Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 218 Mysterious Undersea Ruins

"Lin Zi, wait for me!" Shen Qinghan shouted to Lin Zichen in front of him as soon as he landed.

When Lin Zichen heard the shouting, he immediately turned around and ran back, picked up Shen Qinghan and rushed towards the research institute.

Because the speed was too fast, there was a rush of air wherever it passed.

The wind blew passers-by's skirts flying and their hair swaying around their faces.

Just over ten seconds.

Lin Zichen hugged Shen Qinghan and rushed to the door of the research institute.

After putting Shen Qinghan down, he conjured a card out of thin air and opened the door of the research institute with a beep.

At this time, the sky was not completely bright yet.

This point.

Liu Chuanwu was usually still at home but did not come.

Song Yuyan usually still sleeps in her exclusive room in the research institute.

Therefore, the research institute was very gray and dark at this time.

Lin Zichen didn't even turn on the lights when he came in, and took Shen Qinghan straight to Liu Chuanwu's office.

Just halfway there.

In the dim bathroom in front, a naked Song Yuyan suddenly walked out.

She was naked, wearing nothing but a pair of white cotton slippers on her feet.

Lin Zichen was stunned.

Shen Qinghan was also stunned.

Song Yuyan was stunned.

She slept naked last night and had just woken up from peeing. Thinking that she was the only one in the research institute, she simply went naked to drain the water.

But never in my dreams did I expect that I would meet Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan when I came out of the bathroom after draining the water.

After a moment of reaction.

Song Yuyan immediately covered her lower body with one hand and her upper body with the other, stepped back into the bathroom, and then closed the door with a bang.

It's still dark this morning, what are these two people doing here at the institute?

I have never held a man's hand even once in my life, and now my whole body is exposed. The chastity I have cherished for almost thirty years is gone!

How should I face those two people in the future?

Song Yuyan was in a state of panic. She tightly covered her pretty face, which was so red that it was dripping with water. She felt embarrassed and uncomfortable in her heart, and wanted to live on another planet.

outside the door.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan both felt embarrassed for Song Yuyan inside, and they felt very social just thinking about it.

The two of them walked too hastily when they first came in, and the bathroom was dark with no lights on, so they couldn't notice Song Yuyan inside at all.

This back and forth created such an embarrassing situation.

Although it was embarrassing, Lin Zichen was in a hurry to get the video of the underwater ruins, so he didn't think too much and quickly rushed to Liu Chuanwu's office with Shen Qinghan.

When the two of them copied the video and walked out of the office together.

Song Yuyan, who had just hid naked in the bathroom and was upset, was now wearing a loose martial arts uniform and sitting on the sofa in the living and leisure area looking at her mobile phone.

Seeing the two people coming out, Song Yuyan wanted to pretend that nothing happened just now, but her tone was very stiff and said: "Why are you two here so early?"

Lin Zichen replied: "Come and copy the video of the underwater ruins that the dean saved on the computer, and show the pavilion master whether he recognizes the mural above."

"The Pavilion Master is looking for you?"

"Yes, they said they would live in Hanhan and I's dormitory for a while, absorb more blood and accumulate energy to prepare for entering the source."

"That's it."

"Sister Yan, let's not talk about it for now. I have to go back to the dormitory before the Pavilion Master lies down in the coffin to sleep."

With these words, Lin Zichen took Shen Qinghan and left the research institute without looking back.

On the way back to the dormitory.

Shen Qinghan hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn't help but ask: "Lin Zi, did you see Sister Yan's body just now?"

"I saw it." Lin Zichen replied honestly.

The scene just now was so obvious that if you said you didn't see it, you would be fooling a child.

Shen Qinghan: "Sister Yan is so clean. Her whole body is white and tender. It's really enviable."

Send a proposition, right?

Lin Zichen was not fooled and solved the problem at the speed of light: "Anyone can envy Sister Yan, but you can't. You are many times fairer and tenderer than her."

Shen Qinghan felt happy after hearing this.

Lin Zichen didn't say much to her and walked quickly back to the dormitory.

Just a moment.

The two of them returned to the dormitory with the copied video.

Lin Zichen didn't waste a second. He quickly went into the room to get his tablet and uploaded the copied video to it.

Then, click to play the video and put it in front of Qi Qingmo for her to watch.

Qi Qingmo was a little curious about the technological product of tablet computers, but he did not study it. Instead, he carefully watched the underwater ruins in the video.

When she saw the large mural of water creatures kneeling before a woman, her slender eyebrows couldn't help but twitch.

Exactly the same...

The underwater ruins in the video are exactly the same as the underwater ruins she entered back then. The murals inside are exactly the same...

The content is full of water creatures of extremely high status, kneeling in awe and worshiping a mysterious woman lying on her side in a shell...

Moreover, they are all the same woman...

