Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 164 The camp entry trial begins

At night, in the dormitory.

Lin Zichen sat cross-legged on the bed and tempered his body four times.

In order to complete his goal of tempering his body five times before his sophomore year, he would temper his body whenever he had time.

I do not know how long it has been.

Lin Zichen slowly opened his eyes, exhaled a deep breath, and then called up the body tempering progress bar to check the progress.

[Quenching skin four times: 12%]

Only 12%...

The quenching efficiency is a bit slower than that of the third quenching.

But it's not too slow, and it's still acceptable.

"Xiaochen, can I come in?"

Shen Qinghan's sweet voice sounded outside the dormitory door.

Before Lin Zichen could respond, she used her mental power to open the door from the air and walked into the dormitory without permission.

The couple doesn't have so many rules, so they can come in whenever they want.

"Why don't you blow dry your hair after taking a shower?"

Lin Zichen looked at Shen Qinghan who came in and saw that her hair was wet, so he couldn't help but say something to her.

Shen Qinghan took off her slippers and sat on the bed: "I also want to blow dry, but there is no hair dryer in the dormitory, so I can't do it even if I want to."

After hearing what she said, Lin Zichen realized that there was indeed no hair dryer in the dormitory.

This small single-room dormitory has very few electrical appliances.

"Then let me use my blood to dry it for you."

As Lin Zichen said this, he put his hands on Shen Qinghan's hair, and with a thought, he released wisps of hot energy and blood, slowly evaporating the moisture on the hair.

More than two minutes later.

The moisture on the hair has been evaporated almost completely.

My hair is no longer so wet that it sticks together.

Instead, they spread out silkily one by one, looking very smooth and pleasing to the eye.

"You dry my hair, and in return, I'll make you feel comfortable."

Shen Qinghan smiled.

After saying that, she gently pushed Lin Zichen down, pushed her somewhat obstructive bangs behind her ears, and then leaned down to serve Lin Zichen tenderly.

Lin Zichen said nothing, closed his eyes and enjoyed it quietly.

About half an hour later.

Shen Qinghan ended her service, climbed on Lin Zichen and lay down, smiling and saying:

"Are you comfortable?"


Lin Zichen said with a satisfied expression.

Shen Qinghan teased the hair that fell from behind her ears, and said in a soft voice: "I've made you feel comfortable, do you want to give me a reward?"

Lin Zichen poked her tender cheek and said with a smile: "It felt comfortable just now, but in return for helping you dry your hair, why do you need a reward?"

"I want it."

Shen Qinghan's voice was coquettish and coquettish.

Lin Zichen pinched her pretty ass, smiled lovingly and said, "Get up then, I'll get you a reward."

"Is there really a reward?"

Shen Qinghan sat up in surprise.

Lin Zichen sat up, reached for the schoolbag on the bedside, took out a small delicate medicine bottle from it, handed it to her and said:

"Here, your reward."

"Aren't these the ten high-level Qi and Blood Pills that you won during the day?"

"Yes, it's all for you."

"No, you should keep some for yourself, why don't you leave it all to me?"

Shen Qinghan did not take the small medicine bottle that was handed to him.

The reward she just asked for was just to get Lin Zichen to kiss her or something like that. She never thought of asking for such a precious thing.

Although she and Lin Zichen were not outsiders, they were childhood sweethearts who had grown up together, but she couldn't accept the ten high-level Qi and Blood Pills worth millions so easily.

At most, the most is to accept one, and then slowly compensate Lin Zichen in the future life.

In short, you can't let Lin Zichen go to whoring for nothing, and you can't let Lin Zichen lose money.

The contribution of both parties must be equal.

Lin Zichen knew what Shen Qinghan was thinking, and said in a gentle voice:

"I don't have any use for this high-level Qi and Blood Pill. If I just run a few laps on the playground, the increased Qi and Blood will be worth the medicinal effect of a high-level Qi and Blood Pill. It would be a complete waste for me to take it."

"Then you can give it to Aunt Xin and Uncle Sheng."

"My parents are ordinary people and cannot bear the effects of the high-level Qi and Blood Pills."

After saying that, Lin Zichen directly put the small medicine bottle into Shen Qinghan's hand, looked into her eyes, and said seriously: "Don't be afraid of owing me, we are a family, and what is good to you is equal to what is good to me, do you understand? "

Seeing that Lin Zichen had reached this point, Shen Qinghan had no reason to be coy and had no choice but to purse her lips and accept the small medicine bottle.

I thought to myself that I must repay Lin Zichen elsewhere in the future and let him earn back his capital with profits.

