Li Shang, Ye Fan, Jin Luan and others stared at the sky in a daze.

Who's anger aroused Tianwei? !

A black shadow shot directly from the sky above the battlefield, and fell in front of Li Shang and the others with a thud.

Lu Chen stared at the wounded here.

"Little Green!" Lu Chen called out Little Green, "Quickly, no matter what method is used, save them!"

Lu Yiyi hurriedly checked everyone's injuries...

Li Shang, Ye Fan, and Jin Luan looked at Lu Chen in shock.

"President! You are finally back! I knew you would definitely be back! Hurry... Hurry, no time, Senior Lishang, coordinates!"

Without time to speak, Li Shang hurriedly controlled the coordinates to fly in front of Lu Chen and gave them to Lu Chen.

Less than a minute, no matter what they have a thousand words, transfer coordinates is the top priority!

Lu Chen accepted the coordinates, then glanced at the injuries of everyone, furious.

Among these people, how many people can still be saved! They are delaying time with their lives, everyone has done their best to protect the earth!

Ye Fan Jiu'er also came, but it is a pity that Lu Chen has no time to ask more. He put one hand on Ye Fan's shoulder, nodded at him, and said with a trembling, "Ye Fan, good job... you guys have a good rest. Leave it to me!"

"Chen'er, be careful, there are 183 challenges!"

Lu Chen is back, but it doesn't mean that the coordinates are saved.

The real battle has just begun now!

Six years of preparation, no, if you count Lu Yuan, Li Shang’s layout decades ago, then the preparations for decades are only for this battle!

War of Guardian!

There are already 183 challengers in this battle, but there is only Lu Chen on the earth!

Lu Chen nodded, "Senior Lishang, I'm going!" After that, he turned and walked towards the Fairy Dou arena.

Jin Luan took a pill and struggled to sit up, his eyes followed Lu Chen's back, breathing quickly.

"Lao Li, can that kid hold on?"

Li Shang leaned against the wall and sighed, "I don't know, I just know that if he can't even hold him, then no one can hold him!"


In Kunlun City Fairy Arena, a Sanxian had been waiting there early.

The last one of the earth was originally in the bag, but this group of scattered immortals was weak or weak, but too cunning, and had to wait until the last minute of the response time to accept the challenge.

He shouted to the audience, "I said you refuse to give up on the earth's trash? The true immortal who helped you can't move, no matter how hard your ten ants struggle, they can't change it!"

"What else needs to be guarded in a world like yours? A group of scattered immortals are the worst among the scattered immortals! As I said earlier, killing all of you will not waste so much time!"

"You still don't agree with the challenge, Li Shang, I think you might as well give up, lest you have to be beaten to death by me after you take the stage!"

At this moment, the top of the ring prompted, "The only one who has accepted the challenge, please come to the stage to accept the challenge within 30 seconds."

The Sanxian frowned slightly.

Who is I alone? Those scattered immortals on the earth have already been on stage, and some people have even been on stage twice, but I have never heard of such a person.

But then he was relieved again.

"It is estimated that I found someone to die, anyway, those immortal cultivators on the earth are notoriously weak, and everyone is the same!"

"Hey, I'm the only one who is crazy! Come on stage and die. To be honest, I will give you a good time!"

On the other side of the Fairy Arena, a tall man appeared at the entrance.

The wind lifted up his black gold-patterned robe, but it couldn't quench the anger in his eyes.

Not long after, Lu Chen had already walked to the center of the ring. He glanced at the Sanxian, narrowed his eyes, and said coldly, "Who do you think is rubbish?"

The man was not afraid of Lu Chen at all. He raised his head and said contemptuously, "What do you mean? Look at the **** on your earth. They are beaten like dogs. Isn't this rubbish, what is it?"

"In this world, the strong can ravish you rubbish!"

"To be honest, Lao Tzu is not interested in your garbage planet at all, I just don't think you are worthy of appearing in the seventh heaven at all! Being a fairy with you is the biggest insult to me!"

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "I'm sorry, I am not a fairy!"

The man cut, "Isn't it a fairy? Is it possible that you are still a real fairy? Dreaming!"

Lu Chen said calmly, "I am not a true immortal, I am a human king."

"Human King Realm? You, what are you kidding?!" The man suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Lu Chen incredulously.

Lu Chen sneered, "I'm telling you this, in fact, I want you to figure out one thing before you die, you are not worthy of being compared with Li Shang!"

With a ding sound, Xiandousai began.

The man shouted angrily, "I am the only one who is crazy, you are really crazy enough! It is a pity that your madness does not match your strength, so you are just a jumping clown!"

"I will let you know what the Seven Tribulations Sanxian is!"

"Xianshu·Seven Psionic Cannon!"

This guy is actually a blasting expert. This is the first time Lu Chen has seen a psionic blasting expert in Seventh Heaven. If he changes his usual routine, he might still have a good chat with the other party.

But now they are enemies!

Lu Chen snorted coldly, and instantly opened the form of the gods and demons symbiosis and the dragon god!

In the distance, Ye Fan leaned against the wall and frowned when he saw Lu Chen's shape change, "Strange, when the symbiosis between gods and demons is activated, how can there be a virtual image of gods and demons for a moment?"

He has seen the dean fight many times, and he knows well about the symbiosis between gods and demons. Before, he only turned white hair and grew a bunch of fox ears. But just now, at the moment when the symbiosis between gods and demons was launched, two afterimages suddenly appeared. After shaking the surrounding space, it disappears quickly.

Li Shang frowned. The last time Lu Chen and Changsheng fought, there were no remnants of gods and demons...

"Should it be... upgraded!" Ye Fan widened his eyes.

Lu Chen's symbiosis between gods and demons has indeed been upgraded, and now it has eight changes of gods and demons, and the effect is stronger than before!

"Quick Shadow Gun!" With a loud shout, Lu Chen already had a black long spear in his hand. In an instant, the gun was united and shot out!

In an instant, four more shots!

The Qijue Psionic Cannon had just started, and a dark shadow had already reached the Sanxian first.

The man's eyes were round, and the speed of this shot was too fast for him to dodge.

"So fast... Psionic armor shield!"

At the moment when the shield was formed, the Godslayer Spear had directly penetrated the shield, without even triggering a strong aftermath of the spiritual explosion.

The collision of powerful skills will inevitably have spiritual power fluctuations, but if the two moves are too different, the aftermath of spiritual power will not spread in the future, and it will have been swallowed by the stronger party!

A polar shadow pierced through Sanxian's chest instantly!

After a while, Sanxian fell straight forward with a frightened expression.

Kill the Seven Tribulations Sanxian in a second!

There were no other planet coordinates on this Sanxian just now, but Lu Chen could obtain the Celestial War collateral of this Sanxian, which was equivalent to the planet coordinates. What exactly it was, needed to be extracted after the war.

Lu Chen stood in the middle of the ring again, squinted slightly, looked at the corpse on the ground, and said coldly, "Trash!"

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