Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 277 Reunion with Qi Qingmo! Sea God? Just Shen Qinghan's guard.

The Flower God stepped out of the crack in the void, and an intoxicating floral fragrance instantly filled the entire sky.

She was wearing a pink long dress, with a faint pink and bright halo lingering around her body, like a flower blooming at dawn, making people see a ray of the brightest dawn, and feel that they had lived in darkness before, and only when they saw her did they see the light.

Lin Zichen didn't know that the woman in front of him was the Flower God in the mouths of many people.

He only knew that the woman in front of him was very strong.

Except for the unfathomable Qi Qingmo, the woman in front of him was stronger than the strong men he had seen in all these years since he was born.

Stronger than Qin Chuan, the city lord of City No. 1.

Stronger than Ye Yongsheng, the deputy state lord.

Facing such a strong enemy, Lin Zichen suddenly calmed down somehow.

No more panic.

No more despair.

It seemed that the woman in front of him was too strong, making him lose all these emotions.

"The Son of the Abyss, the carrier of the Water God's revival, such an important person, the Earth side did not send strong people to secretly protect him, which is really puzzling."

The Flower God looked at Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan, and spoke softly with some confusion.

As for Su Jiujiu, the youngest saint in the history of Qingqiu Ancient Mountain, He simply ignored her.

In His eyes, the fox girls of Qingqiu Ancient Mountain are just a group of parasites who can only rely on the strong to survive, no different from the prostitutes sold in brothels.

They are even worse than prostitutes who don't talk about feelings, and there is no reason to pay attention to them.

On the opposite side, Lin Zichen's expression suddenly became solemn.

The carrier of the Water God's revival?

The Son of the Abyss?

Is this my and Hanhan's identity?

Hanhan is not the Water God, but the carrier of the Water God's revival. This is good news, proving that Hanhan is not a reincarnation.

And me, the Son of the Abyss?

What is this?

Is it also some ancient and powerful inheritance?

Lin Zichen's mind is full of thoughts.

At this time, Su Jiujiu, who was hugged by him, whispered: "He is the flower god of the Sun and Moon Holy Land."

Flower God?

Hearing these two words, Lin Zichen's heart trembled slightly.

Not fear, but surprise.

He never dreamed that there would be a mythical strongman who would personally capture him.

"It's just a projection."

The flower god's voice was calm, and the halo around him became brighter.

The next second.

He activated his natural lover's ability, and the halo around him instantly spread out and poured into the depths of the Tianmen of Lin Zichen and the other two.

When the halo poured in, Lin Zichen felt that he had fallen in love with the flower god in front of him and wanted to give everything he had to the flower god.

"Great flower god..."

"I would like to be your loyal believer..."

"I will give you everything..."

Such a whisper suddenly sounded in the depths of Lin Zichen's brain, like a devil's sound piercing his ears, eroding his mind and changing his consciousness.

At this moment, he realized something.

Could it be that the reason why there are so many traitors on the Earth side is the work of the Flower God?

Did the Flower God diffuse the halo and forcibly modify the consciousness of the traitors?


This is not right.

If the Flower God really has this ability, why doesn't he directly control all the people on Earth?

People who can be eroded by the halo are not firm in their positions and have the intention of becoming traitors!

Thinking of this, Lin Zichen's mind was shocked and he instantly broke through the erosion of the halo.

Seeing that the halo could not erode Lin Zichen, the Flower God's beautiful eyes opened slightly and felt incredible.

Taking advantage of the brief moment when the Flower God was stunned, Lin Zichen immediately burst out with both blood and spirit, and fled with Shen Qinghan and Su Jiujiu at the fastest speed.

It is difficult to escape in front of a mythical strongman.

It can almost be said to be impossible.

But you can't not try just because it is impossible.

What if he really escapes?

With this unrealistic idea, Lin Zichen burned his blood crazily and flew at the fastest speed in his life.

However, unrealistic is unrealistic after all.

Before he flew far, the air around him was torn into countless shocking cracks.

These cracks were intertwined one after another, forming an airtight net that enveloped Lin Zichen.

Faced with such a large coverage, Lin Zichen had nowhere to escape, and was tied up by the net on the spot, unable to move.

This time he was really going to be captured and taken to the Sun and Moon Holy Land...

Lin Zichen murmured in his heart and chose to give up resistance.

It was not that he was unwilling to resist.

But in front of the mythical creature, he was only epic level one, and he was powerless to resist.