"Where is this underwater ruin?"

Qi Qingmo's interest was successfully aroused and he wanted to explore the underwater ruins in the video.

Lin Zichen said: "Disappeared."


Qi Qingmo was a little confused.

Lin Zichen explained: "This video of the underwater ruins was taken by Dean Liu many years ago and preserved."

"Dean Liu said that after he came out of this underwater ruins, he wanted to go in a second time, but he found that the entrance to the ruins had disappeared."

"I asked the local fishermen, and they all said that there could be no ruins there, and that Dean Liu must have remembered it wrong."


Qi Qingmo looked thoughtful after listening to it, wondering if there was a magic circle set up?

After thinking about it, she looked at Lin Zichen and asked: "In which sea area is the mysterious underwater ruins in the video specifically located?"

"Shuangri Bay is not far from here."

"Double Day Bay?"

Qi Qingmo remembered the place name in his mind, and then said to Lin Zichen: "After I go to the source and come out, I will go to Shuangri Bay to help you take a look."

She was very curious about the underwater ruins in the video, but that was just curiosity.

The most important thing for her at the moment is to find a way out of the source.

All other things have to make way for this.

"By the way, Pavilion Master, Dean Liu brought out a pearl shell bracelet from that mysterious underwater ruin. I'll show it to you."

After Lin Zichen finished speaking, he looked at Shen Qinghan aside and said, "Hanhan, take out the pearl shell bracelet that the dean gave you and show it to the pavilion master."

"Okay, I'll get it now."

Shen Qinghan said and walked quickly into the room.

Then in the blink of an eye, she returned with a pearl shell bracelet.

When Qi Qingmo saw this bracelet, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Before Shen Qinghan came over, Qi Qingmo drew the bracelet over from the air, holding it in his hand to observe and feel it carefully.

"This bracelet actually contains such rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth?"

After observing and feeling, Qi Qingmo's eyes showed a hint of excitement, and he said with disbelief.

The pearl shell bracelet contains a large amount of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth that she needs.

This amount was large enough for her to continue using all her strength for three days.

"Pavilion Master, does this bracelet contain the spiritual energy of heaven and earth?"

Lin Zichen said in surprise.

He had studied this bracelet many times and found it to be unremarkable.

Unexpectedly, it actually contained the aura of heaven and earth from the era Qi Qingmo lived in.

This is somewhat unbelievable.

"Can you give me this bracelet?"

Qi Qingmo looked at Shen Qinghan and said, "I need this bracelet very much now."

Of course Shen Qinghan could give it to her, but he didn't say so immediately. Instead, he looked at Lin Zichen aside without any idea.

No matter what decision she made, she needed to ask Lin Zichen's opinion first.

This was not what Lin Zichen asked her to do, it was simply what she wanted to do.

Ever since she was a child, she had been accustomed to being a little girl with no independent opinions, and was used to Lin Zichen making decisions for her.

Similarly, Lin Zichen was also used to her eyes like this.

The moment she looked over, he decided for her: "Since you, Pavilion Master, need this pearl shell bracelet very much, of course I will give it to you."

"After all, this bracelet will not be able to exert its value in our hands at all. It will eventually become a piece of jewelry that is of no use."

"Only when it is placed in your hands, the Pavilion Master, can it achieve its maximum value."

Lin Zichen was licking Qingmo, wishing he could lick her to the sky.

Such a big boss with unfathomable strength, if he licked her to pleasure, his own safety would be guaranteed.

You can worship him as a foster father, but no, he should be worshiped as a foster mother.

Maybe you can walk sideways on the earth from now on.

"You two are such good kids."

Qi Qingmo looked at the two people in front of him, with a happy smile on his face, and then said: "After a while, I will go to the source to find a way out, and I will collect evolutionary resources for you as much as possible on the way."

"Thank you, Pavilion Master!"

"Thank you, Master."

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan thanked them one after another.

Qi Qingmo smiled and said: "I should be the one to thank you two. Not only did you send me Qi and blood, but you also gave me such a bracelet containing spiritual energy. It is really a timely help."

With this pearl shell bracelet, she will have full confidence to enter the unknown land of Origin without fear of any opponent.

She believed that no matter how unknown the origin was, the creatures inside that majored in origin power would not be stronger than the creatures in the spiritual energy era she lived in.

As long as she can use her spiritual power to exert her peak strength, she will definitely be able to dominate the world.

No matter what happens, you can retreat without any injuries, so you don't have to worry about being left behind.

"Pavilion Master, with this bracelet, won't you need to suck Lin Zi's blood?"

Shen Qinghan asked after hesitating for a moment.

Qi Qingmo: "That's not true. You still have to suck it."

"Use a little less spiritual energy. I won't use it until the last moment."

