Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 156: You need background to get around

"Huang Jiarui is here!"

"I also brought two people here. Now Lin Zichen, the new king, is in trouble."

"They are all from the Student Union Liaison Department."

When three young men with a tall and thick build appeared in front of the teaching building, there was a burst of discussion among the crowd.

Huang Jiamin, who was sitting on the green belt, saw that his brother Huang Jiarui was here, and he came with helpers. The panic on his face suddenly disappeared.

She looked at Huang Jiarui with red eyes, and shouted in a voice full of grievance:

"Brother, I obviously didn't offend him, but he came up to beat me without saying a word. It's so bullying!"

The him she was referring to was Lin Zichen.

Hearing his sister's words, Huang Jiarui couldn't help but frown slightly.

Then, looking at Lin Zichen in front, he said with a somewhat dissatisfied tone: "Lin Zichen, are you too crazy? Do you really think that you are invincible and no one can cure you?"

One of the helpers said: "Lin Zichen, there are new kings every year, but you are still the first to be arrogant. You have offended too many people. Be careful of being beaten while walking at night."

Another helper also said: "We won't argue with you about this today. If there is a next time, don't blame us for not giving you face."

The words of the three people all contained obvious threats, but their tone sounded calm and not aggressive.

In other words, Lin Zichen was the strongest freshman in school history and had a promising future. If they were ordinary people, the three of them would have beaten people long ago and would not talk so much nonsense.

"Why are the people in the student union so easy to talk to?"

"We bully the weak and fear the strong. We don't dare to offend the most powerful freshman king in school history, who has a promising future. We are afraid that the freshman king will grow up and settle the score with them in the future."

"It looks like I can't fight anymore. It's boring."

The onlookers were whispering, their interest in watching the excitement was reduced a lot, and they all felt that the fight would definitely not happen.

Shen Qinghan, who was sandwiched between the two sides, also felt that he could not fight anymore.

After hesitating for a moment, she stopped walking towards Huang Jiamin and chose to go back to Lin Zichen.

Just when everyone thought this farce was going to end.

Lin Zichen looked at Shen Qinghan who was walking back, and said calmly and shockingly:

"Hanhan, do it."

"Do it?"

Shen Qinghan was stunned for a moment.

But soon, after seeing Lin Zichen's calm expression, she responded with the utmost care:


Immediately afterwards, he turned around and rushed towards the green belt to fuck Huang Jiamin.

When Huang Jiamin saw this, he panicked and ran towards Huang Jiarui.

She had heard of Shen Qinghan killing Li Ziqi instantly.

Li Ziqi's biological level is an ordinary fifth level, and her biological level is only an ordinary fourth level. If she encounters Shen Qinghan, she will definitely get a slap in the face and have to run away.

Unfortunately, as soon as she ran out of the green belt, she suddenly felt that the energy and blood in her body were confused, her limbs were weak, she felt dizzy, and she fell to her knees with a "plop".

"elder brother!"

Huang Jiamin used all her strength to suck milk and shouted to Huang Jiarui in front of her with an almost numb throat.

Upon hearing his sister's cry for help, Huang Jiarui's eyes instantly turned cold.

Immediately, his calf kicked hard, and his whole body turned into an afterimage, heading straight towards Shen Qinghan who was about to attack his sister.

The moment Huang Jiarui rushed out.

the other side.

With a thought, Lin Zichen instantly released a terrifying biological pressure comparable to that of a high-level powerhouse.

From a distance of more than 20 meters, the energy was accurately poured onto Huang Jiarui's body.

The next second!

Huang Jiarui, who was sprinting at high speed, suddenly felt a terrifying pressure coming from the top of his head.

Then, there was just a loud "bang" sound.

Before Huang Jiarui could react what was going on, his whole body hit the ground heavily!

Face to the ground!

Shocking large cracks in the spider web appeared!

at the same time.


Shen Qinghan had already rushed in front of Huang Jiamin, raised his leg and kicked her in the face.

Then, there was another "bang" sound.

Huang Jiamin was kicked to the ground, and the left side of his face swelled up rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into a pig's head.

But the injury wasn't serious, just swelling, no concussion.

Shen Qinghan was still a little too kind. He only wanted to give slight punishment and had no intention of hurting anyone.

"what's the situation?"

"it's over?"

"What happened?"

In just a few seconds, the Huang family brothers and sisters, who had just seen the advantage in the scene, suddenly fell to the ground.

