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Tens of millions of players were once again "killed" by the mad god, but the focus of the discussion at this time has been replaced by the mad god's strategy.

"True Old Yin Ratio!"

"The feeling that the mad **** gives people is that it seems more evil. Look at that time when the blood demons invaded, he killed both bosses."

"Well, in contrast, I prefer Wuming. Wuming will play Dahanbok for Chinese players. It feels a sense of justice."

"Kneel to Kuang Ritian, it's too insidious, the closed beta players have been broken, and I suddenly feel a little sympathetic to these closed beta players now."

"I just want to know, will Mad God return the carbine again?"

"It shouldn't be anymore. The mad **** should know that the prince is live broadcast, and in front of everyone he has already said that he will not come back. A character like him should not repent in front of so many people.

The souls of the players in the closed beta were standing next to the corpses, and were afraid to resurrect.

"Crash, collapse! This guy is too insidious! I can't stand it!"

"Will he be resurrected or not, will he still squat on us?"

Linglong Zixin gritted her teeth and said, "Resurrection! Resurrection together! I hope he will squat on us again to let everyone know what a sinister and despicable villain!"

Sword Immortal Fen Tian thought for a while and nodded, "Linglong is justified. It is worth replacing his notoriety with our death! Anyway, I have died so many times, I don't care anymore, everyone is ready to resurrect! "

Everyone clicks "Resurrection" at the same time!

As soon as they were resurrected, they immediately looked around. What was a bit disappointing was that I was the only one who was not guarding the corpse.

"Damn, I didn't even come to guard the corpse..." Fen Tianjian said in disappointment. This time the effort to corrupt the reputation of being the only one seemed to have failed.

At this moment, someone found a strange wild monster suddenly appeared behind a tree.

This wild monster looks a bit like a lion, with a big head, but is very small, about the size of a medium-sized domestic dog.

"Huh? Why are there wild monsters here? What is this? It's kind of cute."

The strange little lion walked in front of everyone.

"Roar!" There was a roar, without any momentum, and a little bit milky.

The shot of the royal prince recorded a precious end, and the audience was also very interested in this monster that had never appeared before.

"Are there any monsters here? I haven't seen them just now."

"It's so cute, I want to grab one here in the future." A certain Spirit Master said excitedly.

"Wait, how does this guy look familiar? Don't you think he is familiar?"

"Really, it seems that the cub of the mythical beast is a bit bigger. The cub of the mythical beast is probably the size of a newborn kitten or puppy, and can be held with one hand. This guy is much older."

There are very few people who have actually seen the Chaos Cubs, even if they are internal beta players, no one will show up with the mythical beast cubs every day.

Linglong Zixin frowned, "This guy looks like a chaotic cub, but it's much bigger."

As soon as Linglong Zixin finished speaking, the little wild monster instantly rushed towards Fentian Sword Immortal.

Go up an attack and directly hit 7000+ damage.

If this group of people is resurrected for the first time, this damage may not kill everyone in seconds. However, now this group of people have lost several pieces of equipment, and their blood volume and defense have dropped significantly. This slap is enough to make 90% of the damage. People go west again!

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked and speechless.

At the same time, more wild monsters came out from the surrounding woods.

Ten tigers, eight heads, three silly! With the cooperation of the lion head, the harvest was easily completed, and everyone died again.

Sansha was busy picking up equipment on the ground, while other wild monsters continued to guard the corpse...


Lu Chen went to the new map, but he didn't go far.

After walking out of the woods, there was a piece of yellow sand in front of the endless desert. Lu Chen found a place to sit and rest.

He reset his visual interface board, and he can now see the blood volume and damage ranking of all legion members.

The first place is undoubtedly the little lion head, followed by the two Shadow Gale Tigers. After calculating the sum of their damage, it seems that a wave of harvest has been completed.

This kind of visual interface board has an advantage, no matter who is hurt, Lu Chen can find out the first time.

There is also Xiao Min who is helping to take care of him, and he can arrive in time, his army is basically not dangerous.

That's right, Lu Chen didn't come to guard the corpse himself, but sent his wild monster army to guard the corpse, and killed these closed beta players again.

He has killed him twice and returned the carbine. In order to guard the corpse, Lu Chen played several times. The first time he pretended to go to a new map. The second time, he did not hesitate to make an unnamed clone to act together. He tricked them. The third time... ...Unless they are fools, if they don't have any new tricks, this group of people will definitely not dare to resurrect.

No, Lu Chen sent a wild monster army specially.

"Want to raise my level?" Lu Chen sneered, "It's really looking for death!"


The Chinese imperial capital, a skyscraper office building, suddenly heard an angry cry from a group of people.

"Fuck, I'm the only one crazy, I'm at odds with you!"

"No way, no way, I'm going to die of anger, I'm 4** dropped to level 42! Nima, this guy is too abnormal! Let's squat in a different way!"

"That's a sacred beast! Nima, why is his sacred beast so big? And those wild monsters, is he a puppet master? How many levels does a puppet need to bring so many puppets?"

"The King of Spirit Control can't bring so many babies, and the Shadow Gale Tiger! Go crazy, the BOSS can catch it, how much is his professional level!"

"Lao Tzu's high blood pressure... actually play us like this! Lao Tzu fights with him!"

"Call the big guys to save us, now we dare not resurrect."

This group of people has been maddened by the ego alone, but they did not dare to resurrect. They have lost several pieces of equipment, and the key is the level of madness.

It doubled in the previous two days, and Linglong Zixin finally rose to early 43, but now it has fallen back to 42! The situation of others is similar, at least 30 to 40 million experience lost.

It was said to block the nameless, and it turned out to be played wildly by myself, and the most terrible thing is that it was broadcast live!

Where to put the face of the closed beta player!

Fen Tian Jianxian couldn't help it anymore, he dialed a call.

"Big brother, we have been fooled by myself... He is still guarding the corpse now, we dare not resurrect."

A low voice came from the other side, "I've seen it, you guys really make faces for the closed beta players."

"Big brother, I'm the only one crazy... he, he is too strong, and very sinister, we can't play with him. Please let the big brothers take action."

"I'm not free right now, let the other brothers save you yourself. We are forming a team to get through the tower! We have passed the first little BOSS, and the things dropped are amazing!"

"Have you passed the first little BOSS?!"

"Yes, we have found some methods, and there have been a few masters, which is very awesome." The other party also looked a little excited, "It's okay for me to be crazy or nameless. When we go out, we will take care of them!"

If you like to evolve and upgrade from wild monsters, please collect it: ( From wild monsters to evolve and upgrade, the literature update is the fastest.

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