Han Qian always thinks that he is not busy, but the time he spends with his children is really too short, which also leads to Wuyou not knowing Han Qian at all now.

As for Wuyou, he can play with anyone. Han Qian sat on a chair in the park and stared at Wuyou lying in the stroller, dragging his chin with his hands and saying feebly.

"It's okay if you say you don't know your father, but why do you think I'm crying? Our family's genes won't cause mental retardation!"

Wuwu glanced at Han Qian and cried again. Han Qian was busy picking Wuwu up, but it turned out that this little girl's fighting ability was beyond Han Qian's expectation. She pulled out her hair, scratched her eyes, and used all kinds of skills.

"Little girl, please let me go! I am your father!"

"Wow wow wow wow"

"Let go! I'll give you a damn if you hit me in the eye again!"

"Wow wow wow wow."

"Dad, you are dad, okay? Can you stop crying? I remember that Beloved and Lingdang didn't cry when they were little."

An An took the toddler Wuyou and watched the war between father and daughter. The two children Wuyou had very different personalities. Wuyou's emotions were very unstable, but in terms of combat effectiveness, Wuyou was still a little behind.

Finally, Han Qian walked to An An, holding Wuyou with one hand.

Han Qian grabbed his daughter's overalls, and the girl grabbed a lock of her father's hair.

Taking a deep breath, Han Qian sat down on the ground with a plop.

"An'an! I can't take care of this child any longer. Why is he always crying!"

An An smiled and said nothing. Han Qian held Wuyou with both hands. Seeing that the girl was still waving her claws at him, Han Qian said angrily.

"Are you a scorpion? Do you have to kill your father?"

At this moment, Han Qian felt a heavy weight on his back, and he felt as if he had been hit by a pickup truck.


A sweet voice sounded in his ears, and Han Qian suddenly grinned from the corner of his mouth to his ears and said with a naive smile.

"My eldest daughter, when did you come?"

When Beloved arrived, the little chubby girl walked around Han Qian and took over her sister from her father's arms. Wu Wu, who had been crying just now, refused to cry or make trouble in Beloved's hands. Perhaps she also understood that the villager in front of her, who claimed to be her father, Talking about beating her was just a mouthful, but the fat sister holding him now would really beat herself up.

Wuyou also gave up on his mother after seeing Beloved. He opened his hand and walked towards Beloved. After taking one step, his second sister grabbed him by the collar and pulled him back.

The bell is coming too.

Han Qian was lying on the lawn, Han Jiayi squatted beside Han Qian's head and lowered his head.

"My mother said you were in a bad mood and asked us to come over and stay with you."

Han Qian opened one eye and looked at his only son, curling his lips.

"Actually, I felt even worse when I saw you."

Then Han Jia took off his little coat and covered his father's head. Han Qian, who was lying on the lawn with his head covered, smiled and expressed his inner approval of his son's relatively rebellious behavior.

That's right, that's right.

As a son, if you look down on your father, then you will definitely have a future in your life, but if you want to treat your father as an idol, then the child will be useless.

It was rare for the five children to get together with their father. Listening to Han Qian's breathing gradually becoming evener, An An made a silent gesture to Beloved. The five children sat around their father. Just when An An thought he could While enjoying a moment of silence, Beloved suddenly knelt on the ground and raised his head.

"My dad! Why did you just... um!"

Before Beloved's words could be finished, Han Qian had already raised his hand and pinched his daughter's fleshy face accurately. Beloved glanced at Han Jiayi. Han Jiayi pretended not to see it at all, looking at the sky and ignoring his sister. Funny.

Beloved turned his head to look at An An, who smiled.

"I can't save you. Beloved, you really don't look like your mother."

Then Han Qian called Xu Hongchang. There were five children here. An An's car really couldn't accommodate so many people. After sending An An into the car, Han Qian lay on the passenger side and pinched An An's face and whispered softly.

"I'll go home for dinner in the evening. If you want to eat, just tell our dad. He's been idle lately, and I might have a little more to do."

An An nodded, and then Little Beloved shouted.

"Dad, I'll go with you!"

Han Qian turned his head to look at An An's Lamborghini and nodded lightly.

"Then you go play with me."

Han Jia opened his mouth, but finally stubbornly chose not to play with Han Qian. Han Qian asked, but Jia Yi refused.

Watching Han Qian drive away with Beloved, An An, who was sitting in the passenger seat, turned to look at Han Jiayi, who was holding his sister, and laughed softly.

"Go if you want, why don't you ask?"

Han Jiayi lowered his head and looked at his sister in his arms, and said softly.

