Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 201 Ma Xiwei wants to follow the path of pure-blooded humans

I stayed in the office for almost two hours.

Lin Zichen felt that the time was almost up, so he took Shen Qinghan away and went home.

After the two left.

Yuan Dongzhi took out his mobile phone and called Ma Zhenhe, the dean of the Evolution Academy, to explain Shen Qinghan's situation to him.

He said that Shen Qinghan was a pure-blooded human, and when school starts tomorrow, she will not be a student of the Evolution Academy, but a member of the Tianren Pavilion.

Ma Zhenhe, who was at home, heard this and was stunned.

After a moment of coming to his senses, he said puzzledly: "Qinghan is obviously a gene fusion, how can she be a pure-blooded human, what is going on?"

"Qinghan is not a gene fusion, but a gene slave." Yuan Dongzhi said lightly.

"Gene enslaver?" Ma Zhenhe frowned, and then asked: "Principal Yuan, I don't quite understand, can you explain it to me?"

Yuan Dongzhi: "It means that the alien gene injected into Qinghan's body did not fuse with her genes, but was enslaved by her genes."

She told Ma Zhenhe the secret of Shen Qinghan without hiding anything.

If Shen Qinghan wants to enter the list of alien geniuses, he must show his strength and potential after school starts.

There is no need to hide his shortcomings.

Next, what Shen Qinghan has to do is to show that he is a pure-blooded human, but has a special physique that can obtain the same abilities as gene fusion.

Strive to perform well enough to enter the list of alien geniuses as soon as possible, so as to obtain better evolutionary resources.


In the next half an hour.

Ma Zhenhe talked to Yuan Dongzhi about Shen Qinghan.

After the call ended.

Ma Zhenhe sat on the sofa in his living room, still confused, feeling a little unreal.

Gene enslavement?

There is such a special existence?

No, I have to go to the Pure Human Research Institute tomorrow to see if it is true...

Thinking about it, Ma Zhenhe said with some displeasure: "Old man Liu Chuanwu is so lucky that he has accepted two top geniuses at once. It's really disgusting!"

As soon as the voice fell.

Ma Xiwei, who was taking a shower in the bathroom, came out wearing a nightgown.

Hearing what Ma Zhenhe just said, she asked curiously: "Dad, what about Dean Liu accepting two top geniuses?"

Ma Zhenhe said to her: "Just now, Principal Yuan called to inform me that Shen Qinghan in your class is a pure-blooded human and is going to quit the Evolution Academy and join the Tianren Pavilion."


Ma Xiwei was stunned for a moment.

After a moment of reaction, she said with a puzzled look: "Is it a mistake? How could Shen Qinghan be a pure-blooded human? I have seen her use the genes of alien beasts. She is obviously a gene fusionist."

Ma Zhenhe: "Principal Yuan said that she is not a gene fusionist, but a gene enslaver. The genes of alien beasts will not fuse into her body, but will be enslaved by her genes."

"Can it be like this?"

Ma Xiwei looked doubtful about life.

And Ma Zhenhe in front of her was lost in thought, thinking about the future trend of pure-blooded humans.

Ma Zhenhe had heard from his daughter that Lin Zichen was attacked by the God Plant Cult when he participated in the special training of the military region.

The scale of the attack was so large that even rare-level strongmen were dispatched.

This shows that the God Plant Cult attaches great importance to Lin Zichen.

Now that the school is about to start, Yuan Dongzhi suddenly asked Shen Qinghan to join the Tianren Pavilion.

These actions undoubtedly show that the pure-blooded human is not simple.

It seems that I have to focus on the few people in the Pure Human Research Institute in the future...

Ma Zhenhe thought to himself.

He thought so, and Ma Xiwei in front of him thought almost the same.

Ma Xiwei thought about it seriously.

He hesitated for a moment.

Then, he looked at Ma Zhenhe and said, "Dad, I want to remove the alien gene in my body."

Hearing this, Ma Zhenhe frowned: "What do you want to do? Don't tell me you also want to join the Tianren Pavilion and follow the path of pure-blooded humans."

Ma Xiwei pursed his lips and said, "Dad, judging from Lin Zichen's performance and the importance that the Shenzhi Sect attaches to him, the path of pure-blooded humans is not easy. I will change to the path of pure-blooded humans now. When the path of pure-blooded humans really shines, I will be one step ahead and go further."

Ma Zhenhe scolded: "Ma Xiwei, what are you thinking about? Do you know how much damage it will cause to your body if you remove the alien gene in your body? If not, you may be ruined for the rest of your life!"