The elder brother lay on the ground with his face on the ground, and the younger sister lay on the ground with her face in the air.

The situation changed so quickly that the people at the scene were confused and couldn't understand what happened.

"Arui, what's wrong with you?!"

Huang Jiarui's two helpers were the first to react and ran to Huang Jiarui to check the situation.

Seeing that their friend was suppressed to the ground by an invisible force and unable to move, both of them had a look of bewilderment on their faces, as well as a hint of panic that they did not dare to act rashly.

Because they discovered that the invisible force suppressing Huang Jiarui was biological pressure.

Moreover, it is high-level biological pressure.

what does that mean?

It means that a high-level powerhouse has taken action, and a high-level powerhouse is helping Lin Zichen!

No wonder you dare to be so crazy!

No wonder you dare to be so confident!

It turns out there is someone behind it!

Thinking of this, the two of them felt chills in their hearts, and at the same time they were thankful that they didn't attack Lin Zichen as soon as they came up and didn't offend him.

Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous.

While the two of them were thinking about this.

the other side.

Lin Zichen led his client to Huang Jiamin and stopped next to him. He looked down at the embarrassed female school bully lying on the ground and asked:

"I heard from the client that you took a lot of her clothes and bags?"

"Yes, I'm sorry. I'll bring it back to her when I get back later."

Huang Jiamin held her swollen left face tightly with both hands and apologized with a trembling voice.

Seeing that she was so understanding, Lin Zichen no longer made things difficult for her.

He turned to look at the client aside and said:

"The problem is solved. If she still dares to bully you, you can come to me at any time and I will give you a 20% discount."

"Well, thank you, Brother Chen."

The client thanked me like this.

Then, he took out his mobile phone very sensibly and transferred 11 points to Lin Zichen.

Lin Zichen glanced at the credits he received and didn't pay too much attention.

He put away his cell phone, turned around and faced the melon-eating crowd, and said loudly:

"Dear sophomore seniors!"

"If you need a replacement service, you can contact me at any time. The price is negotiable!"

"As long as the target is a student in the school, I can take action!"

With that said, he walked to the front and stopped next to Li Chuxin, and introduced to everyone:

"This lovely beauty is my agent Li Chuxin!"

"You can add her on WeChat. If you need my help, please contact her!"

Such a high-profile advertisement for myself.

It feels like nothing is wrong.

Lin Zichen took Shen Qinghan away from the scene, leaving Li Chuxin to add the potential customer's WeChat account.

As for the client, Hu Yingli.

Now that the commission has been completed, there is no need to worry about her anymore.


Office of the Student Union President.

Huang Jiarui and others told Zhou Xuehong in detail about the strange thing that happened to them today and their guesses.

He said that he was suppressed by the biological pressure of an unknown high-level powerful person, and suspected that there was someone behind Lin Zichen.

Zhou Xuehong fell into deep thought after hearing this.

He felt that Huang Jiarui's guess was reasonable.

Lin Zichen dared to be so crazy, there was probably someone behind him.

So the question is, who is the person behind it?

Could it be Principal Yuan?

After pondering for a moment, Zhou Xuehong couldn't help but think of Yuan Dongzhi.

That day, Lin Zichen had just announced that he would be a substitute, and the next day the school lifted the limit on the number of challenges.

This doesn't look like a coincidence.

But cooperate.

So... what is the relationship between Lin Zichen and Yuan Xiaoneng?

Zhou Xuehong was puzzled.

After thinking about it for a while, I couldn't figure out why.

Finally, he said to Huang Jiarui and others: "It's best for everyone to avoid Lin Zichen during this period and wait and see what happens."

"If you accidentally conflict with him, you can give him a verbal warning and see how he reacts."

"In short, try to avoid fighting with him."

at the same time.

Administration Building.

Principal's office.

Ma Zhenhe found Yuan Dongzhi and told her about Lin Zichen's recent situation.

He tentatively asked: "Principal Yuan, Lin Zichen recently engaged in some kind of taxi service, which caused chaos in the inner campus. Is this what you meant?"


Yuan Dongzhi denied.

After saying that, she took a sip of warm tea and said in a cold voice: "But one thing to say, I quite like what Lin Zichen did. The students in the school have always been suppressed by the student union. Classes have been solidified for too long, which is not conducive to the long-term success of the school. Development, I think, is the time to break this situation.”

PS: There is one more update, about three o'clock.

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