Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 243 Source God

Lin Zichen looked at the tall young man in front of him who was over 1.9 meters tall.

His hair was disheveled.

His body was full of muscles.

He had a Qinglong Yanyue Sword on his back that was longer than a person.

He gave people a sense of violent unruliness.

"Who are you?"

Lin Zichen asked the young man's identity.

The young man looked up with his nose in the air, clasped his hands and pressed his finger bones, making a crackling sound, and introduced himself with a full face:

"My surname is Xia Mingliu, which sounds vulgar, but I never do it!"

"I am a member of the extraordinary genius team, and my strength is always in the top three of the team!"

"Characteristics, I like to die, but I never die!"

This self-introduction is very distinctive, which made Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan's eyes light up.

The young man in front of him seemed to be an interesting and funny guy.

"Won't you two introduce yourselves?"

Xia Liu still had his nose in the air, liked to talk without looking at people, and was a cool and awesome person.

Lin Zichen said calmly, "Lin Zichen, from Shanhai City, Nanjiang Province. The one next to me is my childhood sweetheart, Shen Qinghan, who grew up with me. She is now my fiancée."

Xia Liu glared and took a few steps back. He said, "Fuck, you despicable guy, you took advantage of my unpreparedness to stuff me with dog food!"

Lin Zichen couldn't help but twitch his mouth slightly, thinking that this young man was a little crazy.

After Xia Liu finished spitting, he coughed a few times and regained his dignity and said, "In order to compete for evolutionary resources, the situation of the weak and the strong is still quite serious in the team."

"You two are newcomers, and it must be difficult for you to get along when you first come in."

"How about this, you two recognize me as your big brother, and I will protect you in the future, how about it?"

These two geniuses from Earth have too explosive evolutionary talents, and their future prospects are bright.

We have to take them in as younger brothers and protect them while they are new and ignorant, and hold their thighs in advance.

Xia Liu had such a wishful thinking in his mind.

Lin Zichen didn't know what he was thinking in his heart, thinking that he simply liked to pretend in front of his juniors. Facing his proposal, he refused without thinking:

"No, the two of us like a challenging journey, and we don't need others to protect us for the time being."

"Okay, I have ambition."

Xia Liu said and then smiled: "But don't refuse so early, maybe you will want to be protected, and then you can always recognize me as your big brother."

After leaving such a sentence, he left without looking back, looking very free and easy.

When his back completely disappeared.

Shen Qinghan turned his head to look at Lin Zichen, frowned slightly and asked in confusion: "Is this team of geniuses of the alien level really a strong law of the jungle? This is a team, it will be very uncohesive, right?"


Lin Zichen nodded in agreement.

After that, he asked, "By the way, you said you heard that sound by the stream, what was it specifically?"

Shen Qinghan thought about it for a moment, and said softly, "What source god are you talking about? All things are revived and welcoming the light."

"Original God?"

"Yes, the source of water source, the source god."

"The source of water source?"

Lin Zichen fell into deep thought.

The word "source" in water source is the same as the word "source" in source land and the origin of life.

So... the source god refers to the water god? The god in the source land? The god of the origin of life?


In the forest on the right side of the city.

A tall lady and a strong young man with a buzz cut are fighting hard with their lower bodies naked behind a towering tree.

They are not lovers, but this does not prevent them from becoming one at this moment.

It is too boring in the source land.

No mobile phones.

No computers.

No entertainment methods in modern society.

In this primitive world, physical pleasure is the best entertainment.

Especially when staying in the wild for a long time, if you don’t have some entertainment to kill time, you may really go crazy.

About half an hour later, the two finished.

Among them, the short-haired young man named Liu Xinyi frowned and said, "It's strange. It's been so long, why hasn't Brother Liu come here? Did he fall into the cesspool?"

"Maybe he was delayed by something." The royal sister named Gao Jianying guessed.

Liu Xinyi stretched out his hand to hold her waist, and said in a non-serious way: "Since Brother Liu didn't come, let's do it again, while waiting?"

"I've done it five or six times, it's not enough, I don't want to do it again." Gao Jianying shook her head and refused.

"Just come for the last time."


"Come on."

"I really don't want to come."


Just as the two were pulling and tugging.

Brother Liu, the disheveled Xia Liu, appeared out of thin air in front of them with a Qinglong Yanyue Sword on his back.

"Brother Liu." x2

Seeing Xia Liu coming, the two immediately came out from behind the tree and shouted.

