Ex-Girlfriend Blackens Every Day

Chapter 582: | Former Girlfriend (24)

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The female voice called him.

The action of the brother.

Lin Lang leaned slightly and whispered, "Although your lotus room is quiet, it is not safe. People from all walks of life are lurking in the dark. If you dispose of her rashly, you might be left to handle it.

The master frowned, "Can she just let her go?"

He glanced at the people around him unnaturally. She was holding his arm off the carriage.At this moment, she leaned over like a natural branch, softly lying on his chest, and a pair of red gold title spring red swallow pendants were tied to the woman's ear beads. The vivid red swallow hit the golden ring with a crisp cry.

Behaving badly ... he just seemed to say something terrible.

Master's chest is hot.

When he was in a hurry, the words in his heart blurted out. How would the long and long princess miss him?

The young doctor was annoyed and regretted.

He knew that this was a celestial swallow who was born in a wealthy emperor's family, and he shouldn't have thought about it. Not to mention, Princess Wu Ma Chang is a noble person who has the grace to know him, how can he commit the following crimes?

Thirteen years ago, the door of the door opened, and the new door owner took his first apprenticeship. His family was exiled. He was neither accompanied by horses nor horses, nor was there a beautiful maid. He had only a **** bone and ragged clothes.

He traveled for many days, and finally arrived at the foot of Yunhe Mountain the day before the test. The young man was exhausted and had a fever all the way in the rain. He couldn't support it when registering. His eyes were black and he almost fainted.

What caught him was an unfamiliar and warm embrace, filled with the faint aroma of peach branches and cypress leaves.

Is a woman.

The teenager thought vaguely, and after waking up, she quickly broke free of her hand.

He was afraid that his bad smell would hit the nobleman.

The noble did not mind, but gave him a piece of silver and said that he was betting with him. If he passed the competition, this was the meeting gift from the elders of the door. The things donated by the elders are not rejected by the younger generation. On the contrary, if he loses the election, the silver will be charged three times the interest, paid off in one year, and the two will not be owed.

She pityed him and cherished him, and knew that the boy had a long life, and her heart was higher than the sky, so she made a bet.

That night, the teenager left the stable and lived in a clean and warm room. Xu was too tight. After this relaxation, the fever hit again. When he was faint, he seemed to see his father and mother's voice and smile, vaguely remembering that he wiped his forehead cold sweat with both hands. Waking up the next day, the nobleman was with the doctor, a four-year-old boy was lying beside his bed, his **** eyes turned bright and flexible, and when he woke up, he took the candied gourd out of the dog, and wanted to Share with big brother.

The skylark rested under the eaves outside the window, and the boy felt as if he were alive.

It's like ... It's like returning to the world from Yan Luodian, the light and fluttering soul has a place.

Later, he learned that the nobleman was the wife of the new master, the famous princess of Dasheng, and the child in Tsing Yi who shared the sugar gourd with him was the son of the nobleman. Can't sit still.

The child was lying on her mother's feet, and the mother lowered her head and gently wiped the sugar dregs around the child's mouth.

He was envious, and his envy was aching.

Before his parents left, the most worrying thing was him, Qian Dinghuan, Wan told him to live happily and not be blinded by hatred. In times of chaos, it is normal for dynasties to emerge, and families are implicated. Since they have enjoyed the glory and wealth, they naturally have to withstand the storms and storms of the storm.

Before the Yuan couples committed the crime, they made plans for their son as soon as possible and forced him to go to the door to study art. And live. But I didn't expect that the slave would lie to the master, deceive the son, and slick the soles of his feet after collecting all his wealth.

He was fortunate enough to meet the long princess, and it was a desperate life in despair.

Under the care of the doctor, the teenager quickly regained his spirit, and he was able to win the first place in the test. Yuan Huaizhen thought all the time, if it wasn't for Princess Chang's trace of kindness, maybe he still harbors hatred, or died in an unknown corner of the pimple.

During these ten years, he respected her, respected her, and never thought of anything. However, when the master forced him to take a vow, it was the princess who guarded him desperately.

For the first time someone distressed him like this.

However, under the chaotic circumstances at that time, she should not have spoken. If she did not speak and had a big quarrel with the master, the master would not be discouraged, and would not let Xi Jiaojia, who is dressed as a man, take advantage. Enter, let the spouse's relationship be destroyed.

It was because he was too soft and too naive to think about it. He didn't cut the grass and remove the roots at the first time, causing Princess Chang to suffer a flying disaster. The elder brother couldn't save the decline, and could only watch the Princess Chang leave. The more guilty he is, the more distressed he feels.

He wanted to compensate the long princess.

The long princess Jinzhiyuye, sitting on half of the river and mountains, and he is just a doctor who cuts the pulse and catches medicine, how can he compensate her?

This sentimental potential has grown dark and has become a towering tree.

The grateful benefactor became his sweetheart.

Until one day, the patient came to the door with the prescription, carefully said that the pharmacy did not understand the prescription he wrote, and I did not know how to grab the medicine and cook it. I came to ask for advice.

He took the prescription and understood everything at first glance.

——The sky is full of celestial bodies and the world is red.

——Hold the angelica angelica, should be in my arms.

Healers do not self-medicate, it is difficult for people to cross themselves, he has already fallen ill, but he is unwilling to admit and deceive himself. Now that Xi Jiaojiao was so excited, his emotions were exposed and his acacia illness was vented.