"Mom, my dad is different when we are together. He...I...he puts a lot of pressure on me. My dad told me that if I can surpass my dad in this life, he will be the best." Lingchi always smiled."

An'an reached out and rubbed Jiayi's head and said softly.

"Don't put so much pressure on yourself."

Han Jiayi whispered.

"I wish I had a brother."

Xu Hongchang smiled after saying this.

"Young Master, aren't you worried about having a younger brother competing with you for the family business?"

Han Jia leaned back on his chair and sighed.

"Grandpa Xu, please don't treat me like a child. We have been taught that we should inherit our mother's property since we were young. My father will not leave anything for us. Mom~ I, Ye Ma and Yu Mom is at home. If you don’t want to see them, just go out and play. I’ll take care of them for you without any worries.”

An An turned around again and stretched out her hand to rub Han Jiayi's head and smiled.

"Xiao Jiayi, don't be so sensible, you will get tired."

The words came out and the bell suddenly spoke.

"If he is ignorant, who will be sensible? Are you counting on me and my sister? The old Taoist priest said, my grandpa said that my father's responsibility is after the age of twenty-four, and my brother's responsibility seems to be after the twenty-fourth day after he was born. "

An An looked at the most annoying bell in the past, and then looked at the carefree one who was crying and laughing. She really felt a little nervous and pressured in her heart. Both brothers and sisters are villains. You two don't want to be more powerful in the future, but Don't become a fool!

Then your mother and I will be the sinners of the Han family!

Xu Hongchang drove the car smoothly. In front of the Mercedes-Benz was an Audi Q7. The king drove the road, concentrating on it. Behind the Mercedes-Benz was an Audi Q5. I don’t know since when, only Xu Hongchang’s Mercedes-Benz was driving, and everyone else was driving. Replaced it with the Audi brand.

Three cars escorted the people in the cars. An An was not under any pressure, but Xu Hongchang, Liu Ding, and the king did not dare to relax.

If something happened to a few people in this car, it wouldn't be as simple as a sea-turning disaster.

When An An got out of the car with a few children and looked at the old man sitting in the yard laughing and drinking tea, An An hurriedly ran forward, bent down and shouted softly.

"Dad Gu."

Lao Gu chuckled, and then smiled at Xu Hongchang and the king.

"Come, bring the child over and show me. I heard that Han Qian's two little girls are the strangest. They cry and laugh, are quiet and make trouble, but they are more ruthless than the other!"

The old man was holding a child in one hand, and An An's heart was in her throat, fearing that these two scoundrels would suddenly attack Father Gu.

But fortunately, they didn't cry or make trouble. Wuyou grinned stupidly. Wuyou's face was expressionless and showed no emotion or anger. It wasn't until the king stretched out his hand to pick up the child that Wuyou started to cry. Little Wuyou didn't either. Laughed.

Lao Gu looked at the two strange children, frowned and smiled.

"These two little ones are a bit strange. An An, please tell me whether these two children inherited it more from you or Han Qian."

An An bent down slightly and said softly.

"I inherited my genes from my child's father. I'm worried that I will inherit my genes. I'm not as good as Ji Jing's city, and my little pet's city is very deep. I'm not as strong as Yan Qingqing. Xiao Jia dares to kill people in the street. I'm not as kind as Wen Nuan, and I'm full of bells. Everything is a blessing.”

Lao Gu chuckled.

"These two children don't look stupid. They are not yet one year old and cannot speak, but there is a lot of evil hidden in these big eyes. I heard that these two children are vicious? Are they very stubborn?"

An An bent her waist lower and whispered.

"It's okay for Wuyou. If you catch someone, you'll let him go. But Wuyou can't. She won't let go until she figures it out. There's no point in beating and scolding when you catch someone, and it's useless to feed him."

Lao Gu looked at Wuyou who was showing his teeth and claws in the king's arms and said with a smile.

"Been beaten?"

An An nodded.

"I've beaten him, but I can't do it without beating him. Wen Nuan said that Han Qian is too spoiled for his children."

Lao Gu turned his head and looked at the old man, who chuckled.

"I'm not used to Han Qian."

Lao Gu smiled.

"Don't open your eyes and tell lies. Don't you like Han Qian?"

Then Lao Gu looked at An An and asked again.

"Catch Qian Ling too?"

An An shook his head.

"No arrest."

"That's okay."

"But I don't know their father yet."

In the Lamborghini supercar, Beloved kneeled on the passenger side and looked at his father's head and asked.

"Dad, why are you missing a piece of hair?"

"It's too hot, pull it out!"


"What are we going to do now?"

"Dig a hole and prepare to bury a few people."

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