After saying that, he felt that he was She spoke a little louder, and then turned to speak earnestly: "Weiwei, think about it carefully. Lin Zichen's performance is so amazing. Do you really think it is the blessing of the pure-blooded human path, and it is definitely not his own ability?"

"If pure-blooded humans are really so powerful, why have they been so miserable in these years?"

"Also, no matter how powerful Lin Zichen is, he has not yet been able to break the shackles of ordinary creatures."

"As long as he can't evolve into a high-level creature with a pure-blooded human body, there is no future for the pure-blooded human path."

"You are too irrational to say that you want to join the Tianren Pavilion and follow the pure-blooded human path now."

"You need to calm down and don't be so easily influenced, understand?"


Ma Xiwei was silent.

After a few seconds, she looked into Ma Zhenhe's eyes and said seriously: "What if Lin Zichen breaks the shackles of ordinary creatures with a pure-blooded human body and successfully evolves into a high-level creature?"

Ma Zhenhe said without thinking: "Just because he can do it doesn't mean that others can do it. Unless pure-blooded humans can produce several advanced creatures in a short period of time, there is no need for you to consider it."

"I understand, Dad. It's late. I'm going back to my room to sleep. You should go to bed early too."

After saying this, Ma Xiwei turned around and walked upstairs to the room, no longer talking to Ma Zhenhe about pure-blooded humans.

Ma Zhenhe was too conservative and not radical enough. She and Ma Zhenhe had no common language and could not continue the conversation.


The next morning, it was just dawn.

Shanhai University Family Quarters.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan woke up early.

"Xiaochen, don't rush to get up. Can you stay in bed for a while?" Seeing that Lin Zichen was about to get out of bed as soon as he opened his eyes, Shen Qinghan pulled his arm and said coquettishly.

Seeing that she was coquettish, Lin Zichen lay back as she wished.

"Xiaochen is so good, come, I'll reward you with a good morning kiss!"

Shen Qinghan said as she leaned close to Lin Zichen's face, lifted up her soft hair, and kissed Lin Zichen's mouth.

Lin Zichen put his arm around her waist and began to respond to her kiss.

Shen Qinghan is no longer like before, who would pee in her pants just because of a little stimulation.

As long as you don't touch the sensitive points on her body, you can kiss her boldly.

"Xiaochen, in addition to the good morning kiss, there are other rewards."

Qinghan let go of Lin Zichen's lips, lay on his chest and said with a smile.

Lin Zichen: "What reward?"

Shen Qinghan didn't answer, but just smiled at him, and then quickly shrank into the quilt.

Soon, Lin Zichen felt his brain clear up and felt very comfortable.

He didn't say anything about this, but just closed his eyes silently and enjoyed it.

I don't know how long it took.

The sky outside the window was completely bright.

At this time, Shen Qinghan also got out of the quilt and got out of bed with Lin Zichen.

The former went to the bathroom to take a shower, and the latter went to the toilet to rinse his mouth.

After that, they went to the living room to have breakfast together, and went out to the inner campus under the eyes of Zhang Wanxin.

After entering the inner campus.

The former went to the direction of the research institute, and the latter went to the direction of the evolution building.

Shen Qinghan originally wanted to go to the research institute together.

But Lin Zichen told her that it would be better to go to the evolution building on the first day of school to say goodbye to the classmates.

After all, they have been classmates for a semester. If they leave without saying a word, it would be a bit cold.

Shen Qinghan thought it made sense, so she followed his advice and chose to go to the evolution building to say goodbye to the classmates.

Five minutes later.

Shen Qinghan arrived at the evolution building and walked into a large classroom in the middle of the first floor.

Today is the first day of school.

According to the practice of the genius class of Shanhai University, the first class is a class meeting, which will be held in the main classroom of the evolution building.

The content of the class is mainly to summarize the results of the previous semester and set goals for this semester.

"Sister Han, why are you here?"

As soon as Shen Qinghan entered the classroom, Luo Yongjian, who was sitting on the window sill and pretending to be cool, jumped down and walked up to her and said.

When the other people in the classroom heard the voice, they all turned their heads to look at Shen Qinghan who came in.

When they woke up this morning, they all saw the notice that Shen Qinghan had joined the Tianren Pavilion in the class group, and knew that Shen Qinghan would not come to the Evolution Building for classes in the future.

When they saw Shen Qinghan coming to the classroom, they were all a little surprised.

"I'm here to say goodbye to everyone."

Shen Qinghan looked at her classmates and said with some reluctance.

She felt that her classmates in college were good, unlike her classmates in elementary school, junior high school and high school, who would dislike her, exclude her and say bad things about her because of some of her things.

She really couldn't bear to leave these classmates in the class.

