Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 661: Super control

Lu Chen looked around, "Such a place seems to be too much for us to toss about. Then let's find a place where there is no one, and try how powerful my gun is."

"No need to look for it." Shuang Ling said, and then, with a wave of her hand, the surface of the Cangshui River, which is more than two hundred meters wide, instantly formed a layer of ice!

In the past two days, Lu Chen released his battle pets and let them play around at will. The two little guys, Emperor Fu Hai Wu and Jin Xuanwu, were playing in the river. They were frozen before they understood what was going on. .

Lu Chen's eyes widened, and Shuang Ling's technique was much stronger than before. The speed of freezing was almost instantaneous, and the range and thickness of the ice layer were unmatched before.

"Shuang Ling, how come your skills have become stronger after you merged with the mysterious blood of Xuanbing?"

Shuang Ling smiled shyly, "Xuanbing blood can enhance all ice spells."

Lu Chen nodded his head, no wonder Xuanbing God Bloodstone was the hope of the Frost Clan's rise, and it was so compatible with their family's skills.

The venue is there, so the rest is to compete.

Both of them came to the ice.

"Shuang Ling, you have to be careful, my shot cost hundreds of millions!"

Shuang Ling couldn't help snickering, "Don't worry, Brother Mad, I can eat it, you use all your strength!"

I don't know why, Lu Chen always feels that their unusually serious conversations always carry a strange feeling, maybe he wants to be crooked.

Anyway, Lu Chen believes that Shuang Ling is not so reckless, and as long as he does not take physical damage, he will be resurrected at best.

Lu Chen took out the Space Spirit Cannon. Since the Space Cannon was a purely spiritual attack, Lu Chen didn't need to transform.

The opposite Shuang Ling also became serious, her eyes instantly whitened, her body was automatically covered with a layer of ice armor, and her body was glowing with a light blue halo.

"Huh? Don't you need to change into the Xuanbing Golden Beetle form?" Lu Chen asked strangely.

Shuang Ling was a little embarrassed, "That's so ugly, I don't want to be that way anymore, but Brother Mad, don't worry, I don't need to be that way now, I already have certain characteristics of the golden beetle."

Lu Chen nodded, "Are you going to do it hard or?"

"Let's move a little bit, Brother Kuang will just treat it as a normal fight."


Since it was a battle, Lu Chen was not welcome, and directly activated the Six Transfigurations of the Gods and Demons, activated flash fire, improved three-dimensional attributes and moved speed.

"Okay, here I am!"

"Extremely cold realm!" Shuang Ling was not polite at all, and took the lead. She saw her hands stand up, and the temperature of the entire space dropped sharply!

Lu Chen had several debuffs on his body.

The action is slow, the reaction speed is reduced, and the fire attack is ineffective. The two most special ones are the effect called "Blood Seal", and the other is called Ice Asphyxiation.

Bloodline Seal: By sealing the blood, the racial bloodline characteristics carried in the blood are prevented from failing.

Cold suffocation: The body must maintain a high-intensity activity state. When the body is in a static state for more than 1 second, it will be frozen!

Lu Chen was stunned.

What kind of ghost realm is this, sealing the blood, directly preventing his advantage from being used.

Combo, crit, poisoning, blood sucking, and earth damage are gone!

The suffocation of the ice is even more speechless. In other areas, the opponent can't move by all means, and the jealousy of the ice can't stop!

You must know that many powerful exercises require energy accumulation, that is, the casting time is required. When the body is automatically frozen for more than 1 second, what is the concept!

In addition, most people’s skills have a cooldown, and if they are forced to use their skills to move constantly, they will soon have no skills available.

Fortunately, the two men competed in a friendly match. After Shuang Ling started the field, she did not continue to attack.

"This field is too strong! It's completely the opposite, but the effect is even more headache!" Lu Chen hurriedly ran on the spot.

Shuang Ling was also a little proud after being praised by Lu Chen, "Brother Mad, you can't stop for a second."

Lu Chen laughed, "Okay, I won't break this area, just see if I can use the space cannon well here."

"Shuang Ling, I'm here!" After that, Lu Chen's figure disappeared instantly, stepping on a seven-star step, and quickly shuttled.

While moving at high speed, Lu Chen launched an attack.

"Psionic Space Cannon!"

"Ice Wall Guardian!" Shuang Ling raised her hand, and ice walls instantly rose from the surface of the river.

The shells of the psionic cannon are actually highly compressed from spiritual power, and a ball of light between them smashes the ice walls!

"What is the spiritual power of Brother Crazy?" Shuang Ling's expression remained unchanged. She thought that Lu Chen was bragging. How could it be possible that one shot would have done hundreds of millions of damage, but this shot had already broken through several ice walls in a blink of an eye.

Each of the ice walls was seven or eight meters thick. After fusing the blood of the mysterious ice, the hardness of the freezing also increased greatly, but it was still crushed!

The space gun is unavoidable and must be dispelled before it is shot.

"Ice thorn!" Shuang Ling turned into a sword finger with one hand, forming a 100-meter long spear out of thin air and hitting the space gun head-on!

With a bang, countless ice flakes exploded, and the entire area felt like hail.

However, what surprised Lu Chen was that his space gun was offset!

In other words, the ice wall of Frost Ling and the ice thorns can damage 150 million!

Lu Chen was stunned for half a second, and suddenly felt that his figure was half a step slower, and the blood in his body quickly became cold.

"I'm going, so risky, I almost got frozen!"

Now, Lu Chen finally determined that Shuang Ling's strength was equally strong, and that being the case, he had to be more serious.

At this moment, Shuang Ling's attack came.

"Ice Dragon Breaks Dawn!" Dozens of huge ice dragons rushed towards Lu Chen, looking at their posture, they were actually comparable to Lu Chen's Jiulong.

Lu Chen hurriedly used the space cannon many times, but one shot only smashed half of the ice dragon, and the ice debris would quickly regroup into the ice dragon's body.

"Damn, can't you kill it? A bit strong!"

Lu Chen quickly dodges, "Firearms reform!"

The muzzle of the Lingshen Cannon is divided into three, and three space cannons are fired at a time, so that one attack can destroy an ice dragon.

"Xuanbing storm!"

Numerous ice thorns were smashed into the sky, and some ice thorns fell on the thick surface of the river, directly penetrating the ice!

"I rely on, this ice thorn power..." Lu Chen was frightened in a cold sweat, "Blood sacrifice shield, suppressed by firepower!"

Unexpectedly, Shuang Ling would force her exclusive skills so quickly.

With a five cannon, Lu Chen's goal is Shuangling's body!

Dozens of ice wall guards blocked four cannonballs, and one cannonball successfully broke through and took Frost Ling directly.

There was a loud bang, and the spiritual energy bounced away into spiritual air currents, but Frost Ling was unscathed, but the ice armor on her body was directly shattered.

"This ice armor is so strong!"

But it was just a general idea that Lu Chen was hit by the storm several times in a row.

-1.22 million, -1.22 million, -1.22 million...


Lu Chen was shocked in his heart, not good, forgot that Shuang Ling would also enchant the weapon, and he would be frozen after three consecutive attacks.

After being frozen, there will be endless freezing, because Lu Chen's body has been in a static state for more than 1 second...

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