual films.

In a blink of an eye, Lu Chen had already smashed 980 pieces!

And the gods and demons mixed original mind method, still failed to withdraw!

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