Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 125 The new king is born

On the martial arts stage.

After testing Li Moyu's reaction speed again.

Lin Zichen jumped back slightly and distanced himself from Li Moyu.

Next, he wanted to test Li Moyu's last attribute - strength.

Li Moyu didn't know what Lin Zichen was thinking, thinking that Lin Zichen suddenly retreated because he found that the attack was ineffective, so he was forced to stop and distance himself.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile: "Lin Zichen, I underestimated your speed."

"But unfortunately, your strength is too weak. Even if you are faster and can attack me, you will not be able to cause substantial damage to me. You are destined to lose this duel."

"Next, it's my turn!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his calves exerted force, and his whole body instantly shot out like a cannonball, and he swung his fist as big as a casserole and hit Lin Zichen in the face.

Lin Zichen likes to hit people in the face with his fist so much, he wants to retaliate with tooth and let Lin Zichen also taste the feeling of being punched in the face!

Facing Li Moyu, who was rushing towards him at a very fast speed, Lin Zichen stood motionless, showing no intention of hiding.

He wanted to resist Li Moyu's attack and test Li Moyu's strength.

"Lin Zichen, get away quickly!"

The ordinary class students in the audience saw that he was still standing there and were so anxious that they shouted at the top of their lungs.

On the other side of the corridor on the second floor, the school leaders all smiled, happy that they were about to win 100 credits.

Especially Ma Zhenhe, whose corners of his mouth were curled up even harder than AK's, and he was already ready to laugh at Liu Chuanwu.

On the martial arts stage, Li Moyu rushed in front of Lin Zichen, raised his fist and slammed it into his face.

While the fist was flying, because it was too fast and powerful, it made a burst of explosions in the air, which sounded extremely explosive.

Everyone knew that if this punch hit Lin Zichen's face, Lin Zichen would definitely be defeated.

But just when everyone thought the duel was about to end!

An incredible scene happened!

There was a "bang" sound, and Li Moyu's powerful fist hit Lin Zichen's face hard!

Then, Lin Zichen didn't move at all, and was not blown out of the martial arts platform by this punch!

On the contrary, Li Moyu's expression suddenly changed drastically, and he screamed "Ah"!

"Hand! My hand! It's broken!"

Li Moyu knelt directly on the ground, clutching his right hand tightly, his forehead pressed to the ground and huddled up, screaming in extreme pain.

His entire right hand, including his wrist and part of his arm, were all shattered and fractured at this moment.

The reason for the fracture was that his hand was not as strong as Lin Zichen's face. The moment his fist hit him, the bones in his hand "clicked" several times and shattered.

In an instant, a heartbreaking pain swept through his body, causing him to grin and scream, and the pain caused his saliva and nose to flow out uncontrollably.

"What's going on?!"

"What's wrong with Li Moyu? What happened?!"

"Did Lin Zichen win?!"

At this moment, the entire stadium became noisy.

Everyone was confused and had no idea what was happening on the martial stage.

It was obviously Li Moyu who punched Lin Zichen in the face, but why was it Li Moyu who screamed?

This scene is so weird...

On the martial arts stage.

Lin Zichen looked at Li Moyu who was kneeling on the ground, and silently commented in his heart: The power of the giant ape gene fusion is so powerful that it shattered his own hand. The power is greater than the defense.

Then, he looked at the confused medical staff in the audience and shouted to them: "Li Moyu's right hand should be comminutedly fractured. Come up and help him with emergency treatment."

Li Moyu's right hand was comminutedly fractured?

Hearing what Lin Zichen said, a trace of surprise flashed across the faces of the medical staff.

Immediately afterwards, a group of them hurriedly ran up to the martial arts platform and checked the injury on Li Moyu's right hand.

When they saw Li Moyu's entire right hand deformed, they were all shocked and couldn't believe the fact before them.

"Step aside."

At this time, a cold female voice sounded from the martial arts platform.

It's Yuan Dongzhi here.

He fell silently from the corridor on the second floor to the martial arts platform.

When the medical staff saw this, they quickly moved out of the way.

Yuan Dongzhi walked to Li Moyu and stopped, picked up his right hand and used his mental power to check the injury.

Yuan Dongzhi was extremely shocked when he discovered that Li Moyu's entire right hand, including his wrist and part of his arm, had been shattered.

Where did this injury come from?

Did he hit Lin Zichen in the face with his hand, and then was injured by the shock of his own strength?

How hard must Lin Zichen's face be?

Thinking about it, Yuan Dongzhi took out a small snow-white pill and accurately shot it into Li Moyu's mouth, helping him quickly heal the injury on his hand.

