Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 804: Superhuman girl

Three days later, the treasured area was still devastated, the ground was cracked, and the surface was washed by water.

The four masters and apprentices of Bu Fan looked at this scene with solemn expressions.

"Luo Chen, what should I do now?" Bu Fan asked his apprentice.

Although Luo Chen is still Bu Fan's apprentice, but now Luo Chen has another identity, one that only a few people know.

The aura exuding from Luo Chen's body is different from before, his eyes are calm, and he said lightly, "The wind and the clouds are emerging, the heroes are rising, the five heavens are surging, those old guys, it is almost time to come out!"


Lu Chen is rushing to Qiushui Lake. He is on his way during the day and lives in the forest at night. If there is a city nearby, he will go to replenish some supplies.

In a medium-sized city, Lu Chen found the teleportation array and took time to go back and look at Lu Yi.

The guider plan is still going on, and as the players on the earth increase in strength, the power of the guider plan is further revealed.

Not long ago, Lu Yi said that only 2,000 people came to the Quadruple Heaven, but in the past three months, 7,000 Earth players have entered the Quadruple Heaven.

After the Four Heavens re-established the rules in Lu Chen, the environment was much more relaxed than before, and these top powerhouses developed smoothly.

Although Lu Chen gave Lu Yi twelve elixir of elixir last time, it was the elixir that had been withdrawn and was used in reality. The improvement of the battle spirit was very small. Lu Yi was still busy upgrading and enhancing the strength of the battle spirit.

Of course, Lu Yi's realistic attributes are already very terrifying, and should be second only to Lu Chen, her physique has far exceeded the level of ordinary people!

Lu Yi probably missed her brother too, so she specially took a day to go to Lao Xu BBQ with Lu Chen for a late night snack.

On the contrary, it was Li Muhua who actually said he wanted to hurry up and practice, but he refused to come out.

In the list of 7,000 people, Kuang Lang accounted for the largest proportion. Many of Lu Chen's old friends have entered the Fourth Heaven, Leng Nuo, Ningshuang, Huaxiang, Ten Steps...They also came to the Fourth Heaven.

It's a pity that Lu Chen has left the Fourth Heaven, otherwise everyone can get together.

The development of the earth players is very good, and Lu Chen feels much more relieved.

Perhaps in the whirlpool world, the era when anyone can block a fast-moving sports car with one hand does not take seventeen years and will come sooner.

Lu Chen looked at the people around who were eating barbecue. These people were also talking about Jiutian, as if Jiutian had been integrated into their lives and became an inseparable part.

In the past few years, Jiutian has completely changed the pattern of the entire world from a popular online game.

Under the union of the Earth Alliance, the people on Earth are trying to become stronger, trying to occupy a place in this endless cosmic arena!

And he himself, from an ordinary person who entered the game for the purpose of making money, not only became a super rich man in a wealthy country, but also became the leader in front of all players in the world.

"Brother, what exactly is the fifth heaven like?" Lu Yi asked suddenly.

Lu Yi's voice was not loud, but it attracted the attention of several people around, who couldn't help but look sideways at the siblings at this table.

Lu Chen's hat was so low that she couldn't see it, and the same was true for Lu Yi. Now she is also a celebrity and can't show her face casually.

Lu Chen shook his head, "To be honest, I don't know."

The people around turned back their eyes, maybe it was just two young people who were interested in Fifth Heaven.

Lu Chen was telling the truth, and there are still many doubts waiting to be solved by himself. Let him describe the Five Heavens, but he can't tell him clearly.

"In short, you should improve your strength. Since the guide has told you that the fifth heaven is the body interstellar transit, then you should also know that you are now improving the strength of the battle spirit. Don't underestimate the strength of the battle spirit, the strength of the battle spirit, At least in the fifth heaven, it can still play a decisive role!"

Lu Yi nodded heavily, "I know, brother, I will definitely work hard. After eating, I will invite you this time, hehe, I also make money now."

Lu Chen is happy to let Lu Yi pay the bill, which gives her a sense of accomplishment.

At night, some people can't bear to be lonely, especially this kind of informal barbecue restaurant, not far from the bar next to it.

Not far away, several gangsters were pestering two girls. The two girls had been avoiding them, but the gangsters were stalking and even starting to move.

"Beauty, don't you wear so little clothes for people to see? What are you afraid of?"

"Isn't it lonely to come to the bar to fish for a good guy so late? Brother came to play with you. I've been mixed up for nine days."

The two girls looked terrified, "You guys, go away! What we wear does not matter what you do! We just graduated to celebrate!"

"We will call the police if we don't leave!"

"Oh, sister, don't pretend to be pure, okay, it's boring for two people to celebrate. Let's celebrate together in the hotel."

"I see this Bentley. I earned it in nine days. Let me take you for a drive!" The two said they went to forcibly pull the girl's arm.

"Go away!"

Lu Yi originally planned to pay, but after seeing this scene, she walked over.

Old Xu Gang wanted to call Lu Yi in a low voice, but Lu Yi had already walked over. He watched Lu Yi's back nervously, "Girl! Oh, you can't control this kind of meddling, she is just a little girl, call the police!" "

Lu Chen shook his head, and walked to Lao Xu's booth, leaning on the moving car, "This guy, can't you go after paying the money...Isn't he going to ask my brother to please, Lao Xu, how much."

When Old Xu heard this voice, he found it familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

He looked at Lu Chen again, and hurriedly said, "Are you her brother? Then why don't you stop her quickly? Those **** have guys on them!"

Lu Chen didn't take it seriously, "It's okay, Old Xu, I will scan your WeChat."

After all, Lu Chen paid 500 directly.

"Young man, you have given too much... Oh, it's not the time to talk about this, go and hold your sister!"

Under the peaked cap, Old Xu could see the young man only smiled.

"Old Xu, don't worry, my sister will be fine, besides, I'm still here."

"Young man, your voice is so familiar, I can't remember it for a while, you, you are..."

"I am your old customer. Although I have been busy recently, I only come once half a year, but I always eat your barbecue before." Lu Chen took it lightly.

Sure enough, he did it directly over there.

Lu Yi couldn't do it fiercely, and directly threw the three punks ten meters away. When the people around saw it, they almost didn't stare.

"Rely on me, is it a strange girl!"

"This, this... Is she a strong one in the Fourth Heaven? This is too strong!"

"Wait, that kid's hand... he, why does he have a gun in his hand! No, something will happen!"

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