Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 896: Dragon God's Blood

Lu Chen looked at him happily, jumping around, with an innocent look of little beast god...want to kick him to death.

It's a rare opportunity to be mixed up by this stuff!

I bought him two sets of fashion casually, and Lu Chen could only go to the inn.

Tomorrow he was going to the WoW lair, standing alone in front of the window, Lu Chen stared at the Dongyue Hall in the distance in a daze.

The original ambiguous scene suddenly turned into a farewell meeting.

Of course he was moved by Luo Yao, but the identity of the two of them was determined. Luo Yao was not going to break into the Tongtian Pagoda for a short time, and Lu Chen would never stay in the Fifth Heaven.

In fact, Luo Yao knew this too. As the monarch of Dongyue Kingdom, she couldn't just let it go and leave with Lu Chen when Dongyue Kingdom was being rebuilt.

"Hey..." Lu Chen sighed sadly.

I was originally not good at getting along with girls, and now I have one more animal god. It seems that my emotional road will be extremely bumpy.

"Forget it, wait until everything is over." Lu Chen shook his head and returned to the table.

After tossing and turning at night, Lu Chen took the little beast **** and left Dongyue City in the dark.

The devil's lair was located to the west of Buzhou, and Lu Chen took the little beast **** to it.

"Dad, don't you say hello to Sister Luo Yao? I think she seems sad." Little Beast said.

Lu Chen said angrily, "You still know that she is sad! Do you know how many years your dad has waited for this opportunity? I just confuse you abruptly!"

"Dad, I can't blame me for this. I think those other people have been out for a long time. I'm not worried about your safety."

"What is there to worry about, are you afraid that Luo Yao might eat me?"

The little beast lowered his head and made a mistake.

Lu Chen shook his head. There was no way to recover it anyway, and it would be useless to mention the little beast.

"Forget it, hey, maybe this is better for her, I will leave sooner or later."

"Let's go, I still have a lot to do. I have been in the fifth heaven for almost three years, and it's time to go to the sixth heaven."


A month later, Lu Chen passed through the country of Bu Zhou and entered the Lair of Warcraft.

The moment Lu Chen stepped into the Lair of Warcraft, a large number of Warcraft sprang up around him, but when they saw Lu Chen, they immediately obeyed and did not dare to move.

Lu Chen said coldly, "Take me to see your Seven Warcraft!"

Seven World of Warcraft greeted them from a distance.

The nine-headed dragon led the way, and a group of people went to WoW Mountain.

Walking on the trail of WoW Mountain, Lu Chen saw a huge tower standing dozens of miles away, as if standing between the sky and the earth, without seeing the top of the tower, it was already blocked by clouds.

Even though WoW Mountain is the highest mountain in the vicinity, it is still far behind that tall tower.

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

He was no longer familiar with this tower.

Tower of Babel!

In front of a huge cave halfway up the mountain, the Seven Warriors stopped.

Nine-headed dragon said, "Master Yuanshen, please come inside."

After all, the seven demon monsters also transformed into a human form and led Lu Chen into the cave.

"You can also transform the human form?"

"Master Yuanshen, we are only one step away from the beasts. We can control our body shape, but we can't hold on for long." The nine-headed dragon transformed into a middle-aged man, and his expression was a little unnatural when he spoke. Adapt to human form.

The light from the depths of the cave did not know where it came out, so that the line of sight in the tunnel was not obstructed.

Lu Chen followed the nine-headed dragon into a tall and spacious room. This room reminded Lu Chen of the feeling of the BOSS room in the fourth day. It was extra spacious and tall.

On the walls around the room are painted many hideous beasts.

Candle Dragon, Ying Dragon, and even Ancestral Dragon, Black Kirin, Bai Xi, Teng Snake, Bai Ze, etc., each one seemed to be alive.

Lu Chen suddenly stopped in front of Ying Long's image, touched the rock wall with his hand, and suddenly found that there was a spiritual energy flowing slowly in the mural.

"These murals?" Lu Chen looked at the nine-headed dragon in surprise.

"Master Huiyuanshen used their corpses as paint. This is the tradition of our Beast Clan. The dead in war continue to exist in this situation."

