Ex-wife becomes creditor after divorce Season 2

Chapter 993 The eldest daughter of the Han family

"Are you a fool? Now tell me if you are a fool! Don't call me useless things! Just tell me if you are a fool!"


Beloved stood on the fountain in the park holding a cupid bottle of mineral water and listened to his father scolding him.

Lin Zongheng, who was called, frowned and looked at the roaring Han Qian in front of him. He took out a cigarette and handed it to Han Qian. Then he turned around and found Beloved beside him. He threw away the cigarette in his hand and half of the cigarette in his hand the next second. The box of cigarettes was taken away by Han Qian.

Lin Zongheng frowned and looked at Han Qian.

"The child is here, can you have some quality and self-cultivation?"

Han Qian turned his head and glanced at Beloved, then pulled Lin Zongheng about two meters away. Lin Zongheng raised his hands and stared at Han Qian with a frown.

"You just went to the city bureau to have a seizure, aren't you waiting for people from Bei'an to make trouble for you? Are you digging another hole for me?"

Han Qian squinted at Lin Zongheng and frowned.

"You have a glans on your neck? Are you really ready to let the people in Bei'an run away if they want to? Baitao and you don't have a good relationship? It's only been a few days since Baitao was assassinated? Don't you know that if you catch the people in Bei'an, you will let them run away?" They go to investigate. Don't look at me now. Can we stop the people from Bei'an? Are you confident that you can defeat tanks or fighter jets? Are you stupid enough to wait for Liu Shengge to take action? If I can swallow the matter of being kicked out of the hospital, just pretend that I, Han Qian, didn’t say anything.”

"I'm an idiot."

"I understand, then tell me Guo Weimei where are you hiding?"

"If you ask me that, then you are an idiot. I know what to do. What should I do about Chu Sui? Just let him live like this?"

Han Qian closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and whispered.

"I knew you were studying Chu Sui, and now you go to the mental hospital to kill Chu Sui? Do you really think Chen Zhan has such a good temper? If you kill Chu Sui in the mental hospital now, Chen Qiang will be picked up tomorrow, and people from the capital will come Can you stop me? If you can, go and beat Chu Sui to death tonight. Don't you have the ability?"

Lin Zong rolled his eyes.

"As if you have."

"If I had this ability, I would kill you long ago."

"Why don't you ask your father Gu to torture me to death!"

"My father Gu doesn't care, otherwise how long do you think you can survive? Why don't you get involved in Baitao's matter, and I'll go find a place for Baitao."

"Then we both have to work hard."

"Roll, roll, roll, roll."

Han Qian cursed Lin Zongheng and took Beloved away first. Beloved, who was held under Han Qian's arm, waved and shouted to Lin Zongheng.

"Let's go~ Come to my house to have some food."

Lin Zongheng waved and smiled.

"You have time! Eat less, my dear."

This sentence made the smile disappear from Beloved's face. Looking at the girl who was stuffed into the car by Han Qian, Lin Zongheng suddenly felt a little envious of Han Qian's son and daughter. Shouyi himself may have felt a little lonely, watching Han Qian leave, Lin Zongheng turned around and drove away. He contacted Baitao on the way and went straight to the government office.

Beloved was kneeling on the passenger side, holding the back of the chair, looking out the window, and shouted softly.

"Dad, do you want to go home?"

Han Qian, who was holding the steering wheel with both hands, shook his head.

"Don't go back yet. There are still some things to do. Go to the prison. If you are tired, I will ask your mother to pick you up. She called me just now."

Beloved, who had his head raised, turned to look at Han Qian and asked.

"Which mother is mine?"

"Ji Jing."

"Oh, then I'm not tired. If my biological mother comes to pick me up, I will go and play with my biological mother. My biological mother doesn't like me very much."

Upon hearing this, Han Qian stretched out his hand and rubbed his daughter's head, smiling.

"Your mother had a difficult childhood. She didn't know how to treat you. She was worried that you would be rebellious if she was too nice to you. She was also worried that you would become the second her if she was not nice to you. She was always cautious. ”

Beloved nodded seriously.

"I understand, just give her a beating. My mother has a lot of trouble."

Han Qian smiled.

"If you dare, go and fight, but I don't dare, your father."

"You wait until I grow up. I want to eat more tonight and beat my mother when I grow up."

"Have you been playing with Nuan Nuan for too long recently?"

Beloved turned his head and whistled with an unnatural look on his face.

After taking a look at his daughter, Han Qian finally understood that this gadget had no inherent self-confidence at all. Isn't this just a smaller version of himself?

Suddenly thinking of what Beloved will be like when he grows up, Han Qian has a slight headache. How much pressure is placed on her younger brothers and sisters? Just such a sister is a mountain that they cannot overcome in a short time!

"Daughter, besides beating your mother, what is your dream?"

"Start World War III."

"When I'm done, I'll give you a good beating first, without your mother having to do anything."

"Ha~ I don't even have the surname Han because I'm afraid of pain. I'll change my name to Luo Wudi tomorrow."

Han Qian doesn't want to talk to Beloved anymore. