Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 727: Kill the Blue Dragon Gate

Qinglongmen should have known that the old village chief left this letter to Lu Chen, but they let him hold it in his hands. It seemed that they wished that Lu Chen could see this letter!

Lu Chen closed his eyes and stabilized his emotions a little bit.

He collected the letter and glanced at the more than one hundred villagers on the tree.

He rescued every villager from the tree, dug a large hole outside the village, and simply buried everyone.

The rain was pouring, washing the tomb that had just been buried, Lu Chen found a wooden board and wrote a few words with his fingertips as the blade.

Tomb of 143 people in Hunting Dragon Village!

Standing in front of such a huge tomb, Lu Chen let the rain hit him.

Xiao Lu, Xiao Min, Da Huang, Xiao Mao Tuan stood behind him, no one dared to speak, they had almost never seen the boss so serious!

"If I didn't make a move at the beginning, maybe you just died four people..." After a long time, Lu Chen said the guilt in his heart, "I killed you!"

Lu Yiyi watched Lu Chen painfully, stepped forward, and said softly, "Boss, you can't say that. If you don't take action, they have just lost a lot of young labor, and they will only get worse in the future. Sooner or later they will be slaughtered by Qinglongmen."

"Yes, boss, in fact, death is not the most terrifying thing, death in numbness is the most painful!" Xiaomin also said, "This time, they at least resisted, and their spirit is no longer enslaved."

Lu Chen sighed for a long time, Xiao Lu and Xiao Min were right, but Lu Chen still felt guilty when they knew this.

Recalling these simple villagers who did not close their houses at night, they gave themselves precious treasures before they left. They were all kind people...

However, kind-hearted people have been violently killed!

Lu Chen remembered what the king of wild monsters said to him, what kind of prince would Xiangning? Those humble people should die!

After a long time, Lu Chen raised his head, "Let's go!"

"Boss, where are we going?"

"Qinglongmen!" Lu Chen said three words calmly!

Originally, Lu Chen only wanted to use a single trick to deceive Longmen Wuhou, but now, he really set foot on the road to Qinglongmen!

The Blue Dragon Gate is still not a short distance away from Dragon Hunting Village. On the afternoon of the fifth day, Lu Chen's first soul-body union time had passed. Lu Chen accumulated an hour of soul-body union time.

Not far in front, there is a verdant mountain, seven or eight hundred meters high, which is the highest peak nearby.

At the foot of the mountain, there is a gate with vigorous characters, Qinglong gate!

Lu Chen snorted and walked into Qingyun Gate alone!


Six days ago, Longmen Wuhou personally led a group of martial artists to chase Lu Chen, but the group was completely empty. Then they searched for a few days but still couldn't find the guy.

Thinking of Lu Chen's words written on the stone, although I don't know if Lu Chen will actually come, it is better than a headless search. Then Longmen Wuhou took someone back to Qinglongmen in the morning at the appointed time.

However, after waiting for most of the day, I didn't see Lu Chen coming. Longmen Wuhou was furious in the martial arts field!

"Damn it, this kid was playing tricks again! Lu Chen, don't let me catch you, I will kill you if I catch you!"

Everyone in the school was also filled with indignation.

"What method did he use to find the Dragon Xun Xinzi?"

"I'm really mad at me. I actually turned our Qinglongmen around by myself."

"No matter how slow he walks, he should have left the boundary of the Azure Dragon Gate. I am afraid it will be difficult to find him in the future!"

At this moment, the entire Qinglong Mountain suddenly shook violently, and everyone hurriedly looked down the mountain.

At this time, a man with white hair in a red dress was rushing towards here from the foot of the mountain.

Wherever he went, the low-level disciples who tried to block him, without exception, were all killed instantly!

"Who is that? There is an ID on the head, so I am the only one!"

"Could it be... Lu Chen's battle spirit form!"

"Lu Chen? He, he really came! Head, he killed many disciples!"

Longmen Wuhou's eyes were already red, and he said coldly, "Those waste kills will kill them. They are all those with little strength. They just can consume some of his soul and body integration time!"

"Hahahaha, great, Lu Chen, you are finally here, I'm afraid you won't come, great, my bad breath finally almost came out!"

"Everyone, we are waiting for him at the martial arts field!"


At this time, Lu Chen had killed more than two hundred people. These people were all one-star monks. Although a one-star monk does not mean that his battle spirit must be weak, from the side, people with strong battle spirits should not make money. It will be too difficult. There will be more tributes in the gang. In the end, the natural star rating will not be low. Therefore, in most cases, a person's cultivation star can reflect his overall strength.

Besides, now Lu Chen doesn't care about the other party's background, he is holding the God and Demon Promise Sword, incarnate as the Demon God.

"You are immortals? That Lao Tzu is a demon!" Lu Chen shouted angrily, piercing a person's head with a sword!

Even with the unity of soul and body, these people cannot withstand Lu Chen's hundreds of millions of attacks in front of Lu Chen!

Lu Chen's attributes are all for singles against BOSS-level opponents, such as 15 billion blood Taiyin Youying!

The Promise Sword shot directly from the head of the man. Lu Chen had a triple gate, caught the Promise Sword with one hand, and slammed it with the other. "Listen to your ears!"

The person beside him hadn't understood what was going on, and his body was involuntarily sucked by Lu Chen.

"Psionic Space Cannon!" Lu Chen shot his chest!

Flesh and blood fly!

These powerhouses who came from the fourth heavens had gone through a lot of battles at the beginning, but even the top master of the fourth heavens, the Holy War Demon Lord, still had the upper hand after Lu Chen was seriously injured a few years ago.

What's more, Lu Chen's strength increased again after that, and he killed all Taiyin Youying!

Even if Lu Chen wasn't fully open, killing them was easy!

It's a pity that Wuzhongtian no longer displays the damage value. They can only see that as long as they are locked by Lu Chen, that person is just a move to be second!

"My God, what, what hurt is this! It's terrible!"

"Senior Brother Chen told me that his battle spirit has 500 million blood, how could he be killed by a spike! Impossible, impossible!"

"Is this still a human? Wait, he, when is he already a five-star wild monk? Didn't he say that he just came to the fifth heaven? Is he Lu Chen?"

"It should be true. The information sent back by Brother Fang and the others before they died also mentioned that Lu Chen's battle spirit was called Sophistry! That's right!"

When he started working with Qinglongmen, Lu Chen hadn't even upgraded his immortal cultivation level at all, so naturally there was no star.

"Why doesn't the head send anyone here!"

"I see, he wants us to help him procrastinate! He is using our lives to consume this guy's soul and body unity!"

At this moment, a white face was already in front of this person.

Lu Chen's voice sounded, "How do you treat others, one day, how others will treat you!"

"Unfortunately, I won't sympathize with you! The blood debts must be paid by blood!"

"Psionic Space Cannon!" The red shadow and white hair flashed, and this person suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest!

Lowering his head again, his entire chest cavity has been blasted with a huge gap, and even the scene on the other side can be seen!

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