After calming down for a while, Shen Qinghan leaned over to Lin Zichen's face and kissed him. She smiled sweetly with her beautiful eyes slightly bent and said, "Thank you for the support money from the sponsor's father. Hanhan will work harder to serve you in the future."

"Little filthy girl, I am making you more and more flirtatious with my words."

Lin Zichen pinched Shen Qinghan's lips and teased her with a smile.

Shen Qinghan pushed Lin Zichen down again, lay on top of him and looked at each other affectionately, asking in a soft voice, "Do you like it or not?"


Lin Zichen nodded sincerely.

Shen Qinghan smiled sweetly, put her face close to Lin Zichen's ear, and said in a softer voice: "Dad, Hanhan can be more flirtatious~"

After saying that, she lowered her head and kissed him, using her soft lips to please Lin Zichen.

She knew very well that there was nothing she could do to help Lin Zichen at this stage.

The only thing he could do was to provide Lin Zichen with emotional value as his childhood sweetheart.

And, occasionally, I use my unskilled service skills to make him feel comfortable.

The next day, 5 o'clock in the morning.

Before dawn.

Lin Zichen got up and washed up, then went out to the dormitory next door to wake up Shen Qinghan.

After she finishes washing up, go to the dining hall to have breakfast with her, and then gather together on the playground.

When the two came to the playground, not many people came to gather.

There were only seven people.

They are Ma Xiwei, the five people from the military region, and the beautiful female freshman from Beijing University.

As for the five people from the Machine God Group, none of them arrived.

At this time, the five young men in the military area were chatting enthusiastically with the two girls, wanting to get to know these two good-looking girls.

Ma Xiwei was very cold and didn't pay much attention to the five people in the military area.

On the contrary, the girl from Beijing University seemed quite enthusiastic, chatting and laughing with the five people from the military area.


A dark-skinned young man from the military area saw Lin Zichen coming and greeted him with a smile.

The swarthy young man was the one who wanted to spar with Lin Zichen yesterday, named Zhao Yuanzhong.


Lin Zichen responded politely.

Zhao Yuanzhong was very familiar with him. He took the initiative to talk to Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan, and asked curiously:

"You two are in pairs. You are brothers and sisters. Are you still a couple?"

When he asked this question, the other four people in the military area and the girl from Beijing University all looked sideways.

Obviously, these people are very concerned about the relationship between Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan.

Before Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan could answer, Ma Xiwei, who had a cold personality, said:

"Those two are engaged couples, so don't think too much about it."

As soon as these words came out, those people all looked regretful.

The five young men in the military region, but it is a pity that Shen Qinghan has an owner.

That girl from Beijing University, it's a pity that Lin Zichen has a master.

Zhao Yuanzhong looked at Lin Zichen and smiled awkwardly: "Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that. I just asked out of curiosity."

"I know."

Lin Zichen gave Zhao Yuanzhong a step down.

Adolescent boys understand everything and want to know beautiful girls when they see them.

The little thoughts in my heart are almost transparent and can be seen through at a glance.

"I heard that the younger generation in your military region have all gone to the source for training?"

Lin Zichen felt that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, so he changed the subject and asked Zhao Yuanzhong.

He has always been curious about the origin, and now that he has arrived at the military area, he must take this opportunity to learn more about it.

Zhao Yuanzhong: "I can barely get in."


Lin Zichen was puzzled by this.

If you have entered, you have entered. If you have not entered, you have not entered. What does it mean to barely qualify?

Zhao Yuanzhong explained: "The military region has a city stationed in the source area. Young soldiers like us, who are still in the ordinary biological level, are sometimes assigned to do odd jobs in the city, but cannot leave the city."

"Once you enter the city, you have entered the source land, but you cannot get out of the city and cannot come into contact with the source land full of primitive competition outside the city. Once you enter, it will be the same as if you have not entered."

"It's impossible to truly enter the origin if the biological level is not high."

"Ordinary level creatures simply cannot withstand the rejection of the world force."

"You can only stay in the city and move under the isolation and protection of the city barrier."

Boundary force repulsion?

This was the first time Lin Zichen heard this word, and he quickly asked: "What is boundary force repulsion?"

Zhao Yuanzhong continued to explain: "When people on earth enter the source, they will be driven away by an invisible force, but this force is not strong and only has a greater impact on people whose biological levels are below the advanced level."

After speaking, he smiled and said: "I know you will definitely ask next, whether alien beasts will be repelled by the world force on earth."

"The answer is that it will be repelled by the world force, and it will be repelled by a stronger world force."