These two were Xia Liu's followers, and they had been in the team more than ten years ago.

"You two were messing around again?"

Xia Liu smelled a hint of heather, and immediately showed contempt and felt a little unhappy.

He was very disgusted with the things between men and women, and felt that it was a stumbling block on the road to evolution.

It was fine for others to do it in the house, but if they ran to him to do it, trying to ruin his Tao heart, he would be unable to resist beating up the couple in a minute.

"Brother Liu, please understand. There are no mobile phones or computers in this deserted mountain. If you don't do this, you'll be bored."

Liu Xinyi sneered like a bitch.

Gao Jianying on the side did not say a word, silently combing her messy long hair.

Xia Liu stopped talking about the two of them messing around, and instead talked to them about Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan, saying:

"The reason why I arrived so late was because there were two newcomers to the team. As soon as they arrived, the two newcomers took part in the test with Qian Yifei and others. I was curious about the performance of the two newcomers, so I stayed to watch. meeting."

"Are they the two geniuses who grew up on Earth that Instructor Lan mentioned before?"

Gao Jianying asked curiously.

As an instructor, Lan Tianbai mentioned to the team members some time ago that Lord Ye recommended two geniuses who grew up on earth to join the team.

Therefore, everyone in the team basically knew about this.

Xia Liu nodded: "Yes, those two people."

Liu Xin pulled up his trousers, put down his gun and asked, "Brother Liu, what do the two newcomers look like?"

Xia Liu replied: "The girl named Shen Qinghan didn't have any footage during the test. I couldn't see her specific performance and couldn't judge her strength."

"As for the boy named Lin Zichen, he is very strong, very strong. If nothing else, his biological level is estimated to be an advanced seventh level."

"The most important thing is that he is only 19 years old and his future is immeasurable."


After hearing Xia Liu's words, Liu Xinyi and Gao Jianying were shocked and looked in disbelief.

19 years old?

The strength of the advanced seventh level?

This must be a monster of Luo Qianxue's level?

Can a genius who grew up on earth reach this level?

What's going on?

Liu Xinyi and Gao Jianying were puzzled by this.

Seeing the disbelief on both of their faces, Xia Liu also sighed with emotion: "Don't say you don't believe it. Even I feel fake until now. I don't believe that there can be such a genius on earth."

"But I have witnessed Lin Zichen's performance in the test with my own eyes."

"With just one punch, he exploded the hell demon ape with a creature level as high as Advanced Sixth Level Dzogchen."

"With just a blink of an eye, Qian Yifei and others were suppressed to the ground, unable to move."

"From these two points, this guy named Lin Zichen's evolutionary talent is definitely at the level of Luo Qianxue."

Xia Liu had a very high opinion of Lin Zichen, a newcomer who had just arrived, and believed that he was the most potential person in this team of extraordinary talents.

Liu Xinyi's face was full of disbelief: "Lin Zichen's evolutionary talent is so strong that it has not been discovered for so many years. It is simply outrageous."

Gao Jianying thought for a while and guessed: "Could it be that he has been hiding his strength since he was a child?"

"How is this possible?" Liu Xin directly denied it: "Think about it when you were in adolescence, how could you resist pretending to be cool?"

"You can't help it, right?"

"I guess he slowly showed his talent when he grew up."

"I've seen a lot of people like this before. They were mediocre in the early stage, but cheated in the later stage. It's all because of their special bodies."

"And this special feature of the body cannot be revealed until the body develops to a certain level."

Liu Xinyi explained his analysis.

Gao Jianying nodded, feeling that this analysis was very reasonable and convincing.

Xia Liu didn't care at all why Lin Zichen was so strong, he only cared about whether he could win over Lin Zichen.

After thinking for a while, he said to Liu Xinyi and Gao Jianying: "I plan to take the two newcomers Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan as my younger brothers. I need the cooperation of you two adulterers and adulterers."

Adulterer and adulterer...

Liu Xinyi and Gao Jianying couldn't help but twitch the corners of their mouths slightly, thinking that Xia Liu was really narrow-minded. Didn't he just do it behind the tree a few times and the smell of heather remained on his body? As for now, he still feels resentful about it?

"Brother Liu, what do we need to do?" Liu Xinyi asked after calming down.

Xia Liu said calmly: "It's very simple. You and Jianying act as villains and target the two newcomers, and then I act as a good person and draw my sword to help when there is injustice."

