Lu Chen's mood was not very good. He had been comprehending the Sky Fury Spear for decades, and he had made no progress!

No matter how careful he is, once the skill is about to explode, the spiritual power will be out of control.

He can't remember how many attempts he has made, and he has failed again and again, and revived again and again, which has already made him exhausted.

Is it possible that I can't do this trick after all?

"I haven't grown a bit in the cultivation space for decades, and I feel like people are getting old..." Lu Chen shook his head and walked out of the room.

It seems that the practice of enlightenment can no longer help him in his cultivation.

At this time, the staff ran over tremblingly, "My lord, it's about to start the exercise test."

Lu Chen glanced at the other person and said listlessly, "I know, you don't need to tell me!"

"No, this trial is different from the past!" the man said anxiously.

Lu Chen was slightly surprised, "What's the difference?"

"This time, because the opponent is too strong, you can use other auxiliary means!"

Lu Chen frowned slightly, "Nine Tribulations and Nine Stars, isn't it just one star more than before? I think the strength of this level is improved, not as much as before."

"My lord, this is not the case. Each battle soul has a different proportion of the master's soul consciousness, and the strength is not the same! Moreover, this time your opponent is not a human being."

Lu Chen looked at the person strangely, "Isn't this Human Immortal Territory? Where is the foreign immortal?"

"Isn't it a foreign race, but... Do you know what the main body of this trial site is?"

"do not know."

"Hong Mongol Tree!"

"Huh? Hong Mongolian tree?"

"Yes, the Hong Mongol tree has one leaf and one world. The practice rooms are actually leaves on the ancient tree. Although this is just a small branch of the Hong Mongol tree, it also has the same ability." The man continued, "Your next opponent will be the manifestation of the consciousness of the Hongmeng Tree."

"Isn't it, the Hong Menggu tree only has nine stars of rank nine?" Lu Chen asked in confusion.

"No, it just shows one-tenth of the strength of the Nine-Star Nine-Star True Immortal, basically equivalent to a powerful Nine Tribulations Nine-Star True Immortal Battle Soul."

"My lord, even though the Hong Mongol Tree only displays the strength of the battle spirit of a nine-star true immortal, it knows innumerable abilities. If it really is a true nine-star battle soul, it is also one of the strongest. At this time, let you use only one exercise method to deal with it, it is impossible to win."

Lu Chen's eyes, which were already dull, gradually gained brilliance.

The stronger the opponent, the more excited he is. This is a problem he has had since entering the nine days!

"One of the strongest...Unfortunately, it is only the battle spirit, but at least it is more interesting than the previous battle spirits! Other auxiliary skills can be used, right?"

"Yes, but you can't use other attack skills."

Lu Chen nodded, turned and walked towards the ring!

When Lu Chen stood on the ring, the entire training area, including the two huge rock walls, all shrank underground, and the range of the ring was directly expanded more than ten times!

Lu Chen looked back, his training room had disappeared.

"The little vine should be part of the Hong Mongol tree, and it won't be dangerous."

Withdrawing his spiritual consciousness, Lu Chen looked at the surrounding environment.

The ring became bigger and bigger, there were no other changes, but at this time there was no one on the ring except Lu Chen.

Just when Lu Chen was looking for his opponent, several vines stretched out from the ground, intertwined with each other, forming a human-shaped meridian outline, filling the muscles and covering the skin...

Not long after, a beautiful woman appeared in front of Lu Chen.

After being covered with green leaves, she became a long green dress on her body.

Lu Chen watched the vines turn into a big living person, blushing slightly... During the process of forming this woman, Lu Chen saw a lot of scenes that shouldn't be seen...

Although it showed that he knew that this was not a real person, Lu Chen always felt a little shy.

Looking back at the spectators, they were all unmoved and calm.

Lu Chen sighed, it was no surprise that they were all over here.

It seems that there is no hope of finding an immortal couple in Xianyu.

The person opposite said, "Why, shy?"

"No, no! What a joke, brother has never seen him in the world!" Lu Chen straightened up and said.

The woman hid her face and smiled, "Yes, you are someone who has met the world, so you have been touching people's bodies before, right?"

Lu Chen almost spit out a mouthful of blood, staring at the beautiful woman, "You, are you...little vine?"

"Everything here is part of my body, what do you think?"

Lu Chen took a deep breath, good fellow, his last opponent was actually the little guy in the room!

The woman's eyes were smiling, "I might as well tell you, I'm good at Speed ​​Kage Gun, Rebellious Dragon, it's impossible for you to win against me!"

Lu Chen was stunned for a moment, "You, you secretly learn my skills!"

"It's called secret learning. I can't learn if you practice in your own mind, but you broke the eight-story pagoda, and you practice the gun in someone's body. People can't learn it or not..." , The woman is still shy.

Lu Chen stared at the woman, "You, do you learn my marksmanship just by watching me use tricks?"

"The auras here are all controlled by me. Now that I understand the aura of your moves, I will naturally understand your moves. As for comprehension, there are no fewer than thousands of skills I have learned, and they should be no worse than you. Right." The woman stretched out the vine from her hand, and the vine wriggled, forming the shape of a spear.

After a while, the woman had a spear that looked exactly the same as the Void Destroyer Gun!

"I can imitate your weapon."

Lu Chen frowned.

If what the other party said is true, then this time I am afraid it is really troublesome.

He can only use auxiliary skills and Void Destruction Spear, and the opponent is not restricted!

As for the attributes, Hong Menggushu should be unfamiliar to him!

He fought against Hongmengshu without any advantage and was completely suppressed!

"It's been eight hundred years. You are the first person who has made me so interested in these eight hundred years." The woman smiled charmingly, "Oh, no, it should be said that you have been the most interesting to me in thousands of years. those who are interested!"

"A mortal who came to enter the fairyland is really unheard of! Isn't it?"

As soon as this word came out, the audience was silent!

A mortal? What this means is no longer necessary to explain.

This number 101 is not even Sanxian!

"Boy, I think you are so good to others, and I promise you that if you win, I will give you a special reward!"

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

The woman quickly put a smile away, "But if you lose, I'm sorry, I won't be merciful, after all, I really want to trap you in someone's body forever..."

Lu Chen's eyes twitched, how should he win this battle?

The only hope, I am afraid, is the trick he has never shown.

But he still hasn't comprehended the sky fury spear...

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