"Actually, the strength of many alien beasts on the earth has been weakened by the power of the world."

"They will be stronger in the origin."

"In front of humans, he is almost invincible at the same level."

Zhao Yuanzhong continued: "Otherwise, if the biological levels are the same, why do you think the gene fusion people on the earth can defeat the alien beasts that are the source of genes?"

"I see."

Lin Zichen nodded and learned a lot of useful knowledge.

This knowledge cannot be learned by reading books.

Seeing Lin Zichen's stunned look, Zhao Yuanzhong couldn't help but feel puzzled: "Didn't your elders in your family tell you this?"


Lin Zichen shook his head.

He did not tell Zhao Yuanzhong that his parents were ordinary people, knew nothing about these things, and did not even know about the existence of the origin.

They just chatted for a while.

As time went by, the remaining people who participated in the special training gradually came to the playground to gather.

There were a total of 20 people in the entire playground.

The Military Region, Shanhai University, Kyoto University, and Jishen Group each have 5 people.

The time came to 7 o'clock in the morning.

A man jumped from the rooftop of a building in front, and landed in front of everyone with a "dong" sound, throwing up a large amount of dust.

After the dust disperses.

What caught everyone's eyes was a middle-aged man who looked to be in his early thirties and was wearing a camouflage uniform.

Lin Zichen had a thought and sensed the man's biological level.

Very high.

Up to advanced level six.

With this strength, he would be considered the dean of the college in the two major schools.

Moreover, he is the dean of the two most powerful colleges, the School of Evolution and the School of Mechanical Engineering.

"Is everyone here?"

The man glanced at the scattered people and asked in a loud voice.

Zhao Yuanzhong said in an equally loud voice: "Report to the instructor, everyone is here!"

He is the captain of the five-man military district.

However, he is not the strongest in terms of strength, he is simply the most positive person.

After listening to Zhao Yuanzhong's answer.

The man nodded and immediately introduced himself to those who did not know him: "My name is Lu Tianrong, and I am your instructor for this special training. You can call me Instructor Lu."

After simply introducing himself, he began to order the people in front of him: "Now, starting with the five people from the military area, report in order by simply introducing yourself!"

The words just fell.

Zhao Yuanzhong, who was at the front of the five people in the military area, immediately began to introduce himself and report.

"Military District, Zhao Yuanzhong!"

The four people behind him also reported in.

"Military Region, what's the matter?"

"Military District, Liu Ruihe!"


After the military area reported in, others followed suit and reported in the same manner.

"Meishen Group, Mo Yanwei!"

"Meishen Group, Zhang Kai!"

"Jishen Group, Zhu Shishi"


"Kyoto University, Qin Chuan!"

"Kyoto University, Takamaki!"

‘Kyoto University, Shangguan Yueying! ’


"Shanhai University, Lin Zichen!"

"Shanhai University, Li Moyu!"

"Shanhai University, Shen Qinghan!"


When everyone reported loudly, Lu Tianrong, as an instructor, had already memorized everyone's corresponding appearance in his heart.

After the check-in is over.

Lu Tianrong said to everyone: "I won't say any more nonsense. The purpose of everyone coming here is to participate in special training and improve themselves."

"Now, I'm going to make a temporary division of you into four teams. After the division, you will immediately start taking the camp entrance examination."

"You will receive real special training only after the camp entrance examination is over."

After saying that, Lu Tianrong didn't waste any time and immediately started randomly dividing everyone into teams.

"Luo Yongjian from Shanhai University, go to the Meishen Group."

"Shangguan Yueying from Kyoto University, go to Shanhai University."

"He Yancheng from the Military Region, you go to Kyoto University."

"Zhang Kai from Jishen Group, go to the team at Shanhai University."

"Zhao Yuanzhong from the Military Region, go to Shanhai University."


It took about two minutes for Lu Tianrong to disrupt all four teams.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan were lucky enough not to be transferred to other teams, but remained in the Shanhai University team as a pair.

But all three of the original team members were transferred.

They were replaced by Shangguan Yueying from Beijing University, Zhang Kai from Jishen Group, and Zhao Yuanzhong from the Military Region.

Lin Zichen saw the formation pattern of instructor Lu Tianrong.

Just make sure the team is mixed enough.

There must be people from Shandong University, people from Beijing University, and people from the Organic God Group and the Military Region.

This is definitely not a random arrangement, it must have a special intention.

But this intention is still unknown.

Lin Zichen thought that it must be related to cooperation, testing the team ability of teaming up with strangers.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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