But the good news was that this mythical creature had no intention of killing him, but just wanted to take him back to the Sun and Moon Holy Land.

As long as he was alive, everything would be fine, and there was still the possibility of a comeback.


Suddenly, a deafening explosion came from the ground below.

It seemed that something terrible broke out of the ground.

A large amount of soil and rocks were blown away.

Smoke and dust rolled.

The whole land was shaking violently.

The next second——


A swift sound of breaking through the air sounded.

Lin Zichen immediately looked in the direction of the sound, and the scene that came into his eyes was a woman in a Taoist robe rising into the sky from the smoke and dust below.

Below the Taoist robe woman, countless thorny vines with green light were chasing after her, like tentacles hidden under the sand, trying to grab the Taoist robe woman and drag her down.

Pavilion Master? !

The first time he saw the Taoist robe woman, Lin Zichen's eyes were full of surprise.

It has been so long since he entered the source.

He never thought that he would meet Qi Qingmo again under such circumstances.

"Lin Zi, it's the Pavilion Master!"

Shen Qinghan shouted excitedly.

In her heart, Qi Qingmo is the most powerful being.

As long as Qi Qingmo appears, it means that the danger she is facing now can be easily solved.

However, when she also noticed the thorny vines with strong vitality and green light under Qi Qingmo's feet, her eyebrows suddenly frowned and her whole body became nervous.

Because she found that Qi Qingmo was running a little embarrassed at this time.

He was running away at a high speed throughout the whole process, and there was no sign of counterattack.

This shows that the enemy who controlled those green light thorny vines to chase Qi Qingmo is much stronger than Qi Qingmo.

And judging from the thorny vines, the opponent is most likely a strong man from the Sun and Moon Holy Land.

Sun and Moon Holy Land, this is a deadly enemy.

This is bad news among bad news.


On the other side

Qi Qingmo rushed out from underground and saw the presence of Lin Zichen and the other two at the first time.

After seeing the three people, she did not hesitate at all, and decisively waved her jade hand to suck the three people to her side. With a thought, she shattered the restraints on the three people and fled from here with them at a high speed.

She did not know Su Jiujiu, but she knew Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan.

Since Su Jiujiu was with the two, she would take them away with her.




In front of Qi Qingmo's flight, a series of crisp and pleasant tearing sounds were heard.

The air was torn apart, revealing a series of bottomless void cracks.

These cracks crisscrossed, forming an airtight giant net, covering Qi Qingmo with a force that covered the sky and the sun.

It was the flower god who took action.

His body was a void chaos flower that had run through several epochs, produced in a mysterious abyss, and was extremely good at using void-related means.

Facing the giant net intercepted by the Flower God, Qi Qingmo did not even look at it, and directly burst out the blood and qi power of destroying the world, smashing the giant net that was rushing towards him.

Then, accompanied by the sky full of void debris, he flew away at a speed that was faster than imagination.

In just a blink of an eye, he disappeared from the perception range of the Flower God.

"That damn Taoist woman!"

Looking at the direction where Qi Qingmo disappeared, the Flower God was so angry that he trembled all over, wishing to peel Qi Qingmo's skin, tear Qi Qingmo's bones, and drink Qi Qingmo's blood to relieve the hatred in his heart.

After calming down a little, the Flower God immediately rushed into the depths of the ground along the green light thorn vines, and went to check the situation inside in a hurry to see how the sleeping Wood God was doing.

After a while.

The Flower God came to the place where the Wood God was sleeping.

A huge ancient tomb.

The Flower God went straight to the deepest part of the ancient tomb, looking at the tombstone that was broken into two halves and the green thorny vines spreading from under the tombstone, and he was so angry that he gnashed his teeth.

The sleeping Wood God was awakened.

This means that the Wood God's reverse growth in this era was terminated prematurely, and his strength was weakened to a certain extent.

"One day, I must kill that damn Taoist woman with my own hands!"

The Flower God murmured gloomily.

As soon as the voice fell.

From the depths of the ground under the tombstone, a human-shaped strange fruit suddenly floated up.

This human-shaped strange fruit looked like a seven or eight-year-old child, naked, curled up in the air like an unborn baby.

About half an hour passed.

The child-like humanoid fruit slowly opened its cloudy pupils and stared at the flower god in front of it with a hint of dissatisfaction: "Why did you let the outsiders enter the tomb of the gods and destroy my slumber?"

"Lord Wood God, listen to my explanation!"

The flower god's beautiful face showed a trace of fear that a mythical creature should not have.

