Many Immortal Venerables here have not really seen Lu Chen, and suddenly heard someone ranting on the Xianding Tiantai, and immediately caused a thousand waves of waves with a single stone.

"Who is so arrogant!"

At this moment, hundreds of thousands of people flew out of the cliff behind that person.

They were suspended in the air, occupying half of the sky.

The immortals of all races couldn't help being surprised. Where did the courage of the human race dared to show up here with soldiers?

The Celestial Demon Race Xianzun looked at these human races, his gaze fell on Zi Ling, "Ziling, do you want to make a desperate move? How dare you come here?"

Zi Ling smiled slightly, "You Wu, I didn't come alone."

The Celestial Demon Clan Immortal snorted, "With a group of mobs, can you still want to change your fate against the sky?"

"Just you people, there are hundreds of thousands of miscellaneous fish, I don't think it can be lifted by the slightest splash!"

Zi Ling said, "What I mean is actually just one person."

"One person?" Yao Wu frowned slightly, and finally his eyes fell on the man wearing the hat.

The aura exuding from this guy can smell dangerous even if he is the strongest immortal of the sky demon!

And among the human race, there is probably only one person who can have such a momentum.

Could it be that person? ! It’s just that I’m the only one who is trapped in the defensive array of Heaven’s Path, isn’t it? It should be impossible to come out.

At this time, the voice of the man in the hat resounded again, "All the heavens and the immortals of all races, listen to me!"

"This time the Ten Thousand Clan Immortal War against the Human Race has ended in null and void!"

As soon as this remark came out, a wave of waves was immediately stirred up!

"Void? Dream it! Since the Human Race is defeated in the Battle of Ten Thousand Races, the Human Race must be destroyed!"

"It's such a big tone. Among the ten thousand clan, no immortal venerable dare to say such a thing. You, a small human clan, dare to speak up and invalidate the result of the ten thousand clan immortal war?!"

"Don't you have a solo madman to survive. When my army of billions of immortals launches a general offensive, will he be able to stop it?"

The man in the hat snorted coldly, "You are right. If your army of billions of immortals launches a general attack on the human world at the same time, I really cannot stop it."

"But, why haven't you launched a general offensive until now? What is the result of your dozens of flag sacrifice battles?"

"Listen well, I'm not asking for your opinion, or give up on the human race and continue to attack, or... die!"

After all, the man took off the hat!

The moment he took off the hat, the Immortal Venerable Ten Thousand Clan was all moved.

"Yes, it's him!"

"The human race is only mad!"

"Impossible. Didn't it all say that he was trapped in the Heavenly Dao defensive formation? Why is he here?"

Lu Chen looked at the immortal venerables indifferently, "How do I get here, don't bother you to worry about it, now I say it again, you either give up and continue to attack the human world, or you immortal veterans..."

"I'll give you a chance, let's go together!"

The immortal statues of all races looked at each other.

"I'm the only one who is crazy, you are too arrogant! Everyone, is it possible that there are tens of thousands of top immortals of various races, and they are no match for mortals in this area?"

"Yes, if this battle retreats, my heart will inevitably shake when I wait, and I am afraid that there will be no hope for martial arts in the future!"

"Kill the so-called madman, the human race will be broken. We have discussed for so long, and now the opportunity is delivered by ourselves!"

Lu Chen stepped forward, killing intent in his eyes.

"It seems that you don't see the coffin without weeping!" After that, after taking out the God and Demon Promise Sword and the Void Destruction Spear, he walked to the edge of the roof alone, looking at the tens of thousands of immortals around him.

"In that case, stop talking nonsense!"

"I'll fight until you take it!"

How could the Immortal Venerable of the Ten Thousand Races be easily shocked by Lu Chen.

All of a sudden, the Immortal Venerables of Ten Thousand Races sacrificed their exercises.

Lu Chen snorted and directly activated the boosting skills such as the symbiosis of gods and demons to call out the little beast, the little source and the little hairball.

At this time, the hearts of the human race are hanging by a thread, but I am alone, and I will face tens of thousands of immortals! And it is also the top immortal sovereign of all races!

Such a battle is simply unheard of! But at the same time, this battle is related to the fate of the entire human race.

Here Lu Chen just shot at the Mantian Immortal Venerable, a goblin clan Immortal Venerable suddenly killed the human army.

Suddenly, Lu Chen shouted violently, "God is coming!"

Almost at the same time, a figure appeared in front of that guy.

Lu Chen was furious, "I have cultivated to the Immortal Venerable, so I can only use such despicable means!"

"A sword breaks the sky!"

A sword seals the throat, and the goblin Immortal Venerable is directly killed!

Seeing this, the other immortals couldn't help but feel chills in their hearts.

"Although the goblin clan is not strong, why do they have no reaction time at all, so they are killed by me alone?"

"Why is this guy so fast! Even if I opened the blinking third eye, I couldn't see clearly?!"

"Divine skills and physical skills can make him ubiquitous on the battlefield. No wonder how confident he is and dare to bring the human race to come!"

Within such a small area, Lu Chen didn't need to release the clone first and then descend, making it even more invincible.

Killing the Goblin Immortal Venerable with one sword, Lu Chen snorted coldly, "It is my fault to give you time to sneak attack! But you will have no chance later!"

After that, Lu Chen raised the Goddess Killing Spear and shouted angrily, "Gunxu·Earth Demon Xuanming Spear·Sky Profound Demon!"

"Conquering the Void·Void Destroying Spear·Endless Dawn!"

Suddenly, the white light flashed, and the whole area was shaken and the mountains shook, large areas of mountains collapsed, endless evil spirits gushing out from the ground, and the sky was dazzling with light, shining all over the earth...

When the one-star emperor, Lu Chen could already kill a hundred immortal venerable, at this time, when he was upgraded to two-star, Lu Chen's combat power had reached the level of completely crushing the immortal venerable!

Whether it's attack, speed, especially the combination of magical skills and physical skills, let Lu Chen enter the enemy's formation, as if entering the land of no one, killing frantically!

These 10,000 Immortal Venerables are all of different races, and they don't even have racial magic skills, and they can't stop Lu Chen's onslaught.

One sword breaks the sky, extreme ice flame explodes sword, heaven and earth evil, heaven and earth one shot, sky fury spear, endless dawn, earth fire burns the sky... Sword skills, spear skills, elemental spells, Lu Chen’s attacks are endless, and there is no change. Measurement.

Ziling looked at the back figure fighting in the battlefield, and couldn't help sighing, "It's so easy to kill the Immortal Venerable, this guy is really a monster..."

Another Immortal Venerable on the side said, "Ziling, you and I are both Immortal Venerables, and both have experience. In the eyes of others, I think I am unpredictable, but at this moment, when we look at Lu Chen, it is not like a real immortal. Looking at the battle of Immortal Venerable, I find it hard to stand by."

For a long time, Zi Ling sighed, "Actually, the strength of my madness should no longer exist with the Seventh Heaven."

"I remember that he entered the Seventh Heaven for no more than ten years. It is really shocking that he can achieve such an achievement in ten years."

The man said, "You and I only saw him fighting the Immortal Venerable, but I never saw what he had experienced..."

Blood-stained in the clothes, Lu Chen stood with a gun and sword, facing the strongest immortal deity of the ten thousand clan, Lu Chen's eyes were blood-red, and gradually became bloodthirsty.

He gave a low voice, "Too empty form!"

Demonize the right arm!

"How many immortals there are, let Laozi go together!"

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