At the same time, she unconsciously released her mental power, invaded Lin Zichen's body, and carefully explored his body.

Lin Zichen's perception was extremely sharp, and he immediately noticed that Yuan Dongzhi was using his mental power to probe him.

But he could only pretend that he hadn't discovered it and let Yuan Dongzhi investigate.

I just hope that the biological attribute [natural camouflage] can hide it from Yuan Dongzhi's detection.

After some investigation.

Yuan Dongzhi learned that Lin Zichen's biological level was ordinary sixth level, his skin strength was far higher than that of the same level, and the strength of his facial bones and facial muscles was exaggeratedly high.

Apart from the above, there is nothing special in other aspects.

But, this is weird.

Why are the facial bones and facial muscles so exaggeratedly strong, while other parts are normal?

This is not consistent with human physiological structure.

Yuan Dongzhi frowned slightly, feeling very puzzled by this.

After thinking about it for a while, I couldn't think of a reason.

Soon, she jumped, left the martial arts platform and returned to the corridor on the second floor.

As soon as she landed, other school leaders asked her what was going on down there.

She didn't say much.

They only mentioned that Li Moyu's right hand suffered a comminuted fracture, Lin Zichen's biological level was as high as ordinary sixth level, and Lin Zichen's facial bones and facial muscles were naturally extremely strong.

I mentioned these three points mainly to explain the strange scene that just happened on the martial arts platform.

As for Lin Zichen's use of blood quenching to complete skin quenching, she chose to hide it.

When the other school leaders heard what she said, they all looked in disbelief.

Lin Zichen's biological level is actually as high as ordinary sixth level?

But how could a freshman who had just started school without genetic fusion or mechanical transformation evolve to an ordinary sixth level?

This is probably a strange beast wearing human skin!

The more the school leaders thought about it, they felt it was outrageous.

Liu Chuanwu also felt that it was outrageous, but on the surface he still pretended to be calm and said: "This is the power of pure-blooded human beings, this is the power of the blood tempering technique."

When the others heard this, they couldn't help but twitch the corners of their mouths slightly, and complained crazily in their hearts.

Liu Chuanwu, please pull him down. Just now he was so afraid of losing that his face turned pale, but he still has the nerve to claim credit for a pure-blooded human being?

On the side, Yuan Dongzhi quietly looked at Lin Zichen on the martial arts platform below, with a thoughtful look on his face.

Could this Lin Zichen... be the same type of person as Qian Xue?


It shouldn't be possible.

Apart from the fact that their physical strength far exceeds that of their peers, the two of them have nothing in common.

On the martial arts stage.

Seeing Yuan Dongzhi leave like this, Lin Zichen knew that the effect of the biological attribute [natural camouflage] had successfully deceived her, the vice president of Shandong University.

In response, he felt slightly excited.

The effect of biological attributes is far stronger than I imagined.

On the other side, Li Moyu, who had just suffered a comminuted fracture in his right hand, had fully recovered.

He shook his right hand and couldn't help but feel shocked when he saw that his right hand was intact as before.

What kind of magic medicine was that little white pill that Yuan Dongzhi fed me just now? How did it have such a powerful healing effect?

Without thinking too much, Li Moyu's eyes soon fell on Lin Zichen in front of him.

When he thought of the punch he had just hit on Lin Zichen's face, his right hand would tremble uncontrollably, causing some psychological shadow.

That punch was so painful that the nerves were twitching.

After calming down a little, Li Moyu looked at Lin Zichen like a monster and asked, "What is your strength?"

Lin Zichen did not answer, but asked: "Is your hand okay?"

"It's okay, it's as good as ever."

Li Moyu moved his right hand in front of Lin Zichen to prove that his right hand was healed.

Lin Zichen nodded: "That's good."

As soon as he finished speaking, he took a step forward, rushed in front of Li Moyu, kicked him directly in the abdomen, and kicked him out of the martial arts platform.


Li Moyu, who was still flying upside down in mid-air, had question marks all over his head.

Dare you ask me if I'm okay, just to kick me out of office without any psychological burden?





The moment Li Moyu was kicked off the stage, a stopwatch immediately appeared on the big screen and started counting.

When the stopwatch reached [10 seconds], Li Moyu got up from the ground and shouted to Lin Zichen on the martial arts platform: "Lin Zichen, when my gene fusion has progressed further, I will come back to challenge you. I will knock you down on the martial arts platform!"

He Yu mercilessly destroyed the situation and shouted even louder: "You are the only one who can gene fuse, Lin Zichen can also gene fuse, and he will sit on your head and shit for the rest of his life!"

