At this time, Lu Chen had been fighting for a long time, his white hair was stained with blood, but he still arranged to fight tiredly.

South China Sea can't be lost!

China cannot be broken!

The earth cannot die!

But at this moment, in the sky, a phantom of a blood-red long knife of thousands of meters, reflected the whole world!

The influx of violent spiritual power makes this blood-red giant knife more and more specific!

The entire Nanhai Tianhai was shrouded in blood!

When people saw this scene, all the people on earth couldn't help but take a breath.

"This, this is... Immortal Venerable's strength? This, this is to destroy the earth!"

"My God, can anyone with the combined skills of Three Hundred Immortals be able to withstand this blow?"

"It's over..."

Three hundred immortals gather spiritual power, and the power of this blow is enough to smooth the entire South China Sea, and even spread to the entire Eurasian continent!

"Hahahaha, I am the only one who is crazy, I want to block my profound spirit cavalry, stop dreaming!" Hongyue laughed wildly.

"The Immortal Army of Ten Thousand Races will inevitably destroy the Human Race. You and other despicable races are no longer worthy to exist in this world!"

Lu Chen killed several people with a single shot, then looked back at the giant knife.

This imaginary blood-red long knife is already like an entity, which shows how terrifying the spiritual power contained in it.

"Have you seen it, this is my Profound Spirit Absolute Learning Profound Sky Six Realm Slash, which can break through the heavens, break the six realms, and destroy the stars!"

"I'm the only one who is crazy, aren't you crazy? Are you not very strong? Today, I see if you take this strong cut or not!"

If what Red Moon said is true, then people still underestimated the power of this knife.

This knife can directly destroy the earth!

While talking, that powerful blood moon giant knife has fallen from the sky, smashing the ground!

Sword Qi does not travel fast, it can be said to be unusually slow.

However, at the moment the sword was released, the world was shaking!

The sound of the rumbling shakes the eardrums, a large number of coastal buildings collapsed, and the glass shattered! !

The sea water of the South China Sea blasted frantically, but no waves were formed. The flying sea water evaporated directly!

Shipwrecks and boulders on the bottom of the sea have risen slowly from the bottom of the sea!

The air became blurred, and the battlefield became so unreal in an instant.

Xuantian Six Realms Slash, still distorted in space!

Such a terrifying move is unrivaled!

Little Beast yelled, "Dad, this trick is too strong to hold it!"

"My God..." The defender looked at the falling knife blankly, with despair in his eyes, even the little beast said that, indicating that I alone can't handle this move.

Even if I was the only one who was mad and strong, the combined blow of the three hundred immortals was too terrifying, and this was no longer something humans could resist.

"A planet, could it be destroyed by a single knife like this?!"

"If I alone can't take it anymore, then no one can take it..."

But before people could react, it seemed like an instinctive reaction, and a black robe flashed rapidly in the air!

In an instant, a person rushed towards the huge and incomparable knife shadow.

"God Demon Lotus Heart·Heart Demon!"

Lu Chen used the last boosting skill again to raise the Void Destroyer Spear to block the sword!

The moment Lu Chen came into contact with Xuantian Six Realm Swords, he felt an unparalleled pressure pouring down.

This kind of power is something he has never encountered before!

The powerful combination technique of the Three Hundred Immortals is so terrifying, this move is extremely slow, and while sacrificing the speed, it also has the power to destroy the world!

In front of the huge knife shadow, a black spot exploded the whole body's spiritual power, his eyes were splitting, his face was hideous!

Being at the core of the spiritual collision, it also meant that Lu Chen's body was under tremendous pressure that was unimaginable.

In an instant, his black golden dragon robe exploded in an instant!

At this time, people have seen Lu Chen's upper body muscles swell and blood vessels burst!

After a while, Lu Chen didn't know how many blood vessels burst directly in his upper body! The whole body was stained red with blood!

"Unexpectedly, Lu Chen, you really dared to take this knife!" Hongyue was condescending and looked at Lu Chen with a smile, "Oh, by the way, I forgot, you are a mortal, and you didn't cut the dust."

"Here, there are your relatives, your friends, and your concerns..."

"Tsk tusk tusk tusk, look at this beautiful planet, the sky, the ocean, these are all things you want to protect."

"So, if you want to climb to the pinnacle of martial arts, you should cut off the dust, lest these boring things become your weakness."

"Lu Chen, it's a pity, you can't protect what you want to protect!"

At this time, Lu Chen was still struggling to resist Xuantian Six Realm Slash. In just a moment, he was already covered in blood, bleeding from Qiqiao!

"Dad!" Little Beast wanted to come over to help, but Lu Chen yelled, "Don't come over, keep the line of defense!"

Little Beast had tears in his eyes, and shouted, "Dad, hurry up, you can't stop it!"

Lu Chen stubbornly prevented Xuantian Six Realms Slash, his eyes were extremely firm, his voice was not loud, but it was extremely clear.

"If I can't even protect the things I want to protect, why do I need this repair?"

"As long as I, Lu Chen, don't die, you will never want to move the earth half a minute!"

Hongyue didn't care at all, she waved a sword aura and blasted directly on Lu Chen's back, leaving a blood mark instantly.

Obviously, Hongyue did not kill him, he was pretty sure that Lu Chen could not stop the attack!

"Look, you all say that I am the only one who is so powerful. He can't even hide from me with a single sword. You said, where is he so powerful?

"Hahahaha, Hongyue, when you say that, I also think that I am the only one who is crazy, so I will try it too."

With another sword, the wound on Lu Chen's back was deeply visible, but he didn't kill him.

Lu Chen couldn't get away to resist at all, vomiting blood, but he blocked Xuantian Six Realm Slash!

"Dad! I, I, I want to kill you!" The little beast was furious.

"Little Beast!" Lu Chen said angrily, "Don't let me get distracted!"

Xuanling Xianzun had a lot of fun, "We Xianzun did it. I think it's uplifting him. Let Sanxian give it a try."

Dozens of scattered immortals beat Lu Chen in turn.

"I drive you crazy!"

"Fight back, why don't you change hands?"

"I'm the only one who is dignified, how can I be whipped by us like a dog!"

A series of swords, lights, swords and shadows, mercilessly beat Lu Chen on the back and legs, flesh and blood flying!

At this time, hundreds of heads of nations stood up involuntarily at the headquarters of the Earth Alliance on the Pacific islands.

A clank man on the Iron-Blooded Great Wall, tears slipped from the corner of his eyes.

"Lu Chen... it is my honor to meet you in this life... hurry up, if you survive, you might even avenge us!"

Leng Nuo was already in tears, she couldn't bear to look again, but she had to.

"President, let's go, you have done enough for the earth... this life will be raging and die without regrets!"

"Master, I blame us for being so useless and unable to do anything..." Ningshuang was already crying into tears, "Go away, you will be beaten to death by them like this..."

Little Lu Yao's eyes were red, and his heart was cut as he watched the man on TV.

"Dad! This is my dad, he fights for the earth, fights for mankind, fights for us!"

Lu Yi's tears had already burst, and she couldn't wait for the attacks to hit herself instead of her brother.

"Brother... let go..."

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