One by one, the eight-star alchemists fell down. Their symptoms were almost the same. They convulsed violently, and finally passed out. It is estimated that they should not be able to survive.

And those substitute alchemists didn't have time to deal with those corpses at all, they pulled them behind in the first time and played on the bench by themselves to ensure the normal operation of the big formation.

After half an hour, there were no substitutes to change. At this time, two or three hundred people walked out of the aboriginal army on the opposite side.

"The saint might not have thought that the curse backlash would be so powerful, and they are now sending more people." Shuang Ling said.

"If this one fails to become a pill, I am afraid that the aborigines may not be able to hold the next one."

Lu Chen sighed and stopped looking at those people.

Lu Yiyi has now entered a critical moment. The sweat beads on her forehead slipped along with her cheeks, and her concentration was in the pill stage.

"I believe her, she can definitely become a pill!" Lu Chen said firmly.

The abdomen of the medicine cauldron was burned red by the flames, and the fragrance of medicine escaped from the medicine cauldron, which made people feel refreshed.

I don't know when, Lu Chen discovered that the sky above his head was covered by heavy dark clouds.

A bolt of thunder and lightning directly tore open the sky.

Rumble, thunder is deafening!

The thick cloud layer was blown up by this lightning, and you could faintly see something rolling in the cloud layer.

"Is this... a vision of heaven and earth? Something seems to be moving in the clouds!" Lu Chen was not sure, he hurriedly looked back at Shuang Ling.

Not long after, Lu Yiyi held it with one hand, and the lid opened!

From inside the medicine cauldron, a green pill rose, the whole body was green, and the body was still glowing with light green mist.

"The pill is full...Crazy brother, you have become a pill! Sister Green has become a pill at one time! And it is of high quality, causing a vision of heaven and earth!"

Lu Chen took a deep breath. It stands to reason that the quality of the pill is related to the quantity of the medicinal materials. For the third grade or above, additional materials need to be added. However, this time Xiaolu didn't put more materials, and the result was a different color. High-grade elixir.

"Not good, the higher the quality, the greater the risk of attracting foreign objects! The thing in the clouds, I am afraid it was attracted by this pill."

"Shuang Ling, take good care of Xiaolu, and I will **** the pill back!" Lu Chen said hurriedly.


Lu Chen used the sandalwood incense box that the saint gave him to hold the pill, took the Xiaoyao Pill, and rushed out the door.

"The symbiosis of gods and demons! Three worlds reincarnation! Infinite triple doors!"

With a screaming roar, a giant dragon rushed down from the clouds!

Mythical beast Qinglong? Lu Chen was shocked in his heart. Could it be that Qinglong's real body was directly attracted to **** the medicine?

However, Lu Chen took a closer look and saw that the behemoth was not the body of the rising dragon. Its body was similar to that of the blue dragon. It was covered in turquoise and had thick dragon claws. However, it did not have dragon scales on its body and had fins on its back. Characteristics,

"Chi (chi) dragon!"

Chilong is said to be the second son of the dragon, and he also has the blood of the dragon, but his strength cannot be compared with the real dragon.

Chilong opened his mouth and spouted a cloud of water, like a curtain of water falling from the sky, directly blocking Lu Chen's path.

"Can't pass through the triple door?"

Lu Chen was about to change direction and flee, when the ground under his feet changed, Lu Chen hurriedly evaded.

After half a second, the ground he was standing on suddenly exploded, and something half-human and half-demon sprang out of the rock formation.

The word "wasting" is written on the top of its head. It is wearing a red robe and has a bull nose. One foot is on the ground with shoes and the other is hung around the waist.

"There is actually a sixth-grade immortal pill? Boy, bring me the pill, and spare you for not dying!" The wasted voice made people scalp numb, especially looking at his waist-hung leg, it made people feel Horror.

As soon as the wasted speech fell, a giant cow in the distance had crashed half of the mountain monster on an unknown hill, and the lunatic rushed over.

The figure of this cow is similar to the Kui (kui) cow that Lu Chen met before. It is extremely sturdy and full of muscles. However, Kui Niu is covered in reddish-brown, and this guy is blue-gray, with a smaller white head, with only one eye. There are snake tails and horns are extremely exaggerated.

Fei (fei) is also one of the advanced monsters!

"Roar, sixth-grade elixir, I want it!"

There were constant big movements around, and there seemed to be many strange beasts coming.

Lu Chen frowned. Didn't he say that some foreign matter might be attracted? How could this be possible? After such a short period of time, three powerful alien beasts came out. I don't know how many alien beasts are chasing outside.

In the fourth heaven, how many strange beasts of this level are still hidden?

"I'm the only one who is crazy, come here! We set up a defensive formation, and we will be fine when we come in!" The saint shouted loudly.

At this time, the curse backlash effect hadn't ended, and the talisman was still braving the green light. The saints only had to come out, let alone fight, and it was estimated that they would die outside soon.

However, even though it was only a few hundred meters away from the opposite side, there was a water curtain in front of it blocking the way, and there was wasting and ox chasing behind it. It would be difficult for Lu Chen to think about it.

Although these strange beasts are not as powerful as the four divine beasts, they are far from being able to beat the ordinary strange beasts. If you delay here for a second, more advanced strange beasts will come out later, even if it is Lu Chen. I'm afraid I can't get out.

"Break the water curtain first!" Lu Chen's mind was running at high speed at the moment of death.

You must succeed in one blow, and you must never give Chilong a chance to react, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!

"Holy woman, you give me attributes!" Lu Chen shouted, "Feng Tian Divine Might! Against the Heaven Demon Might!"

Double Tianwei, open at the same time.

The aborigines were quickly taken away by Lu Chen with their double attributes...

"This, this is his innate supernatural power skills! Quick, give him attributes!"

"Damn, there is this kind of supernatural power? But how much can I get with attributes? Can he come over?"

Lu Chen had just launched a double heavenly power, and a whirlwind directly hit Lu Chen, throwing him far away.

Lu Chen finally stabilized his figure and found that he was three to four hundred meters away from the wild land.

The person who shoots has a bird-faced human body, with wings behind him, and is holding a spear.

This person should be a master of a rare race, and he came to **** the elixir.

"Want to go back? Hand over the sixth-grade elixir and let you survive!" This person spoke more clearly than wasted.

During the half-second delay, all kinds of strange beasts kept pouring around, many of which were high-rank strange beasts that Lu Chen knew, and they all came for the sixth-rank elixir.

Lu Chen was also depressed. How could Xiao Lv suddenly become a sixth-grade elixir? If the quality were lower, it wouldn't be so popular.

By now, I just planned to get rid of Chilong in seconds, and my plan to escape back to the barren land is probably going to fail. Now Lu Chen is surrounded by many strange beasts.

The aborigines, all anxious at this time, only hate that they can't leave the barren land for half a step.

The saint suddenly said to the people behind him, "Everyone, the fate of all of us is now in the hands of the solitaire. If we wait for him to rush, we must get Xiaoyao Dan at the cost of our lives. !"

"Understood, we will immediately organize the dead, and we must pick up the solitaire back!"

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