Liu Xin nodded: "Okay, Jianying and I know how to do it."

Xia Liu: "We are not in a hurry about the two newcomers. The first priority is to kill the ice python in the swamp ahead. Do you two have the pills to continue fighting? ?”

"Everything is ready." x2

Liu Xinyi and Gao Jianying said almost in unison.

Seeing that both of them were ready, Xia Liu stopped talking nonsense and said directly: "Then let's set off and kill the advanced ninth-level Dzogchen ice python within one day."

The moment the words fell, the three of them rushed towards the swamp a few miles ahead with weapons in hand.

The three of them, Xia Liu's biological level is advanced ninth level, Liu Xinyi and Gao Jianying are both advanced eighth level Dzogchen. They team up to fight an advanced ninth level Dzogchen ice python. They need to be well prepared and cooperate. If so, there's a good chance it can happen.

Dormitory building for alien-level geniuses.

Dormitory 310.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan took a brief tour of City No. 1 and became quite familiar with the environment in the city.

After that, I had nothing to do, so I went back to the dormitory to sort out the layout together.

Only dormitory 310 was tidied up, and dormitory 309 next door was not tidied up.

Because the two planned to live together, the other dormitory was left empty for now, thinking that when there was an opportunity in the future, they would make a request to the people above to connect the two dormitories.

"Chi! Chi! Chi!"

Suddenly, several crisp and sweet bird calls sounded outside the window.

Lin Zichen looked along the sound and saw a big fat bird that looked like a basketball.

This big fat bird is as big as a basketball and as round as a basketball. Its appearance is incredible.

"Linzi, what kind of bird is this? It looks so silly."

Shen Qinghan's watery eyes looked curiously at the big fat bird outside the window.

Lin Zichen looked at it for a few times and said: "I have never seen this kind of bird, but I guess it is an exotic bird similar to a homing pigeon, specially used to deliver letters or things."

The big fat bird outside the window had a small package in its mouth. You could tell it was a courier bird at a glance.

Soon, Lin Zichen had an idea and opened the bamboo bars of the window, letting the big fat bird outside the window flap its wings and fly in.

After the big fat bird came in and put down the small package, he turned around and flapped his wings and flew away without stopping for a moment.

Lin Zichen picked up the package and looked at it, and saw a paragraph of text at the top.

The content of the text said that the package contained a gift pack for him and Shen Qinghan to join the team, which contained rare evolutionary resources and an instruction manual for newcomers.

Lin Zichen didn't think much and quickly opened the package, and then saw two strange spiritual fruits mixed with red and blue inside.

"What kind of fruit is this?"

Shen Qinghan looked at the spiritual fruit in the package, his eyes full of curiosity.

Lin Zichen didn't speak, but silently picked up an instruction sheet at the bottom of the package and got the information about the spiritual fruit.

These two mixed red and blue spiritual fruits are called Yanlong Bingfeng Fruit. They are rare spiritual fruits that can greatly increase qi, blood and spirit after being eaten.

Can it improve blood and spirit at the same time?

Why does it sound a bit like twin light and dark fruits?

Lin Zichen didn't think much, picked up the two Yanlong Ice Phoenix fruits in the package and walked to the kitchen, washed them and ate them.

After washing the fruits, he gave one of the Yanlong Ice Phoenix Fruit to Shen Qinghan.

Afterwards, the two of them sat together and ate it, eager to experience the effects.

After eating this, the two of them felt the excitement of the two worlds of ice and fire that they had not seen for a long time, and they were so happy that they couldn't help but take a few breaths of cold air.

As the excitement gradually subsided, the two were surprised to find that their biological levels had actually improved.

Lin Zichen evolved to the advanced seventh level and entered the advanced advanced stage.

Shen Qinghan has evolved to the sixth advanced level, only one step away from the advanced level.

"Lin Zi, the evolutionary resources in this origin are great. They are much better than those on Earth. You can evolve just by eating one. It's like a dream."

Shen Qinghan felt very magical.

Lin Zichen said calmly: "In addition to the good effects of the fruit, our own physiques are also good. Otherwise, it would be impossible to evolve as soon as we eat it. It is really so easy to evolve. Everyone in the team of alien-level geniuses has already evolved to It’s gone to rare level.”

Shen Qinghan nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and agreed with his face: "Indeed, the main reason is that the two of us are in good physical condition. If it were others, the effect would not be so obvious."

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets! (End of chapter)

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