Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 287 Alien Attack

Southern Territory.

In front of various earth cities.

At a glance, there are densely packed strange plants, beasts, and people everywhere.

The mythical powerhouses such as Shu Lao, Lord Ji, and Night King had already arranged relevant siege plans before participating in the war.

The plan was unpretentious.

Just when they were fighting on the side of the human race and entangled the top combat power of the human race, their troops took the opportunity to attack the earth's city.

The top combat power on the Earth side, because there are a few old antiques here, is almost as good as the top combat power on the Origin side.

As for the mid-to-high-end combat power, the earth side is far inferior to the source side.

As long as the top combat power of the Earth side is successfully held back and cannot support the city in time, then under the attack of the high-end combat power of the origin, it is only a matter of time before the city is breached without any difficulty.

In front of City No. 1.

A large number of scarlet thorn vines soared into the sky, together with giant trees reaching into the sky, forming a high ring-shaped wall surrounding the entire city.

Over the city, there was a large expanse of black mist as black as ink, shrouding the entire city in shadow, plunging it into a darkness where one couldn't see even one's fingers. Everywhere was filled with the aura of cold despair.

In the darkness, countless strange plants, beasts, and people are ready to attack the city at any time.

The city gate is high on the wall.

A group of city leaders stood solemnly.

There are strange plants, strange beasts, and strange people under the high overlooking wall.

One is looking at the tree wall more than ten miles away.

There was looking up at the black mist over the city.

No matter which direction he looked, his face was frowning, his expression was extremely solemn, and there was a hint of despair in his eyes.

There are so many strange plants, beasts, and people that the entire city is surrounded by water.

In the current situation, there is no possibility of victory at all.

There is only a large defensive formation outside the city, otherwise the city would have been breached long ago.

However, although the city defense formation is powerful, it consumes too many source crystals and cannot last for long.

Over time, if there are not enough source crystals, the city defense formation will become ineffective.

At that time, the alien races outside the city that are eagerly watching will flood in, and the entire city will fall.

"Lord Yezhou, what should we do next?"

A middle-aged man with a strong build looked at Ye Yongsheng with a worried look on his face and asked.

He knew that the city defense formation would not last long, and he had to find a solution as soon as possible, otherwise it would only be a matter of time before the city was breached.

Ye Yongsheng was silent for a moment, and then replied expressionlessly: "Close the biological channel and prepare for a fight to the death."

As the deputy governor in charge of the affairs of the source area, when he learned that Qin Chuan and others had not returned from the city for a long time, he immediately rushed to City No. 1 to take charge.

City No. 1 is the most important stronghold on the Earth's side of the origin and cannot be lost.

Otherwise, the earth will lose its roots in the source.

Based on this, even if there is little hope of defending the city, we must do our best to defend the city.

No matter how many people sacrifice, we must guard against death.

Hearing Ye Yongsheng's answer, the middle-aged man frowned slightly.

Sure enough, the only way left is to fight to the death...

Thinking about it, the middle-aged man hesitated and suggested to Ye Yongsheng:

"Lord Yezhou, our planet's top evolutionary geniuses are all in City No. 1. Should we send them back to Earth and close the biological channel?"

The evolutionary genius in City No. 1 is the mainstay of the future of the earth.

If they were sacrificed in the ensuing deadly battle, it would undoubtedly be a waste of treasure and a waste of the evolutionary talents of these geniuses.

Geniuses should be well protected in their early stages of growth and development. When they become stronger in the future, they should be allowed to serve the earth.

Therefore, the geniuses in City No. 1 should not participate in the war that may break out at any time.

Ye Yongsheng looked into the distance and said calmly: "Genius is like jade. It needs to be polished before it can be valuable. Genius that has not been polished is just a piece of waste stone."

"But..." The middle-aged man wanted to persuade him again.

Ye Yongsheng didn't give him this chance, looked at him directly and said coldly: "Military orders are like mountains."

The middle-aged man moved his mouth, wanting to say something more, but in the end he was forced to swallow it back due to Ye Yongsheng's obscene power. He said nothing and chose to obey the order to close the biological channel.

Once this biological channel is closed, even a legendary powerhouse like Ye Yongsheng cannot open it again.

Only a mythical powerhouse can reopen it.

