At night, Lu Chen still had to practice his mind, and Mengxi was also lazy and lived in Lu Chen's wooden house.

"This girl, aren't you afraid that I have any wrong thoughts about her?"

In other words, Lu Chen still cannot control some of the instinctive reactions of his body. For example, in the past two years, when he saw Mengxi's bumpy figure, he could not help but feel a little strange.

Lu Chen shook his head, he had better not stay, just let Mengxi stay and go to the Stone Forest to practice.

Early the next morning, Mengxi washed up and came to Lu Chen!

"Lu Chen, go, I will accompany you to find the dean, so that you won't regret it!"

Lu Chen took care of washing by the stream, stood up and looked at the rising sun, but a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Before I go to sign up, I have to collect an account."

"Collection? Then I'll go with you!"

Lu Chen turned to look at Mengxi, "This account may be a bit bloody, are you sure you want to follow me?"

When Mengxi heard it, she was stunned.

But she soon understood that what Lu Chen was going to collect this time was probably not finances... but life!

Mengxi said solemnly, "Anyway, you and I are people who have today and no tomorrow, I will accompany you!"


Over the years, Ding Hu didn't dare to provoke Lu Chen, but his power in the handyman service was getting stronger and stronger.

Relying on someone above him, as long as he doesn't agree with him, he will try his best to torture.

It is said that since Lu Chen left, there have been two lives here!

In this way, Ding Hu was actually still sitting firmly in the hands of the boss, and the others were really "talking about tigers", and no one dared to come forward.

When preparing for breakfast, a teenage child was chopping wood, and suddenly a rattan whip was drawn on him, and the child fell to the ground with blood and foam.

When other people saw this scene, no one dared to come up and say a word.

Yang Yong hurriedly walked to Ding Hu and flatly said, "Brother Hu plays well, this kid is so hard to chop firewood, he must be educated!"

Ding Hu snorted coldly, walked to the child, and raised the child, "I didn't smoke him because he was not doing well, but because when I saw him, I remembered that dog thing!"

Yang Yong's eyes turned, and he immediately understood, "That is, that Lu Chen, who took care of it once, actually got a named disciple, it's really damn!"

Ding Hu squinted his eyes slightly, "I'm really careless, I really shouldn't have agreed to let him take the lead, otherwise, I can slowly kill him!"

"Brother Tiger, how can you be blamed for this, who would have thought that a ten-year-old kid could have such a cooking skill!"

Ding Hu also became more and more angry, "Lu Chen, now I can't move you, right, but immediately Bai Xing abdicated, I will immediately let my uncle accept your registered disciple, and then I will take your skin off!"

Still puzzled, Ding Hu raised the vine whip and was about to draw the boy on the ground again.

It's like Lu Chen is lying on the ground now!

"Oh, that child is afraid that he will be slapped alive!"

"Shhh, keep your voice down, Ding Hu hears you, the next one is you!"

"Damn, no one dared to touch this Dinghu?"

"No one dared to move him before, and no one dared to move now! His uncle is the next dean. Who dares to move him?"

However, at the moment he fell with his whip, his vine whip was suddenly touched by a total of light force, and then the strong vine whip was blown to pieces in the air!

Everyone looked at this side in shock.

Ding Hu looked at the bare vine whip handle, "What the hell? Why did this whip explode by itself?"

Away from the crowd, a tall teenager and a beautiful woman walked out of the crowd.

When they saw these two people, Ding Hu and Yang Yong were stunned.

This is not the transparent one that has been forgotten by many people... Lu Chen!

Yan Zhu also saw Lu Chen in the distance and hurried over, "Master, why are you here?"

Lu Chen just said to Mengxi, "Mengxi, is there a life-saving medicine?"

"There is a blood circulation pill." Mengxi handed a pill to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen turned out the pill, "Don't interfere here." After speaking, Lu Chen walked to the pyre and looked down at the child's condition.

The child was delirious and looked badly injured.

"Come on, take this pill." Lu Chen took the pill to the child.

With this pill, this child should not be in serious trouble.

Lu Chen stood up and said to Yan Zhu, "Yan Zhu, help this child down to rest."

Yan Zhu was stunned. What happened to Lu Chen today? Is this going to tear Ding Hu?

But the master is destined, he can only do so.

While supporting the boy, Yan Zhu whispered to Lu Chen, "Master, don't be impulsive...I will be back soon."

Lu Chen just smiled, and did not promise anything.

After Yan Zhu left, Lu Chen looked at the firewood. Back then, he was beaten here by Ding Hu and others.

He turned around, looked at Ding Hu with a surprised look, and said quietly, "This place is really missed."

Ding Hu narrowed his eyes slightly, "Lu Chen, what do you mean? Seeing your posture, you are here for revenge."

"Don't think that you have a registered disciple order, you are qualified to be arrogant in front of me!" Ding Hu is not afraid, "You have been in the academy for so many years, you should know that Lao Tzu is someone you can't afford!"

Ding Hu swaggered towards Lu Chen, "Lu Chen, I haven't provoke you in the past few years, but your good days may be coming to an end. Bai Xing is about to abdicate, and my uncle will soon become the West Holy Spirit Academy. Dean."

"Hearing this news, are you desperate? You Lu Chen can't escape Lao Tzu after all!" Ding Hu poke Lu Chen's chest with a rattan whip handle, with a smile in his eyes.

After making Lu Chen comfortable for so many years, this time he can get even worse, and all have to come back!

Suddenly Lu Chen grabbed Ding Hu's wrist.

Before, Lu Chen was just a child, not as tall as Ding Hu, but now he is half a head taller than Ding Hu.

"You, what are you doing!" Ding Hu tried to break free, but found that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free of Lu Chen's palm.

Lu Chen looked at Ding Hu coldly, "Under normal circumstances, I don't kill mortals, but congratulations, you won the prize."

Lu Chen's palm slowly increased, and Ding Hu's entire wrist continued to twist until his fingers were deformed and his wrist twisted.

"Ah, ah! It hurts! Lu Chen, you let me go! Ah!" Ding Hu's expression had become savage because of the pain.

However, Lu Chen didn't mean to let go. With more force in his hand, Ding Hu's entire wrist bone was directly crushed!

As soon as Lu Chen let go, Ding Hu took a few steps backwards, "You, you are crazy! Do you dare to hurt me in broad daylight!"

Ding Hu's eyes were blurred, Lu Chen appeared in front of him again, his left hand clasped his right shoulder like an eagle claw.

Kakaka, scapula, right arm humerus, crushed every inch!

At this time, Ding Hu's right arm was only connected by the skin, and there was no bleeding, but the whole arm had been softly set up, with a strange shape.

"Ah!" Ding Hu let out a heartbreaking wailing, crushing his entire arm alive, this kind of pain is simply unimaginable.

Lu Chen looked at Ding Hu coldly, "Don't you like to use this arm to draw me?"

"Ah, ah, Lu Chen, you, you are so crazy! Come on, come call me Ding Shanhe!"

Lu Chen raised his foot fiercely and put one foot on Ding Hu's knee. Ding Hu's right leg was weirdly broken back at the knee, and Ding Hu fell to the ground.

He looked at Lu Chen in horror, how could this guy become so powerful, he is a five-star monk, and he has no power to fight back at all?

Moreover, Lu Chen's cruelty is more terrifying than him!

He is not in a hurry to kill himself, he is making him more painful than death!

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