Under the siege of everyone, the bloodthirsty wolf king died quickly, I don't know who got the last one.

"Everyone, come with me, hurry!" Xiangcha led everyone to a nearby rock quickly.

The inclined surface of this rock forms an angle with the ground. Everyone sticks to the rock wall and may not be able to see them from above.

Everyone dare not make a sound.

Alien Beast Shengyu is a kind of bird and alien animal. At this time, those circling cloud eagle kings in the sky have disappeared, and they seem to know that the guy who can't afford it is coming.

Not far away, a dark cloud blocked half of the sky, and five huge exotic birds patrolled their airspace like the overlord of the sky.

Fortunately, Xiangcha commanded quickly and got the news ahead of time. Shengyu did not find them. After hovering in the sky for a while, after flying away, they disappeared into the sky.

Everyone was relieved.

"Finally left, it was very difficult for that guy to meet one. This time it was five together. However, since we are still small in number, they will definitely destroy the group."

"Isn't it? Our team is already weak. If the Samsung Warriors or the Centurion team led by the elders, it should be no problem to kill two or three."

"That thing seems to have a high drop rate, and it also loses Xianwu and Heavenly Skills."

"Nonsense, that is the BOSS in the BOSS, I want to explode it too, but do you have the ability to do it?"

"By the way, Shengyu didn't always act alone before, but now why are they all in groups?"

Shuang Ling found that only Lu Chen had not spoken, his eyes kept looking at the direction in which Shengyu disappeared.

"Brother Mad, they are all gone, what are you still looking at?"

Lu Chen frowned, "My vision is much better than that of ordinary people. The strange thing is that when they go away, they are not out of sight normally, but suddenly disappear!"

Even if he doesn't open his third eye, Lu Chen's eyesight is still better than others. He can still see the distance that others can't see.

At this time, everyone had come out from under the rock. After the danger was eliminated, everyone continued to scour the wild.

People from the Medicine Girl tribe pulled 20 bloodthirsty wolf kings, two in a team.

Shuang Ling said to Lu Chen, "Brother Crazy, or we can add Big Brother Bullhead to our group so that the experience can be evened out, otherwise others will take our blame again."

Lu Chen was still thinking about the strange disappearance of Shengyu just now, and he nodded inadvertently, "Shuang Ling, you brought Xiaolu to team up with them, I went to see Shengyu, I always felt something was wrong, why did they fly? Well, use skills to hide your figure."

"Okay, be careful."

The items dropped were obtained randomly, and now Lu Chen had retired from the group, and the two of Niu Tau and Shuang Ling had the same probability, and there was nothing to say.

Big Brother Bull Head was very angry and immediately agreed to Shuang Ling's team invitation. After all, currently, Shuang Ling hasn't shown any strength at all.

"This time, there are two werewolves. I'll fight. Let's kill one of them first. If others want to **** it, we can **** it. We should not be able to take two damages now."

Shuang Ling smiled slightly, "Brother Bull Head, don't worry, our blame can't be taken by others."

Just when Lu Chen was about to leave Chase Shengyu, he suddenly heard an exclamation, "It's not good, the bloodthirsty wolves are here!"

Fragrant Tea was shocked, "How is it possible, we obviously only pulled 20! How many more?"

"Master Fragrant Tea, at least three or four hundred!"

Those who were still fighting the Bloodthirsty Wolf King were violently contracted in their hearts, three or four hundred?

Undoubtedly, this was definitely not caused by a mistake in pulling monsters, but how could these wild monsters suddenly surround this side.

Fragrant Tea frowned, "Attention everyone, I will issue a unified order for you to control the current wolf king with control skills, and we will evacuate immediately!"

Lu Chen was going to leave when he suddenly found out about it and he had to stay.

"Does it have something to do with Victory? Let's take a look first."

Although it didn’t take long for their team to enter the wild area, in several emergencies, Xiangcha’s performance was remarkable. They all made decisive decisions at the first time. This is for the first time. For newcomers leading the team, it is already very rare.

"Our team leader is not bad." Lu Yiyi said.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Well, that's not bad. In a little while, she will already grow into a good leader."

Xiangcha yelled, "Medicine Girl Tribe followed the order and assisted them to control the Wolf King according to the team they are responsible for, to ensure that they are foolproof! Are the other people's control skills cool?"

"No problem!"

"Okay, three, two, one, start!"

I saw everyone in the ten teams used their control skills one after another.

"The Urn of Admiralty!"

"Stun Shot!"

"Zixiao Town Soul Sword!"


"Everyone move, follow me!" Xiangcha quickly led everyone to prepare to retreat. Suddenly a violent whirlwind struck from the front of the team. Under the strong wind, everyone who was still in displacement was directly beaten out of the body!

"What, this, what kind of demon wind is this, that can directly break Laozi's high-level displacement?"

"My heavenly displacement has been broken! Who the **** is it!"

"It's over, we can't escape!"

Fragrant Cha got up from the ground, his mind turned sharply, and quickly reacted, "Let's run backwards, follow me!"

However, another violent wind blew everyone back to their original form.

Several attempts, all ended in failure, no matter which direction they run, the wind will blow them back where they were.

There seemed to be an invisible barrier around the wind, which was impossible to break through.

At this time, the wolf king group also came from all directions.

Among the many bloodthirsty wolf kings, the huge wolf king with fire-red hair all over the body, the wolf king raised the sky, and other wolf kings responded.

"Yes, it's the Bloody Fire Wolf Venerable!" Big Brother Bullhead trembled his eyelids, his eyes were full of incredible expressions, "I actually met the Bloody Fire Wolf Venerable!"

"Damn, it really hangs this time!"

Everyone began to shrink the formation unconsciously. Suddenly, everyone noticed that the sunlight above their heads was blocked, and the surroundings suddenly became dim.

With this head up, several people were already scared to death.

Just above their heads, there are at least fifty wins, staring at the dying prey like a vulture in the sky!

The fragrant tea took a breath, "Why is it like this... Did they find us just now?"

"It's over, there is absolutely no possibility of escape this time."

Big Brother Tauren panted heavily. He took Lu Chen's hand and his voice trembled a little, "Brother, this time, this time we are probably all going to die here."

"I, I am a tank, and must be in front. If you have a chance to survive, even if there is a chance, please bring Xiaolan."

"Dad, what are you talking about! I won't leave! I, I...I won't leave you!" Xiao Lan, who had been telling her dad all the time, had blurred her eyes.

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