"If you can rely on Qi and blood to maintain your vitality, then it is best to consume Qi and blood to maintain your vitality. There is no need to waste the hard-earned spiritual energy of heaven and earth."


"Oh, that's it." Shen Qinghan nodded.

Then quickly, she asked again: "Pavilion Master, can I ask what your strength is?"

She was very curious about Qi Qingmo's biological level.

I want to know whether this Tianren Pavilion Master is an epic creature, a legendary creature, or the highest level mythical creature.

Faced with Shen Qinghan's question, Qi Qingmo said with a serious look on his face: "Don't just ask other people about their level of strength. This is an offense, you know?"

Shen Qinghan was stunned for a moment.

After a moment of reaction, he immediately lowered his head and admitted his mistake at the speed of light: "I'm sorry, Pavilion Master, I won't do it again in the future..."

Qi Qingmo didn't dwell too much on this topic.

As soon as she had an idea, she took back the ancient bronze coffin she had taken out before.

After that, he said to the two of them: "I won't rest now. I have to go to Shuangri Bend to look for the underwater ruins."

As soon as she finished speaking, she flashed and disappeared in front of the two of them.

The underwater ruins in Shuangriwan can actually unearth objects containing a large amount of spiritual energy. You must go and find out now.

"Lin Zi, do you think the Pavilion Master can find the underwater ruins?"

Shen Qinghan asked curiously.

Lin Zichen shook his head: "I don't know. We won't know until the pavilion master comes back."

"Lin Zi, I didn't sleep all night last night. I'm so sleepy."

Shen Qinghan yawned and said a little listlessly: "Are you sleepy? Do you want to catch up on your sleep with me?"

Lin Zichen: "I am indeed a little sleepy. Let's go catch up on some sleep. When we wake up, we will go to the research institute."

After the two of them finished speaking, they went to the bathroom and washed their faces.

Then go back to the room and lie down on the bed to sleep.

Since they hadn't slept all night, the two fell asleep almost as soon as they lay down.

At 1 o'clock in the afternoon, the sun was shining brightly.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan woke up from bed, simply fried a piece of exotic animal meat, cut some exotic fruits, finished eating in a few seconds, and then went out to the research institute.

When the two came to the institute.

Liu Chuanwu and Song Yuyan both sat cross-legged on the yoga mats and pounded their acupoints with great concentration, hoping to evolve into advanced creatures as pure-blooded humans as soon as possible.

As for Ma Xiwei, she sat cross-legged on the other side and silently learned how to control Qi and blood.

Thinking of the embarrassing thing that happened this morning, Lin Zichen couldn't help but look at Song Yuyan, his eyes unconsciously falling on her round and full semicircular curves.

Song Yuyan, a mixed-race royal sister, has a really hot figure.

If Shen Qinghan's figure is pure, then Song Yuyan's figure is "dirty" and can catch the eyes of any man just by looking at it.

"Can you really get such a curvy figure if you do yoga every morning?"

Lin Zichen looked at Song Yuyan's figure and thought to himself.

At this moment, he wanted Shen Qinghan to do yoga with Song Yuyan every morning in the future to shape his figure more gracefully and gracefully.

Just when he was thinking about these things.

Song Yuyan, who was sitting cross-legged on the yoga mat and pounding her acupoints with high intensity, suddenly opened her beautiful light blue Western-style eyes.

As soon as she opened her eyes, Song Yuyan saw her brother Zichen looking at her upper body without any scruples.

In an instant, her pretty face turned red and she felt very uncomfortable.

Just now, her mind was full of thoughts about hitting her acupoints.

But now, all he could think about was being penetrated by Lin Zichen.

My heart is completely confused.

When Lin Zichen saw that her face turned red, he realized that his behavior of looking at her was inappropriate, so he quickly looked away from her and stopped looking at her.

"Fixing weeds in a small garden..."

"Working diligently on piling in the small garden..."

"Collecting morning dew in a small garden..."

Suddenly, a cell phone ringtone sounded that was not very serious.

It was Liu Chuanwu's cell phone that rang.

When he heard the ringing, Liu Chuanwu, who was sitting cross-legged on his yoga mat, immediately picked up his cell phone and answered the call.


"Deliver a courier?"

"I didn't buy express delivery."


After briefly chatting with the other party, Liu Chuanwu hung up the phone and murmured: "It's strange, why did a courier suddenly come to me? Could it be that some old minister wanted to give me a surprise?"

After saying that, he looked at Ma Xiwei aside and said to her with a smile: "Weiwei, can you help me go to the door to get the express delivery?"

Now that there are more members in the institute, he, the director of the institute, doesn't want to do everything himself, but wants to be a bit like a leader in one institute.

"Well, I'll get it now."

After Ma Xiwei finished speaking, she stood up and walked to the door.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets! (End of chapter)

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