But compared to being reluctant to leave these classmates, she wanted to stay with Lin Zichen in the research institute every day.

"Sister Han, the dean said in the class group that you are also a pure-blooded human, what's the matter?"

Luo Yongjian asked curiously.

He didn't care whether Shen Qinghan came to say goodbye or not, but he was really curious about what Ma Zhenhe said in the group that Shen Qinghan was a pure-blooded human.

The same was true for other people in the class, and they were all very curious about it.

They had seen Shen Qinghan's hair turn blue many times and use the ability of the blue jellyfish to control the blood and qi in other people's bodies remotely.

It was really hard to believe that Shen Qinghan was suddenly said to be a pure-blooded human.

Facing the curiosity of his classmates, Shen Qinghan chose to satisfy them and told them the secret that he had a special physique and could enslave the genes of alien beasts.

Anyway, in the coming days, in order to be included in the list of alien-level geniuses, he would sooner or later show his strength and talent in front of all the teachers and students in the school.

Since everyone is curious, why not show it in advance now to satisfy everyone's curiosity.

After listening to Shen Qinghan's talk about genetic slavery, everyone was shocked.

Li Moyu's brother, that is, Kyoto genius Li Yijin.

This person claims to be the top gene fusion genius in the country. At most, he can suppress the genes of alien beasts, so that he can fuse multiple alien beast genes.

However, Shen Qinghan is even more exaggerated than him. He directly controlled the genes of alien beasts.

What is the concept of "control"?

This is much more valuable than the word "suppression".

The gap is so big that it is no exaggeration to say that it is like heaven and earth.

At this time, Ma Xiwei came up and asked, "Qinghan, does your Lin Zichen have any special physique?"

When this was said, everyone in the classroom pricked up their ears.

Since the beginning of school, Lin Zichen has always shown an absolutely overwhelming attitude when facing his peers.

No, not only his peers.

Even the sophomores and juniors in the genius class are vulnerable in front of Lin Zichen.

Such unreasonable strength can only be explained by Lin Zichen's special physique.

Shen Qinghan thought for a while and said, "Xiaochen is very compatible with the blood quenching technique. When practicing the blood quenching technique to quench the body, the efficiency is exaggerated. It is more than ten times that of mine. I don't know if this is considered a special physique."

More than ten times? !

When everyone heard this, they were shocked.

The gap is ten times, what else can this be if not a special physique?

After the shock, a burst of envy and flattering sighs rang out in the classroom:

"Brother Chen is in the state of physical sainthood."

"Sister Han is a genetic slave, and Brother Chen is a physical saint. They are really the best of the best."

"Not only are they the best of the best, but they are also handsome and beautiful. Sister Han is a school beauty, and Brother Chen is a school hunk. They are so well matched that people envy them."

"One is handsome and good at fighting, and the other is beautiful and good at fighting. Do you want to let people live?"


Shen Qinghan listened to the sighs of her classmates and felt very happy.

Her dream since she was a child was to be called the best of the best with Lin Zichen. She didn't expect it to come true today.

"By the way, I made a bag of cookies last night. If you don't mind, come and try it."

Shen Qinghan put a bag in her hand on the desk in front of her and said to everyone in the classroom with a sweet smile.

This is her farewell gift to her classmates.

When this bag of cookies is eaten up, she should leave.

She was going to the Pure Human Research Institute to study pure-blooded humans with her beloved Lin Zichen, practice blood quenching techniques, and explore the mysteries of the human body.

"Wow, the cookies made by Sister Han must be delicious. Let me try them."

"Give me one too."

"I just didn't have breakfast. Thank you, Sister Han!"


Everyone in the classroom came up in twos and threes to get the cookies, calling her Sister Han, and they were very respectful to Shen Qinghan.

In the past, they respected Shen Qinghan because she was Lin Zichen's fiancée.

And now, they respect her.

This is a ruthless person who can enslave genes, and she deserves respect.

Not long after, all the cookies were eaten.

Shen Qinghan saw that the time was almost up, so she left the classroom and went to the research institute.

Seeing this, Luo Yongjian said, "Sister Han, you will have plenty of time to go to the institute to find Brother Chen in the future. Don't go today. Stay and take classes with us. It will be your last day at the Evolution Academy."

A girl also said, "Yes, Sister Han, stay and take classes with us on the last day. We will take a class photo together after class."

"Okay, I'll tell Xiaochen."

Shen Qinghan agreed, took out her phone and sent a message to Lin Zichen, telling him that she would be taking classes at the Evolution Academy today, the last day of classes.

Wait until tomorrow morning, and then go to the institute together.


PS: Put the bowl, ask for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets!

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