There were torches on the wall, and Lu Chen lit the torches to illuminate the surroundings.

No one seems to have searched here. There are many ordinary people's skins around. These are the hardest and most tiring tasks, and they are usually the only ones to do.

It's horrible to be here alone, Lu Chen called out Xiaolv and Xiao Mao Tuan to accompany him.

Lu Chen squatted next to a human skin, "Little Green, can you see how he was sucked dry?"

Xiao Lu is not very afraid of these human skins. After all, she has done things about refining the same race before...

She looked at the human skin patiently, and then compared several human skins, and said, "Boss, they have no wounds on their bodies, but look at their expressions, they all have their mouths open."

"You mean, you sucked all the flesh and bones from your mouth?"

Lu Yiyi nodded, "It's very possible, after all, there is no bigger gap on the body. Look at their mouths, there are blood stains and sticky things, almost everyone has them."

"I guess it is to crush the internal organs and bones first, and then use some powerful suction to **** away the internal organs and bones."

Lu Chen frowned and directly shattered the internal organs that eight stars had been repaired. This type of attack was unheard of. Even if he changed himself, he couldn't resist it!

"Boss, come here to take a look! You see these are like spirit stone powder, formed after mixing with water!" Lu Yiyi called Lu Chen by the rock wall.

Lu Chen hurried over.

There are some solidified "mud" on the ground, the material is similar to the spirit stone, but the spirit stone is extremely strong, and this thing will sink when pressed hard.

Lu Yiyi's inference is that these things are Lingshi ore that was crushed into powder and glued with water. After a long time, it formed the current solid mud.

"Huh? When killing a person, shattering a person's internal organs and bones, this is understandable, after all, it can be sucked out, but the spirit stone is also crushed and eaten? Why is that!" Lu Chen wondered.

"Little hairball, if it's you, you should eat it directly?" No matter how hard the spirit stone is, the little hairball can still be eaten.

Xiao Mao Tuan nodded and told Lu Chen that it only likes to eat live animals, but if it has to eat, it won't be so complicated. It must be eaten directly.

"Boss, I thought of a possibility!" Lu Yiyi said suddenly.

"Huh? What's possible?"

"That guy should be still in his infancy and can only eat fluid food!"

"Infancy!" Lu Chen's mind buzzed, if Lu Yiyi inferred correctly, then this is definitely not good news.

Easily kill the eight-star land repair in childhood!

"How terrifying is the strength of a grown-up Warcraft Supreme!" Lu Chen couldn't help but question, can Sanxian really kill the adult Warcraft Supreme?

Or is it that the resurrected Monster Supreme is stronger than the dead one?

Going further, the mine will come to an end. The area in front is the area that has not been mined. You can see some spar inlays on the wall. Lu Chen does not have the refining technology, and he cannot be refined into spirit stones when he obtains the spirit stone mine. This place has been destroyed and extremely unstable, so it is better not to move.

"That guy is really picky. He only eats the mined spirit stone veins! It seems that it will continue to attack the veins everywhere."

"The time we come in has gone on, let's go!"

Lu Chen collected dozens of human skins scattered on the ground and took them out of the mine together.

It really didn't feel good to hold these human skins, but the mines that made them gloomy were not appropriate. Lu Chen still resisted the discomfort and brought them out.

After going to the Lingmai Mine to check, Lu Chen got some important information.

Among the skills of Warcraft Supreme, there is a skill that directly shatters the opponent's internal organs and bones. If it is strong, it has reached the level of shattering spirit stones!

"It seems that the level of immortal cultivation must be upgraded, and the physical bones must be continuously strengthened, otherwise there will be no fight at all!" Lu Chen said.

Another point, that guy may be still in his infancy, of course this is not certain.

"It's a bit difficult to deal with." Lu Chen shook his head, his expression solemn.

After coming out of the mine, Lu Chen did not turn back, but walked in another direction.

After successfully exiting another roadblock, Lu Chen went straight to Qiushui Lake.

That night, Lu Chen went to Qiushui Lake.

In the past, some people came here to enjoy the beautiful scenery, fishing, or gathering. However, due to roadblocks, no one has come near Qiushui Lake recently.

Lu Chen came to the lake and called softly, "Little Golden Carp? Are you there?"

A wave of water flashed on the lake in the distance. Something underwater was approaching Lu Chen's direction. In front of Lu Chen, a golden head appeared on the water, "Benefactor, you, you actually survived!"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Yes, is there anything you asked me to come here?"

"You come down, I don't want to be seen, just use clear water drops."

"Oh, don't worry about the monsters around you for a while, they won't attack you with me."

Lu Chen nodded and jumped off the lake.

Under the protection of clear water drops, Lu Chen no longer needs to take a breath, and he can see the surrounding environment.

Faintly, Lu Chen found that there seemed to be huge monsters surrounding him and Xiao Jinli all the time. The huge bodies of some monsters could not be seen at all, and he could only feel that all kinds of huge monsters had surrounded him!

The little golden carp was by Lu Chen's side. Although these monsters were about to move around, they never attacked.

Lu Chen wondered what kind of creature the little golden carp was, and why didn't those monsters attack them?

The little golden carp had been swimming towards the bottom of the lake, Lu Chen followed closely, and not long after, came to a rock at the bottom of the lake.

Xiao Jinli touched the rock with his head, and the rock opened a door. Looking in from the outside, there was a cave inside!

Little Golden Carp motioned to Lu Chen to go in. Lu Chen hesitated for a moment, and finally swam in.

As soon as he entered the cave, Lu Chen fell out of the water!

This is an underwater cave, and the surrounding water cannot penetrate.

"Damn, what is this place!" Lu Chen looked around in shock.

Not long after, from the surrounding water, the little golden carp popped his head, "Benefactor, there is a door in the inner room. I can feel the aura inside. There seems to be something inside, but I can’t get in. Go and see. Is there something good? As for whether you can get the treasure, it depends on your benefactor."

"Ah? There are treasures here?" Lu Chen turned and looked behind him. There seemed to be a stone gate there.

He walked over, and just when his hands touched Shimen, a solemn and majestic voice suddenly sounded.

"Who is here!"

Lu Chen was taken aback, and looked around. There was only one person around, and the little golden carp who was braving his head and looking nervously at him.

The words just now obviously didn't come from Xiao Jinli, it seemed that they came from this door.

"Only I am crazy." Lu Chen tried to return.

"How is the level of cultivation?"

"Um... Seven Star Field Cultivator."

"Seven Star Field Cultivator? You have no school?"


"Then what is your main occupation?"

"Main profession?" Lu Chen was a little embarrassed, as if he did not have a main profession.

The spirit sword has the heart of the sacred lotus, the martial artist has too many skills, the monk has the Buddha to cross the common people, the beast has a lot of pets, the puppet has a small source, the blasting expert has the psychic space cannon, and the talisman has the Tianwei chess array. Pharmacists have rejuvenation and poison attacks, only the prophet is not good at it.

"This, it's a bit difficult to answer... I don't have a main profession. Except for the prophet, the other eight professions are so-so." Lu Chen said helplessly.

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