In this way, even if City No. 1 is completely breached, hostile alien plants, alien beasts, and aliens will not be able to enter the earth through biological channels.

Closing biological channels is the last line of defense to protect the earth.

"Look, there is a strange phenomenon in the sky and earth over there in the Central Territory. A mythical powerhouse has fallen!"

"A mythical powerhouse has actually fallen. Who is it?"

"What's that?"

"What a big tree!"

"A handiwork from the Holy Land of the Sun and Moon?"


A burst of exclamations suddenly sounded on the high wall of the city gate.

Many people noticed that an astonishing battle broke out in the Central Territory. They were shocked by the intensity of the battle and were filled with shock and disbelief.

A mythical powerhouse, that is the top combat power in the origin.

However, at this moment, a mythical powerhouse fell.

This made everyone present feel unreal for a moment and suspected that they were dreaming.

Ye Yongsheng also noticed the movement that broke out in the Central Territory.

However, he was not paying attention to who the fallen mythical creature was like everyone else.

His entire attention was on the towering tree that reached the sky.

"The Wood God has actually revived?"

"Won't it take another ten years for it to revive?"

"Why is it revived now?"

Ye Yongsheng stared at the towering tree that suddenly appeared in the Central Region, frowning tightly, and was puzzled.

He liked to proceed according to the plan and didn't like the plan to change in the middle.

The sudden early revival of the Wood God made him feel uneasy.


Above the twisted jungle full of strange plants.

Lin Zichen held Shen Qinghan and flew in the air at a high speed like a stream of light, trying his best to stay away from the Central Region and rush to the South Region.

The sound of the battle from the Central Region behind him shocked him.

Especially the strange phenomena of heaven and earth caused by the fall of the mythical strongman made him feel fearful and a little grateful for escaping death.

Fortunately, he escaped quickly and decisively, and did not stay in the ruins for long.

Otherwise, he would have been killed by the aftermath of this mythical war.

He died silently.

He died with his eyes open.

"Lin Zi, which mythical strongman do you think has fallen?"

Shen Qinghan, who was held in his arms, stared at the direction of the Central Region, and her delicate and beautiful face was full of shock.

It was hard for her to imagine that a creature with a mythical level would fall just like that.

You know, epic creatures are already strong enough to withstand nuclear bombs.

And mythical creatures are two levels higher than epic creatures.

Logically speaking, creatures of this level should be immortal.

And at this moment, they just fell just like that.

This is really unbelievable.

Lin Zichen, who was listening on the side, also felt unbelievable.

Su Jiujiu is just a rare creature, but it has the biological attribute of escaping by cutting off its tail, which is so difficult to kill.

And there are many means, such as illusion and clone.

Extremely difficult to deal with, extremely difficult to kill.

And the mythical creature, in theory, is even more difficult to kill than Su Jiujiu.

But the reality is that the mythical war in the Central Region has just broken out, and a mythical creature has fallen, which is too unexpected.

"It would be great if a corpse of a mythical creature could be devoured on the spot, but it's a pity..."

Lin Zichen murmured in his heart.

Not to mention devouring the origin of life, opening the atlas to obtain extremely powerful biological attributes, the source crystal in the body of the mythical creature alone has a huge devouring value.

The evolutionary benefits obtained by devouring the source crystal of the mythical strongman are definitely far greater than the evolutionary benefits obtained by devouring those source crystals in the ruins.

After all, he is a mythical strongman.

Of course, the premise is that this mythical strongman is a creature in the source land.

Only creatures in the source land have source crystals in their bodies.


One day.

Two days.

Three days...

When almost a week has passed.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan, who came out of the Central Domain ruins, finally returned to the South Domain and arrived at the dangerous area in front of City No. 1.

The two stopped moving forward just after they arrived at the edge of the dangerous area.

They didn't dare to go any further.

Because they were surprised to find that City No. 1 was surrounded by a large area of ​​demonic plants, and there were groups of strange beasts and strange people surging around, and the situation was very serious.

"Lin Zi, the whole city is surrounded, and we can't go back."

Shen Qinghan saw the situation in front of her and said with worry on her face.

After that, she advised again: "Let's not go back to the city, just change a place to hide."

This is the first time she has been in the source for so long that she didn't panic in the face of an emergency, and she was able to calm down and think about it, and took the initiative to make suggestions.