Li Moyu was both confident and tough: "My gene fusion fitness is as high as 16%, and I also have various special physical blessings. Through gene fusion, no one can be better than me except my brother Li Yijin!"

"Laughing to death!"

Some other freshmen in the regular class laughed and said, "It's been a long time since I've seen this. This is the first time in my life that I've seen someone lose so confidently!"

A freshman from the gifted class retorted, "I really don't know what you are pretending to be. Li Moyu lost to Lin Zichen, but he didn't lose to you!"

"Ha, as long as I am a student in the ordinary class, and Lin Zichen is still a student in the ordinary class, I can always laugh at your gifted class!"

"Trash, how can you smile?"

The young man was full of energy and accidentally started a quarrel.

As more and more people join the battlefield.

Slowly, it turned into a passionate exchange of words between the ordinary class and the gifted class.

On the martial arts stage.

Lin Zichen stood quietly alone, waiting for the stopwatch to reach one minute and win the title of Newcomer King.

During this period, no one in the audience dared to come on stage to stop him.

Everyone was either yelling at each other passionately, or silently watching the stopwatch on the big screen, waiting for the birth of the new king.





When the stopwatch reached the [60s] moment, a fluorescent light was emitted from the big screen and fell on Lin Zichen's face for face recognition.

When the face recognition was successful, Lin Zichen's entrance photo appeared on the big screen.

Above the entrance photo, there is a very conspicuous message of congratulations: [Congratulations to Lin Zichen, Class 1 Martial Arts Class, for becoming this year’s Rookie King! 】

Although he doesn't have to go to class, his student status is still in Martial Arts Class 1.

Immediately afterwards, the announcement in the gymnasium also rang with congratulations: [Congratulations to Lin Zichen from Martial Arts Class 1 for becoming this year’s Rookie King! 】

At this moment, the entire stadium fell silent.

Everyone felt it was very unreal.

The title of Rookie King was actually won by a freshman from the ordinary class.

In all the years since Shanhai University was founded, this is the first time that a freshman from the [non-genius class] has crushed the freshmen from the [genius class] to become the new star.

This breaks school history!

At this moment, everyone is witnessing this incredible moment.

Not long after, the whole scene was boiling.

"Brother Chen, you are awesome!"

"Lin Zichen really won the Rookie King, this is too outrageous!"

"Chen Shen, the glory of the ordinary class!"

A large number of freshmen from the ordinary class were cheering for Lin Zichen and the ordinary class.

The freshmen in the gifted class felt a little embarrassed, so they all stood quietly and remained silent the whole time.

On the martial arts stage.

Lin Zichen ignored the cheers from the audience.

He used the biological attribute [Eye in the Sky] and quickly found Shen Qinghan among the crowd in the audience.

Then, he jumped high in front of Shen Qinghan, grabbed her waist, and then led her to jump back to the martial arts platform.

Many people at the scene were a little confused when they saw this scene.

Some people who knew the relationship between the two thought that Lin Zichen wanted to use the highlight of becoming the new king to reveal his relationship with Shen Qinghan to the newcomers.

Shen Qinghan thought so too. Her pretty face turned red and her heart was beating fast. She felt very nervous and expectant, and involuntarily tightened her legs.

Just when everyone focused their attention on the martial arts stage, Lin Zichen unexpectedly jumped off the martial arts stage, leaving Shen Qinghan alone on the martial arts stage.

At the same time, a stopwatch immediately appeared on the big screen, and the timing started as usual.





At the moment when the stopwatch started counting, Lin Zichen said to all the talented freshmen in the audience: "I want the next two to tenth places."

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell silent instantly.

Everyone was shocked!

It's not enough to become the Rookie King, but you also have to take second to tenth place?

So greedy? !

Seeing that Lin Zichen went too far and wanted to take all the credits of the top ten by himself, someone in the genius class couldn't bear it anymore and immediately shouted angrily:

"Lin Zichen, you went too far! All of us from the genius class came together and beat him!"

"Damn it, hit him!"

"If I don't kill you today, I'll just write your name upside down!"

"There was also the traitor Shen Qinghan on the martial arts platform. I even beat her up!"

"Press her on the martial arts platform and rub her hard!"

At this moment, almost all the freshmen in the gifted class on the scene were out, as united as the players in the game who formed a team to fight the boss, and they all rushed towards Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan.

As for why it's unfair to bully a small group and beat them up, they don't care about it!

Their only purpose at the moment was to destroy Lin Zichen, who was bullying others too much, and Shen Qinghan, a traitor to the genius class!

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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