Make up your mind and slowly wait until the ice green spirit snake recovers, and a bear and a snake immediately rush to the beach.

"Master, you're about to undergo bloodline evolution too, right?" said

the Ice Green Spirit Snake to Ning Feng in his heart.

There was a lot of schadenfreude in her tone, which made Ning Feng a little annoyed.

She could see the two potions before, although the gene potion that Ning Feng threw at it marked the label of zero two, the color was only light purple, at least compared with Ning Feng's purple gene potion that marked zero one, it was definitely a small witch.

Looking back a little now, the Ice Green Spirit Snake felt more and more that the horror brought to her by the color of those two genetic potions was too terrifying.

Oh no, it's a snake.

Ning Feng also understood what the Ice Green Spirit Snake was thinking at this time, and said perfunctorily in his heart: "It's okay, I plan to go to the bottom of the sea to evolve, so the movement caused by this is smaller."

"Then congratulate the master on the success of evolution in advance!" the

Ice Green Spirit Snake's tone carried excitement that could not be hidden.

Ning Feng didn't have the mood to think about it now, he didn't have the skill to breathe in the water, and it was still risky to stay in the water for too long without acquiring the skill.

According to the inference of time, as long as it is not too close to the deep sea area, where normal land ferocious beasts can dive, the ferocious beasts in the sea are now at most at the peak of the third order.

Some gifted existences may reach the fourth order, but they will definitely not have the strength to surpass the existence of the giant musk oxen.

You must know that after the strength of the giant musk ox was strengthened by the bloodline of the little blonde girl, the strength progressed too terrifyingly.

It is impossible to still have that kind of demon-like existence in this shallow sea area.

Arriving at the beach, facing the thief-like appearance of the ice green spirit snake, Ning Feng simply jumped out of sight and out of mind, jumped directly into the sea, and began to hunt the fierce beast.

Half an hour later.

Ning Feng looked at the skills in the water among the skills and nodded with satisfaction, and after finding a seabed, he began to prepare for evolution.

This seabed was already nearly tens of nautical miles from land, and this was the most suitable distance without affecting the connection with the Ice Green Spirit Snake.

"Liberate the power of the gene potion and start to evolve!" After

making mental preparations, Ning Feng drank in his heart.

The sound of the system came quickly.

"The power of the gene potion begins to be released, the evolution of the bloodline begins, and the power of the gene potion is released one hundred percent!


In the dark depths of the sea.

A silhouette brings up a high-speed undercurrent, moving quickly in the deep sea.

After several hours of "wild running", this silhouette gradually slowed down, and the swimming figure began to become elegant.

At this time, she was already close to the shallow sea area, and if her eyesight was a little better, she could clearly see this touching silhouette.

Her long white-blond hair flowed silky in the water like satin, and her body looked slender and thin, but her proud figure was not to be underestimated, and her face was even more captivating.

Although her upper body is a rare stunning beauty in the world, her lower body is a fishtail.

But the fishtail not only did not destroy her overall beauty in the slightest, but added a foreign temptation to her.

Even as a mackerel race, her appearance is definitely the top among the entire race!

This rash coming to the shallow sea area was actually just to avoid that marriage.

She also knew that the considerable sea area in the vicinity was already in the hands of the Scorpion at this time, not only that, but the side of the marriage was the largest force among the Scorpion, not only firmly suppressing the other four races in the early stage of this aura outbreak, but also the young generation of strong people in that race.

All the mackerels can see the future of this sea.

As long as there is no big accident, not only will the Scorpion Terrans on that side completely dominate this sea area in the near future, but even in the next few hundred years, other Scorpion Terrans will not have the opportunity to turn over.

The only variable is this beautiful Terran princess, Nami.

Not only is the beauty overwhelming, but the strength and potential can rank in the top five in this ethnic group! otherwise,

that race would not use such a tough means to marry.

At this time, she has reached the peak of the third order, not to say invincible in this sea, at least no one can stop her if she wants to leave.

She was "walking" alone when she was worried, and also came to the shallow sea area.

Nami's heart was suddenly shocked, and her eyes widened instantly.

Not far ahead, on the seabed, there was an extremely powerful aura

! Even the powerful aura exuded by the patriarch who wanted to marry could not be compared with this breath at all!

"There are such powerful ferocious beasts in the shallow sea area!" Nami

couldn't suppress the curiosity in her heart, as well as the seemingly innocent expectation, and carefully swam towards that breath.

There is also another reason why she is so bold, although that breath is terrifyingly powerful, it is sometimes amazing and sometimes declines to the bottom, and even her breath is not as good!

After approaching the sea area where Ning Feng was, Nami's eyes widened in shock.

That's actually a new breed?


this time, Ning Feng was in a critical stage of bloodline evolution, although the time was much shorter than that of the Ice Green Spirit Snake, but the pain he suffered was several times that of the Ice Green Spirit Snake!

In the midst of

the huge pain, Ning Feng's main consciousness had completely fallen asleep, and all he could perceive was endless pain.

Just a little short, he was about to faint in the seabed.

At this time, the seabed around him has long been miserable, there are huge deep pits everywhere, and the crazy destruction of the bear body brings up a large number of undercurrents, which actually makes Nami, who has the innate ability to control the currents, fall backwards!

How much pain this powerful body has endured to reveal such a loss of control.

With all kinds of complicated feelings, Nami was a little worried about the safety of this new species, and quietly kept approaching Ning Feng.

If there is any sudden dangerous situation, she may be able to help some, and if she can get some help from him afterwards, she may not have to be forcibly married!

With Nami's control and perception of the current, when she looked at Ning Feng clearly, Ning Feng, who was in a state of madness, greatly reduced her keen perception, and did not notice her arrival at all.

The aura continued to climb and descend alternately, and after another hour of torture, the aura that Ning Feng exuded as a whole finally stopped declining, but began to climb steadily.

Although Ning Feng's consciousness had not yet recovered for a while, the instinct of being in a troubled world for five years in his previous life still made him subconsciously wary of the surrounding seas.

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