Lu Chen was afraid to shoot Mulong, "Mulong, I appreciate your kindness, but I still have one thing to do, and I may not be able to walk with you."

Mulong looked at Lu Chen in surprise, "Lone crazy, don't worry, I will convince them..."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "I'm not worried about this. I have something to do. I'm going to the ninth-level altar."

"Nine-level altar?! What are you going to do! The number of beast cores required for activation of the nine-level altar is amazing. We can't gather them in such a short period of time, and now a large number of alien beasts are going there. You are now in the past. very dangerous."

The woman next to it also said, "The ninth-level altar cannot be activated by outsiders like us."

Why didn't Lu Chen know this. He killed so many people and only enough to activate the fourth-level altar. With ten times the number of beast cores, he didn't know how much it would cost at the ninth level.

"Isn't the army of alien beasts going to activate the ninth-level altar? I plan to take the opportunity to grab their chance."

"What! I'm the only one crazy, are you crazy, you are going to die!" Mu Long said in shock.

The woman also frowned and looked at Lu Chen again.

This guy is very strange, unable to perceive his spiritual power immortal road...what! This guy didn't open a fairy road?

"You... are Sanxian?"

"No, he is the King of People." Mu Long replied casually, the woman almost short-circuited her brain, and she froze there.

Mulong looked at Lu Chen and said anxiously, "I am the only one who is crazy. You have to think about it clearly. Even if you are very strong, you will probably be dead or alive when facing the army of millions of alien beasts!"

Lu Chen took a deep breath. Seventh Heaven, with a weak human relationship, it is really rare to meet someone who cares about him.

Perhaps the immortal may not be ruthless, but it is too deep...

"I know, but there is a question I must find the answer!" Lu Chen said firmly, "If I leave here, maybe I will never have a chance!"

Mulong kept staring at Lu Chen, and finally sighed when he saw that he had no intention of wavering.

"Okay, I see... I'm the only one who is crazy. We have sought guidance at the altar in front. The alien beast army will open the ninth-level altar in half a month. By then, the crack defense will be the weakest!"

"But even so, there is no defender there, and the army of the immortal king will definitely launch a breakthrough attack!"

"It is too late for you to come back from the ninth-level altar. Once you miss it, the crack may be closed! You put away this "traveling amulet for a thousand miles", and if...if you can complete the task alive, activate this talisman! "

At this time, the woman finally recovered from the shock she had just received. When she saw Mu Long handing the Thousand Miles Towing Talisman to Lu Chen, she was surprised, "Mulong, Thousand Miles Towing Talisman must be effective, someone must be thousands of miles away to cooperate. ."

"If there is one chance of escape, then one will be missing. Don't you plan to leave?"

Lu Chen stared at Mu Long, "Brother Long, this...I can't take this thing!"

"Take it!" Mu Long said, "Knowing that I will die, I still have to go to Longtan!"

"There are not many people I admire, but I am the only one!"

"Two days! I will wait for you for two days! In two days, if I die, I'm sorry, I can't help you, if I am not dead. If you use this symbol, I will respond!"

There is no doubt that these two days will be a difficult battle, not even losing Lu Chen to face a hundred five-star fairy kings alone!

Although Lu Chen and Mulong have only two sides, they were in the ring last time, but the two are already friends of life and death!

Lu Chen took a deep breath and put away the Thousand Miles Tow Talisman, "Brother Mulong, if we can leave alive this time, I will definitely go to Taibai Cave to drink a thousand cups with you!"

After that, Lu Chen turned his head and sank into the forest with the big white tiger.

Looking at Lu Chenyuan's back, the woman frowned, "Mulong, do you know what you are doing?"

Mulong took a deep breath, "I know! I have been a fairy for so long, sometimes I forget that I was once a passionate person like him..."

Hot blood? This word has become extra strange after hundreds of years.

"Um, is he really the King of Man?"

"Um...oh, no, he is the Savage King!" Mu Long suddenly remembered this.

"Wild...Savage King?" The woman didn't react for a while, just murmured, "It's really wild enough..."


In a blink of an eye, Lu Chen had been in the forest for more than ten days. In these two days, he had hardly found the trace of the fairy king, but saw many strange beasts moving in groups to the depths of the jungle.

Perhaps the ninth-level altar was opening soon, or perhaps the alien beast found that there was no fairy king nearby, and they also gave up defending by the altar.

Only as Lu Chen went deep into the jungle, and there were high-level altars nearby, Lu Chen finally found a smaller altar.

After observing, Lu Chen confirmed his safety, and the cat walked to the altar with his body.

"This should be level five... I don't know if the beast core spirit core on my body is enough!"

Beast cores are good tricks in low-level heavens, but they are rare in Seventh Heaven. Lu Chen's remaining hands were obtained from the Maze of Ten Thousand Realms last time.

With the addition of more than 60 Immortal King Spirit Cores, Lu Chenqing exhausted his fortune and finally activated this altar.

"Do you want strength or guidance?"

Lu Chen took a deep breath, "May I ask first, what price should I pay if I want to gain strength?"

"I will return part of the spiritual power of your sacrificed spiritual core to you, and your physical body needs to withstand the pain caused by the expansion of spiritual power in a short period of time." The elf beauty said briefly.

Those beast nuclei Lu Chen could directly absorb 100%, so he didn't bother to get power before.

But now it's different. There are 56 five-star fairy king spiritual cores here, which Lu Chen cannot absorb!

Lu Chen thought about it for a moment.

Although he still has too many questions, the next big battle is extremely dangerous. It is not an easy task to slip away under the nose of an army of alien beasts whose strength is comparable to the five-star fairy king.

"I want strength!" Lu Chen said decisively.

The woman put her hand on Lu Chen's head, "This is the power you want!"

A powerful force, as if the rivers and seas burst and poured down, Lu Chen was like the first time he was in the Xinghe Waterfall, almost to be washed away by the ferocious spiritual power!

Lu Chen hurriedly yelled, "God and evil coexist! Dragon **** form!"

"Don't resist spiritual power!" the elf said suddenly.

Lu Chen's thoughts turned sharply, he wanted to absorb spiritual power rather than resist it!

He hurriedly introduced two major states, while forcing himself to calm down.

Use luck as you wish!

Gradually, Lu Chen's expression didn't look so ferocious, he began to absorb spiritual power, and his spiritual power was also growing rapidly!

After only tens of seconds, the empowerment has ended.

The elf woman hesitated to see Lu Chen's gaze, because the human in front of her was not as unconscious as the others, and even died suddenly!

He stood there calmly, if it weren't for the uncontrollable ferocious aura around him, the elf even suspected that his empowerment had failed.

"Yes... as you wish!"

"Interestingly, a ten-three-star king who actually mastered his luck...oh, no, it's... the fourteen star savage king!"

Lu Chen opened his eyes slightly, and he looked at his badge, the level that had not changed for a long time, at this moment, he was upgraded to fourteen stars!

If you like to evolve and upgrade from wild monsters, please collect it: ( From wild monsters to evolve and upgrade, the literature update is the fastest.

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