Lu Chen took a deep breath. This tradition is a bit strange...

"Where is your soul deed?"

"The original god, please come here." The nine-headed dragon general Lu Chen took to a huge stone table in the room, and then took out seven dominoes.

Each domino is engraved with the pattern of one of the seven generals of beasts, nine-headed dragon, nine-eared macaque, nine-winged mackerel, nine-winged emperor... a lot.

"This is the soul deed of my seven beasts. Lord Primordial God, some of the beasts are not under our control, and there are some scattered everywhere, so they multiply, so we can't completely hurt the people of the beasts. Put an end to it, what we can guarantee is that within a thousand years, our army of Warcraft will never organize any attacks against the Seven Nations."

Lu Chen frowned slightly.

After thinking about it for a moment, Warcraft is also a part of the Fifth Heaven. The real threat to the Fifth Heaven is the army of Beasts led by the Supreme Being of Warcraft. It is reasonable that other monsters have the Fifth Heaven.

Lu Chen said, "You only need to be optimistic about your people. In addition, from now on, there will be more than seven nations in the five heavens, but eight nations."

The seven beasts immediately picked up their dominoes and swore again.

Not long after the content of the soul deed was revised, the Seven Beasts handed over their dominoes to Lu Chen.

"Master Yuanshen, this is our soul-deed dominoes. Please sign a contract as soon as possible to destroy the soul-deed dominoes. Otherwise, if it falls into the hands of those who care, we..."

Lu Chen naturally understood, "Don't worry."

At this time, the four Kui Niu entered the room carrying a big box.

They put the box in front of Lu Chen and then withdrew.

"Master Yuanshen, this is to thank you for letting us bring the corpses of the Supreme and the Four Heavenly Kings. Please have a look."

Lu Chen stood up and walked to the box.

Open the box, there is a cluster of black spar inside.

The spar is grown by a single person, the cut surface is shining, the whole is diamond-shaped, and it is composed of many small diamond-shaped crystals.

In each small spar, there seems to be liquid flowing, making the whole spar alive.

Lu Chen was a little curious, put his hand on the spar, and poured some spiritual energy into it.

Suddenly, this compact spar cluster "opened"! It broke down into small spars in an instant, and the distance between them opened up, but they did not completely lose control.

When Lu Chen put away his aura, the small spar returned to its original shape and was tightly embedded.

"What is this?" Lu Chen couldn't help but asked in surprise, he had never seen such a strange spar.

"This is a drop of Dragon God's blood."

"The blood of the Dragon God?" Lu Chen looked at the nine-headed dragon in shock.

"Yes, the blood of the Dragon God is derived from the strongest dragon god. The five-tiered beasts are all called dragon species, in fact, because we more or less have the blood of the dragon god. Every time we die, The dragon blood in our body will burn one point to stimulate greater potential. Although we can restore the concentration of dragon blood in the future, burning dragon blood also has a lot of damage to ourselves. So when we reach our level, we directly use the potential of dragon blood Inspire, the four heavenly kings, the supreme can always maintain the strongest form."

"And if there is no Dragon God bloodline, and this drop of Dragon God blood is combined, the concentration of dragon blood in the body can even exceed the strength of the supreme bloodline!"

Lu Chen's eyes widened.

Is there blood in the fifth heaven? The key is, is it such a strong bloodline when it comes out?

Dragon God Bloodline!

"If it's so strong, why doesn't Beast Supreme not merge?" Lu Chen asked suddenly.

"It can't fuse!" said the nine-headed dragon. "Actually, as long as the dragon-breed monsters that already have dragon blood cannot fuse the blood of the new dragon god, our blood is also inherited from the dragon god, but the mixing is serious and it is hard to guarantee. The purity of the past, fused with this drop of pure Dragon God’s blood, will conflict with each other and burst into death."

"Why do you want to give me such an important thing?" Lu Chen didn't believe it. They could understand even if they gave away other treasures, but the blood of the Dragon God was really unreasonable.

"It's true, the original god, this is not our will. The Dragon God once left a last wish to leave the dragon blood to the strongest in the five heavens. No one can treat each other differently!"

"And you can afford the three words "the strongest"."

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