Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 149 Freshman Competition

time flies.

Before I knew it, the first semester of my freshman year was coming to an end.

At the end of December, the weather turned cold.

On this day, Lin Zichen did not go to the research institute and chose to temper his body in the dormitory.

When the time came to 4 p.m.

End of quenching.

Lin Zichen slowly opened his eyes, with a smile on his lips.

The second tempering body is complete!

There is no need for the blessing of biological attributes. The strength of the physical body alone is enough to rival the advanced first-order powerhouses.

If you include the blessings of biological attributes such as natural selection, social animals, and rapid self-healing, Lin Zichen feels that his strength is at least an advanced second-level level.

"Xiao Chen, I've tempered my body in one go!"

Shen Qinghan on the side suddenly shouted excitedly, with an excited smile on his pretty face.

Lin Zichen looked at her in disbelief, feeling that it was a bit outrageous.

How long has it been since she practiced the blood tempering technique?

It seems like less than three months?

Is this the perfect time to temper your body?

too exaggerated……

After being shocked for a while, Lin Zichen calmed down and felt happy for Shen Qinghan and said:

"Your special physique is even more powerful than I imagined. As long as it is related to water, or has something to do with water, you can show talents far beyond ordinary people. You can expect a promising future."

"This is all the result of being teased because I often peed my pants when I was a kid. It must be serious."

Shen Qinghan smiled and said.

But as soon as she finished speaking, she frowned slightly and said: "Xiao Chen, didn't you say that after the body tempering is completed, the biological level will evolve to the ordinary ninth level? Why am I only the ordinary sixth level?"

This asked about Lin Zichen's blind spots in knowledge.

He, Song Yuyan, and Liu Chuanwu all evolved to the ordinary ninth level after completing the body tempering process.

Because of these three examples, he assumed that after the body tempering was completed, the biological level would evolve to the ordinary ninth level and obtain a powerful physical body.

But judging from Shen Qinghan's situation, this law seems to be wrong.

I thought about it for a while and thought about it.

Soon, Lin Zichen thought of the answer.

He explained to Shen Qinghan: "I probably know what's going on."

"Under normal circumstances, people who can practice the blood tempering technique are people with extremely high blood strength, that is, people with extremely high physical talent."

"And the physical talent is high, and the improvement brought by practicing the blood tempering technique is also high."

"On the contrary, if the physical talent is low, the improvement brought by practicing the blood tempering technique will be low."

"In your words, you belong to the category of people with low physical talent. The reason why you can practice the blood tempering technique and practice it so skillfully is because of your powerful blood control ability."

"To put it simply, your ability to control blood is very strong, even stronger than mine. However, because the strength of your qi and blood is not high enough, the strength of your tempered body is not high."

This explanation is sound and convincing.

After hearing this, Shen Qinghan felt a little depressed and said: "According to what you say, then I will never be able to catch up with you?"

I'm a cheater, what if I catch up with you?

Lin Zichen comforted him: "You're just a little behind me in terms of physical strength. You can find other ways to catch up, such as developing your still mysterious superpowers."

"That's right, I'm impatient."

Shen Qinghan smiled sweetly and felt much better.

the next day.

Lin Zichen got up early and went to the research institute that he had not been to for several days, where he and Song Yuyan conducted in-depth research on opening acupuncture points.

I've been researching all morning, but made no progress.

To be precise, it has been so long since joining Tianren Pavilion that there has been no progress.

"How do you open this orifice?"

Song Yuyan was a little discouraged, with a sad look on her face, and her enthusiasm for research had almost fallen to the bottom.

Lin Zichen pondered for a moment, and then said: "Do you think it is possible that the body needs to be tempered five times before the acupoint can be opened?"

Song Yuyan shook her head: "It's best not to do it. If you have to temper the body five times before you can open the acupoints, then the blood tempering technique is not universally applicable and cannot be spread at all."

Lin Zichen nodded, thinking so.

Regarding the topic of opening acupuncture points, the two stopped chatting for a while and turned to some gossip.

Mainly Song Yuyan was talking and Lin Zichen was listening.

Talk about how bad a leader's private life is. He is obviously married, but he still steals people in school every day.

He said that the tutor was a licker and would give her gifts every day. No matter how much she refused, he would stalk her.

Lin Zichen was not interested in these.

After listening politely for a while, he quickly said: "By the way, Sister Yan, how many credits do I have with you now?"

All the high-level off-campus tasks he did in the past were done with Song Yuyan.

Considering that I was only a freshman on the surface now and had no ability to complete high-level tasks and obtain a large number of credits, I stored all the credits earned after 50 to 50 points on Song Yuyan's tutor account.

"Haven't you calculated it yourself?" Song Yuyan looked surprised.


"Don't worry about me if you trust me so much, aren't you afraid that I'll keep it to myself?"

"Sister Yan, you are not that kind of person."

"Haha, thank you for your belief. It feels good to be believed."

Song Yuyan smiled sweetly and continued: "The credits you have stored on my tutor account now total 2,400."

2400 credits?

Ten thousand poisonous mongoose meat costs 20 credits per pound, which is enough to buy 99 pounds to open the album.

Thinking about it, Lin Zichen said: "Sister Yan, I want to buy 99 pounds of poisonous mongoose meat. Please go to the credit mall to place an order for me, and choose the research institute for the delivery address."

"Why did you buy so much poisonous mongoose meat?"

"It's not convenient to say."

"Are you sure you want to buy it? If you are sure, I will place the order for you."


"Then I'll place the order."

Song Yuyan opened the credit mall and placed an order for 99 pounds of poisonous mongoose meat, which cost 1,980 credits.

About half past four in the afternoon.

The poisonous mongoose meat has arrived.

Lin Zichen left the research institute carrying the meat and returned to the dormitory.

As soon as the dormitory door closed, he couldn't wait to touch the poisonous mongoose meat in the express box with his hands, and the thought came to him: Devour it!

[You have swallowed a large amount of the life source of the "Ten Thousand Poison Mongooses\

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