In the past, she would only be pale, nervous and sweaty, and ask Lin Zichen what to do now with a trembling voice.

Lin Zichen's attention at this time was all on the strange plants, beasts, and strange people outside the city.

With the help of [Eye of the Sky] and [Danger Sense], he could see clearly from a distance of dozens of miles and knew the situation outside the city.

The situation was very serious.

Among the alien plants, beasts, and people who participated in the siege, there were legendary creatures.

And there were as many as two hands.

There were hundreds of epic creatures below.

Even if the city lord Qin Chuan and his men were still alive and in the city, it would be difficult to deal with such combat power.

The reason why City No. 1, which lacked strong men, could stand firm until now and had not been breached was all due to the city defense formation.

But it was strange that the alien races participating in the siege were not in a hurry to attack the city, and did not use huge firepower to attack the city defense formation and consume the source crystals in the city. I don’t know what they were waiting for.

After spending some time observing the situation.

Lin Zichen made a decision and said to Shen Qinghan in his arms: "Let's go back to the city."

"There is a city defense formation in the city. It will be safer to go back to the city."

"The most important thing is, once the city is breached by aliens and the biological passage in the city is lost, we can also take the biological passage to return to Earth to protect our family."

He couldn't let go of his family on Earth.

His parents were very important to him, and his newborn sister was also important.

He couldn't abandon his family.

When Shen Qinghan heard this, he felt scared.

When she was thinking about the problem just now, she had forgotten all about her family on the other side of the earth.

She only cared about the current situation of herself and Lin Zichen.

She only thought that it would be safer for her and Lin Zichen to move to other places instead of returning to the city.

She never expected that if the city was breached and the aliens swarmed to the biological channel, the situation on the other side of the earth would be extremely bad.

After all, the strong men on the other side of the earth are basically on the source side.

Once a legendary alien race breaks into the earth, it will be a massacre.

And the family on the earth will probably be hard to escape.

After calming down a little, Shen Qinghan frowned and asked: "But now the city is surrounded by aliens, how can we go back to the city?"

Lin Zichen said calmly: "This is simple. If the road in the sky is blocked, then we will take the underground road instead."

"Take the underground road instead?"

Shen Qinghan blinked her watery peach blossom eyes.

Lin Zichen did not explain to Shen Qinghan, but chose to demonstrate it directly with action.

He brought Shen Qinghan down to the ground, dispersed his mental power to find a relatively soft geological location, and then activated the [Digging Instinct] to dig a tunnel on the spot.

The average biological level of the giant alien rats is only ordinary level 5. If there is enough time, they can dig a tunnel tens of thousands of meters deep in the ground of Shanhai City.

Lin Zichen, who also has the biological attribute of [Digging Instinct], has a biological level far exceeding the average level of giant alien rats, up to epic level 6. Digging a mere 10,000-meter tunnel is enough.

Under Lin Zichen's efficient digging.

In just a few seconds, a tunnel tens of thousands of meters deep appeared underground.

And all this, whether it is the aliens outside the city or the earthlings in the city, none of them discovered it.

After the biological level reached the epic level 6, Lin Zichen's means of concealing his breath became stronger, and even legendary creatures could hardly detect his existence.

As for Shen Qinghan, under the unknown hidden aura of the Water God Palace, his breath was also hidden.


Lin Zichen led Shen Qinghan to advance dozens of miles in the tunnel that was tens of thousands of meters deep.

All the way was safe and sound, and they successfully arrived at the bottom of the city.

After arriving at the bottom.

Lin Zichen wanted to take Shen Qinghan up.

But he found that the city was also surrounded by the city defense formation.

He couldn't get in at all.

Sure enough, he couldn't get in... Lin Zichen thought to himself.

However, he had expected this.

He felt that there were always more solutions than difficulties.

If you think about it carefully, there will always be a solution.

Just as he was thinking about these things in a good mood.


The surrounding sand began to loosen.

The next second!

Countless scarlet plant roots extended upward from the surroundings, aiming directly at the bottom of the city.

It was not until then that Lin Zichen suddenly realized that the aliens outside the city who had never attacked the city wanted to enter the city from the bottom, just as he thought.


PS: Put the bowl, ask for monthly votes and recommendation votes! (End of this chapter)

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