Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 890: Lu Chen's strongest hole card

Watching indifferently at the completion of the transformation of Warcraft Supreme, his strength soared, and Lu Chen moved.

"Are you going to unite soul and body?" People stared at Lu Chen nervously.

In the entire fifth heaven, there were only a handful of people who had seen Lu Chen's soul and body unite, except for the destroyed Azure Dragon Gate...

However, this time Lu Chen still did not open up the soul and body, as if he had forgotten that he was a cultivator...

"Could it be...that trick?" Xiaoyao Feng was nervous again. Although it wasn't the unity of soul and body, the mad **** had another trick, which was equally terrifying.

"God and devil Tianwei!" Lu Chen shouted in a low voice.

"Guardian Devil!"

Many immortal cultivators present almost felt that their attributes had dropped a little bit...Although it was only a little bit, almost negligible, but the following "weakness state" made them almost collapsed.

"Let me go, within 3 days, the attributes of the body and the soul of the battle will be reduced by 90%? Hey, why does he use skills, I have to reduce the attributes of Laozi!"

"This, this is his Tianwei skill? Although I also hope he wins, but...this is too much!"

Of course, there are some powerhouses who have not been affected. It should be that the Tianwei level has reached the fourth level. But these people are a minority after all.

At the same time, Lu Chen directly activated the power of Fengtian.

"The original **** needs our attributes, and I am willing to give him all!"

"Anyway, we can't beat anyone, I am willing to contribute all the attributes!"

The aborigines are not surprised, and are willing to provide him with the attributes of blessing God.

3.2 million attributes, the bloodline of all things increased by 10% attribute bonus, close to 3.5 million attributes, all added to...spiritual power!

The huge spiritual power change caused a terrifying spiritual power storm to erupt all over Lu Chen, rushing out frantically.

"Fengtian Shenwei and Tianwei Mowei? You are Shuangtianwei?" Beast Supreme narrowed his eyes slightly, "Expropriate other people's attributes for my use... This Tianwei is a bit interesting!"

"Unfortunately, you are still going to die!" Warcraft Supreme yelled, then opened his arms, "I don't want to waste time on you anymore, now, feel the gift I specially prepared for you."


A group of people almost vomited blood. They never expected that the monster of Warcraft Supreme would start with Stardust Resonance.

In an instant, with the devil's supreme as the origin, the surrounding soil and rocks were directly broken into powder, and the plants instantly disintegrated into ashes.

The ground under his feet collapsed directly, and the gravel was too late to fall. It had turned into ashes and was lifted up with the strong wind.

The Warcraft Supreme was suspended in the air, looking down at Lu Chen, and laughing wildly, "Hahahaha, do you feel the power of God! You are the only one, but between this world, I am the only one!"

Now the range of Stardust's resonance is still gathering beside the Beastmaster, he seems to be deliberately showing off.

"Your last job was almost a fatal blow by my move. Now my heaven and earth resonance has been advanced to stardust resonance. No matter how strong you are, no matter how powerful you are, it is a result in front of me. !"

"Bone to pieces!"

"What about hundreds of millions of immortal cultivators, I can slaughter tens of millions with one move!"

"I'm the only one who is crazy. What about protecting the aborigines? Even if you can hold on, can they? Now, you are going to die with them!"

"Resonance, open!"

The army of immortal cultivators has gone crazy. The resonance of the heaven and the earth mentioned by the seven gods is no more than ten miles in radius, but now the resonance of the heaven and the earth of the beast supreme has been advanced!

One person can slaughter ten million! What is this concept!

"Quick, run!"

"It's over, no one can stop him, go back!"

Many people have retreated like crazy.

However, at this moment, with a bang, the range of stardust resonance spread out instantly, at a speed comparable to displacement!

The first to bear the brunt is the aboriginal army!

But none of the aborigines escaped.

"We can't run! If we run, what will the original **** do!"

"Although we can't do anything, I will never leave the original **** alone!"

"Don't be afraid of death, we might as well die before!"

"The original god, unify the soul and body! You will die if you don't open it again!"

Luo Yao was also very nervous, isn't this guy still unifying his soul and body? Strengthen his physical body, so that it can resist the damage of stardust resonance anyway.

At this moment, Lu Chen finally moved.

"Chaos Spirit Pill!"

The strong wind lifted his white hair, Lu Chen closed his eyes slightly and waved his hand.

The stardust resonant spiritual force that swept over, was directly in his fan... unable to make an inch!

Even the resonance of the stars that had already pounced on the aborigines and the immortal cultivators suddenly stopped...

"This... what's going on?" The Beastmaster looked at this scene in horror, his stardust resonance... failed!

That kind of attack on a large scale, just being caressed by that guy, failed?

"Impossible! I don't believe it! Stardust resonance!" Warcraft Supreme used his skills again.

However, this time Lu Chen didn't even lift his hand, the stardust resonance passed a few meters, and the effect was lost...

The World of Warcraft Supreme had been stunned in shock, his mouth opened several times, but he could not speak.

Lu Chen once asked the original **** how to crack the resonance of the monster of warcraft supreme. At that time, the original **** said that unless he has a stronger state than resonance, he can't crack it!

Therefore, Warcraft Supreme has enough confidence to kill Lu Chen and thousands of enemies with this move!

"Is it weird?" Lu Chen opened his eyes and looked at the panicked Monster Supreme.

"Since I know you will show up sooner or later, do you think I will be so stupid to use the strongest skills to greet your little brothers?"

Warcraft Supreme panicked, he was uncertain, "You, your sword breaks the sky... is not your strongest skill?"

Lu Chen smiled without saying a word.

The World of Warcraft Supreme panicked even more, and the other party had acquiesced.

"What status skill are you?"

The corner of Lu Chen's mouth raised slightly, step by step towards the Supreme of Warcraft.

"The original **** told me that he was injured by your resonance, so if I want to kill you, the key is to deal with your resonance."

Lu Chen practiced in the Heavenly God Illusion Realm for half a year, but he hardly took the time to practice Wushu and Heaven-Pattering Swords, instead he was always in the state of enlightenment.

The aura is subtle, selfless, and a trace of epiphany captured in the original world of Heavenly Stars, in the Beidou formation after the transformation of the bipolar beads.

The beginning of the heaven and the earth gave birth to all things, all things in the world, from scratch, from chaos to order.

Yin and Yang revolve around each other, separation leads to two rituals, and together leads to Promise...

"So, unfortunately, I also realized my status skills!" Lu Chen walked slowly towards the Supreme Monster of Warcraft, "And, even more unfortunately, my status skills seem to be better than yours. It's still the resonance of heaven and earth, hey, no matter what, anyway, it's the resonance, a little bit stronger."

The supreme of Warcraft's eyes were cracking, and his eyes were full of panic.

This guy still has a back move, and is still a state-type skill that forms a stronger resonance than him?

"Impossible! The prerequisite for the state of enlightenment is that you need to master the aura into the subtle, you can't master the aura into the subtle!"

Lu Chen stood in front of Warcraft Supreme, gazing through Warcraft Supreme, and looked at the Warcraft army behind him.

"If you say it's impossible, it's impossible. In other words, the person you just wanted to kill me?"

The more Lu Chen said that, the more he felt the bottomless, watching Lu Chen in horror, "You...you...what state did you realize!?"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "I gave it an unpleasant name."

After that, Lu Chen's eyes suddenly exploded with endless killing intent, and he raised one hand, "Go to **** with your army of monsters!"

Afterwards, he drank the word.


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