"Master Wushui..." Yaotong desperately ran to Wushui Battle Soul.

The company of thousands of years has finally come to an end today!

No one knows how deep the friendship between Huishui and Yaotong had been during the nine-day battle. It is enough to prove everything without giving up for a thousand years.

They may be Lu Chen, Xiao Min, and Xiao Lu of that era, but all of this is over after all.

Yaotong doesn't care if the person in front of him is repelling water, as long as he still has a little water repellent consciousness, that's enough.

"Master Huishui... don't..."

Unexpectedly, looking at Yaotong without consciousness, his dry eyes finally softened.

He raised his hand and gently placed it on Yaotong's head.

"Tongtong...I'm sorry, you have left you alone for thousands of years..."

"Master Huishui! You, do you remember me?"

"Even the simplest consciousness, I still remember you..."

In a word, Yaotong has burst into tears.

Perhaps Hui Shui didn't speak, just because he didn't want to talk, and every time Yaotong went to see him, he knew it.

It's just that he is waiting for this battle today. It is a pity that this battle has been lost. There is no absoluteness in such a battle of masters, and the victory or defeat is only in one thought.

But fortunately, now he can finally tell Yaotong that he is not alone for thousands of years.

"Tongtong, if you can go out alive, follow that kid. He has great potential, and you can tell from his attitude towards friends that he is a man of love and justice."

After speaking, Hui Shui's body gradually disappeared, leaving only the head, "Tongtong, tell that kid, Xuanbing blood can be..." Before Hui Shui finished speaking, it had already turned into dust.

The old fairy god, today's dust, dissipated from the palm of Yaotong!

Yaotong roared heartbreakingly, "Only I am crazy!"

"As long as you kill the desolate god, my medicine boy is willing to follow you!"

With a bang, the entire tomb of the gods was suddenly wrapped in a burst of chaos, and the surrounding wind was violent, and every bit of spiritual energy was full of strong killing intent!

Lu Chen gently put down Shuang Ling's body and slowly stood up.

"Needless to say, I will kill that **** myself!"

The saint said anxiously, "I'm the only one who is crazy. It's not time to be mad. Although Huang Shen is seriously injured, he is such a strong person, and if he is not careful, he will kill you!"

Lu Chen squinted his eyes slightly and stared at the Wild God Battle Spirit.

"Today, even if the desolate **** comes, I want him to die!"

Earlier, Lu Chen was already in his strongest state when he smashed the stone gate, but now it seems that it is obviously not enough to kill the wild **** war soul in this state!

Lu Chen took a deep breath, "Are you willing to help me?!"

"Ah? Of course, at this time, we are on the same boat, do you have any treasures? How can we help you?" others asked.

What Lu Chen wanted was only their affirmative reply, which was already the effect of accepting the power of Fengtian by default.

After that, Lu Chen yelled, "Feng Tian Divine Might! Against Heaven Demon Might!"

Double ** powers, if according to the innate power level, it is actually between ** to level 4, exceeding ** but not reaching level 4, but this is enough. More than 90% of people here are not. Having four levels of innate power.

The two special effects are activated at the same time. Although there are few people here, the strength is strong enough to fully support Lu Chen's simultaneous activation of the two innate powers.

The powerful spiritual air violently lifted Lu Chen into the air, like a **** and a demon!

The surrounding air was tumbling like his anger, out of control.

"That's, what is that? Innate might? How can my attributes be so low as to be like this!"

"How can someone have dual innate powers?! He is a **** or a devil!"

"Damn, the **** of desolation blocked the loophole in the door! He really wants to kill us all, now it's the only thing to look at this Human Race kid."

With 1.6 million attributes, it is now Lu Chen's strongest state!

"Sura Clone!" Lu Chen displayed three heads and six arms, and three identical Lu Chen suddenly appeared.

These clones are all physical clones!


Lu Chen opened the Tiantian Eye to deal with the speed of Huangshen's metamorphosis.

Not far away, Huangshen narrowed his eyes slightly and snorted coldly, "You... die! Kaishan fist!"

After all, the severely injured Desolate God exploded at an astonishing speed, and he was in front of Lu Chen in a blink of an eye.

"Although it's slower than before, it's still fast, I can't react at all!"

"Wait, that kid also shot at the same time? Can he react?"

Lu Chen was also a mortal, so naturally he didn't have time to react, but he had a celestial eye, and he could predict the skill position of the wild **** through the flow of aura.

"Hunyuan attack conversion!"

"Give me Frost Ling! Broken Void·Triple Combat!"

The three avatars blasted the strongest punch at the same time, the three punches were in one, and the punch collided with the fist of the **** of war.

With a loud bang, the entire tomb of the Desolate Gods was suddenly illuminated by a white light on the white screen.

The two strongest skills collide head-on, causing the aura to leak, rolling over too late and directly rolling to form a ball of white light!

In the ball of light, there were only four black dots, and nothing else could be seen.

"This, so powerful energy overflows! Be careful, everyone, that ball of light exploded into a huge energy shock wave!"

"Oh my god, that kid can actually fight against the **** of war!"

Even if the phantom battle spirit is severely injured, but the strength is still not to be glimpsed, like a seriously injured adult, seemingly dying, but can still easily cause terrible damage to a four or five-year-old child.

The only mad punch collided head-on with the Desolate God's War Soul, and the degree of danger was simply unimaginable!

After a while, the white air mass exploded violently, and everyone on the scene was overthrown directly and hit the stone gate on the wall.

At this time, they were in a very bad state, suffered such a heavy blow, many people vomited blood, and some of them were even unclear.

The saint held her chest, he only felt that his chest was almost collapsed just now.

Just Yu Wei, it is already so terrifying, the power of this punch is too terrifying, even in his heyday, he can't take it!

"Only I am crazy, have you won?" The saint looked anxiously at the battlefield, ignoring her injuries.

Suddenly, the two avatars of the only madness were just wiped out!

The third clone, perhaps it should be said to be the main body, the right arm was directly broken, the whole arm and the arm were directly shattered, and the bones were shattered!

"Only I am crazy!"

"Is that a clone or a body?"

"It's over, with such a terrifying punch, I haven't killed the Desolate God War Soul! We are dead."

However, at this moment, the chest of the Wild God Fighting Soul exploded directly, and the whole body was exploded into two!

The head of the wild **** war soul fell to the ground with his shoulders attached, and he looked at Lu Chen in shock, "Who...what are you! How can you win!"

Lu Chen coughed out a big mouthful of blood, holding on to his right shoulder and arm, coldly looking at Huang Shen Zhan Soul.

"You are just a monster, you can never be a real person! What if I beat you?"

Confusion flashed through the eyes of the war soul.

That kid was right, he, after all, is not a wild god! He is just the obsession of the wild god, the obsession of wanting to be reborn!

"Go to hell!" Lu Chen drew out the Promise Sword and moved the tiger down the mountain with a single move, directly smashing the head of the wild **** war soul!

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