The older brother was anxiously waiting for Lin Lang's reply. She reprimanded him or expelled him, only to blame herself for this kind of irritability.

The expected scolding did not appear, Lin Linfeng lightly passed the words of the brother, and only said, "Although I can't kill her, I can't let a beggar make rumours. Isn't she chewing tongue? She has pus on her body and sores on her tongue.

Master Yumei was sad and cheered up again, pulling up Xi Jiaojiao's hundred golden needles, leaving the most important ones and sprinkling the powder. In an instant, Xi Jiaojiao looked at the pustules squeezed out one by one on the back of her hand, and burst with a click. The pus mixed with blood flowed out and made her want to vomit.

Ning offends the king and Mo offends the doctor.

"I counted three times. If you don't leave, it's not as simple as a pus." The young doctor raised his eyebrows.

Xi Jiaojiao was so furious that he bit his lip and ran away.

"How can Princess Chang come so fast?" The master released his hand and stepped behind her, keeping a cautious and restrained distance.

"Huaizhen, my injury seems to have relapsed." Walking through the lotus pond, Lin Lang whispered, "It's cold and hot, very wrong."

"What?" His face changed slightly, and he quickly ushered the man into the room, checked it, and said nothing. After Lin Lang asked, he bowed his hand back. "At present, there is no abnormality at present. Perhaps it is due to physique, and I have to endure and rest for a few days."

Lin Lang yelled, "It's fine, then I won't disturb you, let me go first."

The princess's skirt turned like a wave, sparkling across the threshold.


The young doctor healed his courage.

"The sixth day of June is the Buddhist sutra, can you go together?"

She was surprised, and readily accepted.

The older brother couldn't help but squeeze his ears and used cold fingers to lower the temperature. But he realized more clearly that his body temperature is easy to fall and his heart is hard to quench.

On the sixth day of June, the incense of the largest Buddhist temple in Qincheng was endless.

The two disguised and dressed up, covering up seven or eight points.

The long and narrow wooden frame is covered with gold satin, and the gray-clothed monk disassembles the scrolls of the Buddhist scriptures and reappears properly. At the other end, whether it is a lady in a luxurious dress or a village woman in rough linen, she is pious and dusty.

The older brother talked about local customs, "I heard that he can turn into a male body after turning over the scriptures ten times." These women basically took this idea and worked diligently to the temple to read the scriptures, hoping to reincarnate in the next life A handsome boy.

The princess lowered her head and glanced at the writing on the scripture.

Coincidentally, it was just a passage from the Heart Sutra.

Color is not different, empty is not different. Color is empty, and empty is color.

The older brother hurriedly looked away, and listened to her laughing and jokingly, "Huaizhen, if a man can also turn over menstruation, would you want to turn into a woman?"

"Naturally doesn't work--" he blurted out.

"Why not? Do you discriminate against women?"

He was a little embarrassed, "Zhen doesn't have, just, just ..."

The words didn't finish, but I saw the person in front of me was pale, and the palm was supporting the wooden frame. He gritted his teeth and said that he was offended. He took the man into the carriage and shouted at the driver, "Hurry, turn around and go back to Tonghua Lane!"

He put his fingers on Lin Lang's pulse, his expression suddenly changed, and stripped off her shoulders.

The claw marks on the shoulders and arms became rhizomes, from which a cluster of blood lotus was opened, which was beautiful and beautiful. The blood vessels under the skin are swollen and bruised, like red cocoons.

"Spring Silkworm Gu ... How could this be?"

The long princess narrowed her eyes, "Are you sure it's the spring silkworm gu?" She took the opportunity to stand up, "Huaizhen, you go to the Qinlou Chu Hall, pick a clean child, click on his dumb hole, and blindfold him. I'm in Tong Huaxiang is waiting for you. "Spring Silkworm Gu is a kind of male and female Gu, which is extremely toxic. Once an attack occurs, there will be a death between men and women.

The older brother's hands and feet are cold, he knows what she means.

The afternoon of Tonghua Alley was cold and clear, and there was no figure, and the whirling sound of the carriage was getting louder. The driver was a young doctor in white clothes. His sweat on his forehead was constant and he was soaking his clothes. When he reached the door of the lotus room, he almost fell off the frame. The golden needles in the sleeves of the masters came out and shot the dark lurkers lurking around.

After the nails were removed, the handsome and handsome man in the carriage was brought back to the house.

"Princess, Zhen, Zhen brought the people."

"Let him ... come here."

The elder brother gritted his teeth and untied the other's rope.

The other person stumbled a few steps and straightened his knees again, as if remembering the command, the blindfolded young man slowly walked into the inner curtain.

"Huaizhen, you go outside ... watching."

The voice of the elder princess is inaudible.

The elder brother did the same with his hands and feet. He stood outside the room with excellent ear power and could hear everything clearly. He heard the crisp sound of the hairpins falling to the ground, and heard the sound of the green hair flicking away, and he heard ...


Sawdust splashed.

The young doctor's eyes were scarlet, and the sleeve robe shot a gold thread, entangled the person on the couch, and fell hard against the wall.

The other party groaned and passed out.

Lin Lang was also strangled by her dense gold thread, unable to move. She faded her dignified appearance, and the thin sweat washed away the fat powder. She was charming and silky, and she was full of charm.

She stared at Yazheng's self-held medical immortal with cold eyes, seeing that he had red eyes and lost a lot of weight for her.

Luring immortals to hell.

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