The humanoid fruit did not listen to the flower god's explanation, and instantly shot out countless dry and thick vines from its body, tightly binding the flower god in front of it like an octopus's tentacles.

The next second——


The flower god, a mythical creature, screamed in pain.

It went in.

Many of the vines that bound him penetrated deeply into his body, ruthlessly sucking the essence in his body.

As the essence continued to flow away, the flower god, who had a full face just now, suddenly became haggard like dry wood.

After that, he was released and thrown casually, and fell to the ground with a plop, dying.

"It won't happen again."

Leaving behind such an indifferent word, the humanoid fruit returned to the depths of the ground and took root in an underground river full of essence.


On the other side.

Qi Qingmo, like Lin Zichen before, was flying at high speed without direction the whole time.

He didn't care where he was going.

He only cared about flying fast and staying away from the place where he had just broken out of the ground.

"Master, how come you are here?"

Flying at high speed, Lin Zichen couldn't use his mouth to transmit the sound, so he used the way of blood transmission to transmit the blood in his body into Qi Qingmo's body, thus conveying his words to Qi Qingmo.

Qi Qingmo received the message from him and soon sent him a message in the same way:

"It's hard to explain this matter for a while, I'll tell you later when I have time."


Lin Zichen didn't say anything nonsense, but just responded sparingly.

Now is the time to escape, he is worried that his words will affect Qi Qingmo.

In this way, several people flew silently in the sky.

I don’t know how long it took.

When Qi Qingmo led Lin Zichen and the other two through a vast ocean, the ocean suddenly rushed up with huge waves, forming a terrifying giant hand that slapped Qi Qingmo.

Facing the sudden attack, Qi Qingmo was not panicked at all, and his blood and qi burst directly to shatter the attacking giant hand into water droplets all over the sky.

"Get out!"

"You are not welcome in the East Region!"

"If you dare to stay any longer, today you will be gone without a chance to return, a Taoist woman!"

The water droplets that were just shattered by the power of blood and qi condensed into a 100-meter-long giant with an extremely strong body at the speed of light, staring at Qi Qingmo fiercely and warning him.

Qi Qingmo was notorious in the source land, and wherever he went, there was chaos and he was not welcomed.

At the beginning, the strong men in the source land wanted to kill Qi Qingmo, a strong man on Earth who had no sense of boundaries, on their own territory, but after several attempts, they failed and caused greater losses.

At this point, almost no strong man from the source land is willing to provoke Qi Qingmo.

Basically, they drive him away when they meet him.

No longer thinking of killing him like before.

Facing the warning of the 100-meter giant, Qi Qingmo was about to say that he just happened to pass by and had no ill intentions.

But before he could explain, Su Jiujiu on the side shouted with all her strength:

"Sea God, Qingqiu Ancient Mountain was attacked by the tree elder of the Sun and Moon Holy Land and the Lord of Silence in the Land of Destruction. My aunt is now alone and needs you to rescue her!"

Su Jiujiu shouted very loudly.

So loud that the sound from her cherry mouth could directly shake the sea surface below.

Su Jiujiu never dreamed that the direction Qi Qingmo fled was exactly the East Region.

This is really a case of finding a place to hide after searching for a long time, and getting it without any effort.

While Su Jiujiu was shouting——

On the other side, Lin Zichen looked at the 100-meter giant made of sea water in front of him, and the whole person was stunned.

He had seen the face of this 100-meter giant in front of him!

He had seen it on the murals of the underwater ruins!

He was one of the underwater creatures worshipping the mysterious woman!

He was the guard in charge of the gate!

In the murals, this 100-meter giant in front of him was kneeling in front of the door to worship the mysterious woman!

He worshipped more devoutly than any underwater creature in the murals!

He was the most loyal believer of the mysterious woman!

Lin Zi had guessed the identity of the mysterious woman countless times and felt that it was very likely that she was the water god.

And the water god was closely related to Shen Qinghan. Worshiping the water god was almost equivalent to worshiping Shen Qinghan.

Even the overlord of the East Region, the sea god, had to worship the water god like a dog.

Lin Zichen could not imagine how powerful this water god with very little information must be to make a mythical creature willing to be her dog.

The pinnacle of the mythical level?

Or... above the mythical level?

If there is really above the mythical level, what level is it?

At this moment, Lin Zichen's mind was full of thoughts about the water god.

PS: Put the bowl on the table, and ask for monthly votes and recommendation tickets! (End of this chapter)

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