In a blink of an eye, the small hair ball and the small beast were both hurt!

The leader of the Chaos Beast roared, and a large number of Chaos Beasts pounced on the little hairball and the little beast!

Seeing a large number of Chaos Beasts pounce on Xiao Mao Tuan and Xiao Beast, Xiao Yuan's clear eyes filled with tears in the profound beast formation.

However, even if the two beasts were torn apart and eaten, Xiao Yuan couldn't leave the defensive formation!

At this time, more Chaos Beasts are coming here.

"Woo..." Xiaoyuan wailed several times.

Qian Ji watched the Chaos Beast rush towards him, swallowed, "Damn it, I'm going to die here!"

"Lu Chen, you wake up quickly! Don't you always turn danger into a breeze!"

"Hey, Jiuyou, please do it!"

The commander had been standing behind the defensive formation, squinting slightly to see everything in front of him.

The strength of the leader of the Primal Chaos Beast was a one-star mid-level god, to Lu Chen and the others, it was an insurmountable mountain.

The two beasts will soon be eaten by the Chaos Beasts, and the defensive formations of the Earth Guard and Beast God will not last long. In the end, Lu Chen and the others will be wiped out.

"Even if you are the Chaos Spirit Core, you can absorb the power spar before the mid-level god, and you are lucky to die without exploding. In a short time, Lu Chen can't resist the fierce spiritual power of the spar."

"It's really unpredictable. I escaped the chase of Iron Armor and Mandrill, but died in the hands of Chaos Beast." The commander shook his head and sighed. "It's a pity that the four beasts haven't grown up. If you go to heaven, let When they truly develop, how can these four beasts put the chaotic beasts in their eyes..."

The commander glanced at Lu Chen who was cultivating again, and sighed, "This kid's performance during this period of time is really remarkable, it's a pity..."

Dozens of Chaos Beasts surrounded the little beasts and the little hairballs, one by one showing sharp teeth, drooling...

"Roar!" With dozens of roars, a group of Chaos Beasts rushed forward mercilessly.

The little beast looked at the figure in the blood shield, and the ground guard's defense was slightly resisted for a moment, before being dissipated by the crazy chaotic beast.

The four puppets fell weakly to the side, their limbs scattered all over the ground, and Qianji's head rolled on the ground with a face full of unwillingness.

The Four Gods and Eight Desolation Shields were also in danger, fearing that they would be breached soon.

"Dad, I'm sorry, we couldn't hold on..."

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly remembered.

"Triple door! Listen with all your ears!"

Suddenly, an extremely powerful force directly pulled the little beast and the little hairball into a stone gate.

In the next second, Little Beast and Little Mao Tuan were already in the shield of Gods and Eight Desolations.

Little Beast looked at Lu Chen in shock, "Dad, have you absorbed it?"

Lu Chen bleeds from the seven holes, and he nodded, "This spar's spiritual power is too fierce, and it almost didn't destroy my spiritual core. Fortunately, I have practiced in nine-day stars."

"Using the method of reversing the universe, with a little control, you can make four or two a thousand catties, which can be regarded as a disaster."

Little Mao Tuan and Little Beast are desperate, but Lu Chen is not easy either. He also walked on the edge of life and death just now!

Lu Chen stood up, looked at the Chaos Beast attacking the defensive array, and finally turned his gaze to the damaged earth guards scattered on the ground.

Without the master's control, the strength of the earth guards is greatly reduced, but they can be regarded as meritorious. If it were not for them to delay for a while, the defensive formation would have been destroyed long ago.

"The triple door, listen with great respect!" Lu Chen took back the parts of the Earth Guard.

When Qianji saw Lu Chen, he almost burst into tears with excitement.

"You, you bastard, finally woke up! I almost thought I was going to die here!"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "I said, you don't die so easily, then you won't die here!"

"Xiaoyuan, take care of them!"

After all, Lu Chen's arms were demonized, and the Promise Sword and the Goddess Spear floated at the same time.

Lu Chen walked directly out of the defensive formation!

The handsome man widened his eyes and looked incredible.

"No, this guy... absorbed the Chaos Divine Mighty Spar?! This, how is this possible! How did he do it!"

"What are you kidding me? My dignified Chaos Demon God can actually make a mistake!"

"Wait! Five-star Wild God Demon Emperor? He really absorbed the Divine Might Spar!"

In five hours, upgrade from a three-star emperor to a five-star emperor! What kind of cultivation speed is this!

When Lu Chen walked out of the defensive formation, raising his hand was a move of the Profound Sky!

The Chaos Beast attacking the defensive array was immediately killed by a spike.

This time, Lu Chen's mass killing could already kill these middle-level Chaos Beasts directly!

Lu Chen stood in front of the beasts, facing the dark chaos beast in the mine room alone, with no fear in his eyes.

He finally looked at the biggest Chaos Beast.

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, "You almost killed the little beast and the little hairball just now!"

The Chaos Beast leader was not afraid of Lu Chen, and roared at him, "Roar!"

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "Then let you practice your hands first."

"God is coming!"

In an instant, Lu Chen passed a large number of Chaos Beasts and went directly to the leader of Chaos Beasts!

Ordinary Chaos Beasts can no longer capture Lu Chen's speed!

However, the leader of the Chaos Beast was extremely strong, and as soon as he saw Lu Chen, he grabbed it with one claw.

The Chaos Beast does not have many skills, but it is precisely this kind of primitive attack that eliminates all the complicated controls and only seeks to kill the opponent in the shortest time!

Its attack is so fast that the afterimage is invisible!

However, Lu Chen is faster than it!

"Against the gods and dragons!" Lu Chen quickly stabbed a shot while pulling the opponent's offensive spear with his left hand.

The Chaos Beast roared, and the other claw was already swept over.

At this moment, Lu Chen stepped back a few meters, avoiding the opponent's attack.

Seeing Lu Chen retreating, the Chaos Beast was about to pursue it, but he did not expect that Lu Chen's retreat was not just to avoid the Chaos Beast's attack, but more like a move!

"Tai Xu Form·Eight Spear Quick Shadow Gun!"

With a loud shout, Lu Chen seemed to have experienced a space jump, and he couldn't see his path at all, and he appeared behind the Chaos Beast in an instant!

Chaos attack directly broke the defense, Chaos Beast's greatest support, Chaos Spirit Shield, was in vain in front of Lu Chen's attack.

The power of the eight-gun speed shadow gun is more than double that of the seven-gun.

What's more, this trick was used by the five-star emperor!

There is no suspense, this shot, one shot passed directly through the body, almost unthinkable.

The chaos core within the chaos beast has disappeared, and it seems that it was taken away by the sky.

The Chaos Beast leader looked a little shocked, but he was more puzzled.

I was actually in the hands of this guy and couldn't make three moves!

After a while, the body of the leader of the Chaos Beast crashed to the ground.

The little beast looked at this scene in shock and muttered, "My God, is Dad already so strong?"

The commander's eyes widened, "Is there any mistake? It took him only five hours to escape from where he was killed to kill the opponent in seconds!?"

Give Lu Chen five hours and he can change the ending!

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