This time Lu Chen no longer came back with the military car.

"Secretary Lin, Mu Hua, you can go back with us." Lu Chen invited.

When the two saw the shuttle car parked on the tarmac, they couldn't help swallowing.

This is really an invitation that cannot be refused.

Tai Shuo is like a long boat, with a certain streamlined body, without using any fuel when flying, extremely fast and there is no bump in Tai Shuo.

The most important thing is that this thing is so handsome to control it, without any operation, Lu Chen said a word, it will fly according to Lu Chen's wishes.

In the air, even if the four of them were standing, they were still extremely stable.

With his hands folded, Secretary Lin looked at the white clouds beside him and the small buildings under his feet, and sighed, "I really can't imagine that the things in the nine days can be brought to life!"

"Older, otherwise I really want to be like you and make a good break in nine days. However, I still hope to live a few more years to see what the earth will become in the future."

The future of the earth... Lu Chen has seen that even a father and daughter who seem to have no power to hold a chicken can stop a speeding car with one hand!

But Lu Chen didn't intend to tell others what he saw in the whirlpool world.

Secretary Lin has always taken good care of the brothers and sisters of Lu Chen. Lu Chen smiled and said, "Secretary Lin, you are only in your fifties. Actually, I have seen people older than you. physique!"

"Yes, Secretary Lin, no matter what the final results of those experts come to, it is already certain now. As long as enough attributes are extracted, the human body will exceed the human limit! At that time, fifty years old may only be It's a kid," Li Muhua said.

Secretary Lin was amused by Li Muhua, "Is fifty years old or a child? Hahahaha, Xiao Li, you can really talk!"

However, although Li Muhua is only joking, what he said is not entirely hypothetical. Judging from the current physical condition of Lu Chen, even if the fourth heaven is not so exaggerated, it will be the fifth or even the nine heavens. , Almost inevitable!

If there is a way, who wants to face death! Secretary Lin's eyes gradually brightened.

"Yeah, I just caught the last train, maybe it's not too late!"

Sending Secretary Lin home, it was already late at this time, and Lu Chen simply took Lu Yi and Li Muhua to Lao Xu for a barbecue.

At midnight, Lao Xu’s barbecue business is extremely hot. As a famous folk food stall in Jiangcheng, Lao Xu’s income is really nothing to say, the products are genuine and delicious, and they have become a brand in the Jiangcheng barbecue industry.

The dozen or so tables that were temporarily set up were already full of people at this time. People were eating barbecue, drinking beer, and chatting enthusiastically.

Interesting thing, a lot of people talk about topics, still can't get around nine days.

"Our guild has a quota next week, and I should be able to enter the Fourth Heaven." A young man said loudly, and immediately attracted the envy of several tables around.

Many people looked sideways at this young man.

The Quadruple Heaven is an opportunity that everyone yearns for. So far, only 101 people in the world have entered the Quadruple Heaven.

The last group of the Earth Alliance organized 100 people into the fourth heaven. As for the "1", it is naturally so-called madness.

His friend looked even more envious, "Really? The Four Heavens! Crazy Gods are still in the Four Heavens."

"Finally catch up with him." The man looked calm and calm, "Like our top guilds like Kuanglang, the strength is naturally not comparable to ordinary guilds. I have been in Kuanglang for several years. , I also climbed up step by step by strength."

"Hey, I heard that your guild has several beautiful women!"

"Of course, our vice president, as well as the Minister of Finance, the Deputy Minister, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs are all first-class beauties! My goal is the Minister of Foreign Affairs Hua Luo Zhixiang, you know."

"Hua Luo, of course I know, Brother Bao, before going to the Fourth Heaven, it seems that the Alliance will allocate a lot of attribute pill to you, and your strength will definitely increase by leaps and bounds!"

"Yes, Brother Bao, when the time comes to go to the Four Heavens, that is the top power, Hua Luo will definitely see you."

"Hey, women, for fun, with the strength, what kind of woman can't get it, I can get it from our president! The attribute pill will be sent tomorrow, but today I have changed the attribute redemption voucher. !"

"Brother Bao, why did you change the attribute withdrawal roll?"

Speaking of this, Brother Bao said indignantly, "The trash above said that everyone has to earn military merit by their own ability. I have worked so hard for them for so many years, and they have to earn military merit by themselves!"

"Forget it, this is not the point, I tell you, now your brother Bao is no longer an ordinary person!"

Three Heavens can already exchange attributes for military merit, but the upper limit is only 400 points.

Of course, even if the military merits of the Triple Heavens are better than the tributes of the Quadruple Heavens, the redemption of the attribute withdrawal volume cannot be gathered overnight.

At this time, Lu Chen sat next door with Lu Yi and Li Muhua. Li Muhua couldn't help but shook his head, "At 100 o'clock, he will become a superman. My Chen, what are you now?"

Li Muhua is not a person who likes to pick things, but that guy's rude remarks against Leng Nuo and Hua Luo made him very upset!

Lu Chen smiled slightly. He was so famous now that he had to wear a jacket with a hood.

After finally going offline, Lu Chen didn't want to talk about the game. He didn't answer Li Muhua's boring question, "Hey, what do you want to eat? I will treat you today and take care of it."

"I'm starving to death, are you sure you are full?" Li Muhua said.

Lu Chen frowned and looked at him, "Why? You can still eat poor and I can't make it? Open up to eat, and I have the ability to make me go bankrupt."

"That can't be eaten. You can eat any piece of equipment for ten lifetimes." Li Muhua said very self-aware.

Lu Chen’s current value has not been calculated for a long time. Although he no longer sells equipment, his personal copy earns millions of dollars a day. Over the years, his assets have already reached tens of billions.

Of course, this does not count his assets in the game. If you count it, it is difficult to count his assets.

The entire earth, all players add up, there is no 100 spirit stones! And Lu Chen has 7 million!

Originally, Lu Chen and the others were just casual bragging among friends, but when it came to games, a few young people at the table next door glanced at them.

"One piece of equipment will last ten lifetimes...cut, what to pretend."

"Hi, Brother Bao, leave them alone, they probably haven't seen anything called advanced equipment yet."

"Your guild will have people going to the Fourth Heaven. How can they compare with Brother Bao?"

Li Muhua heard these people's mouths squeaky and crooked, and immediately scowled, Lu Chen pressed his hand, "Eat first."

Lu Chen's words clearly have something to do with it. Li Muhua gave them a blank look and sat down again, "Okay, boss, here are 50 sheep kidneys!"

"What are you doing, eating so many kidneys?"

"You're so empty, I just like to eat kidneys."


After eating supper, the few people on the table next door had not left yet. Those few people had all kinds of praise for "Bao Ge", and Bao Ge was also immersed in the huge vanity. After a few glasses of wine, he became even more complacent.

When he saw Lu Chen and the others stand up, he turned around and said to Lu Yi, "Hey, beauty, my brother is going to the Fourth Heaven soon. I'll give you a chance to hug your thighs. Be my woman and I will take you to prosperity. , How about life?"

Lu Yi narrowed her eyes slightly and walked to the person.

With a slap in the face, Lu Yi slapped the man's eyes directly at the stars.

Brother Bao's friends saw that this woman was so violent, they stood up and shouted, "You are looking for death! Believe it or not, we will kill you now!"

At this time, a calm voice suddenly sounded, "Fatty, are you sure you are full? Why do I look like you are not full!"

"Slap is not enough, give me a hard hit!"

"Which one of them dare to move you, let's see how I clean them up!"

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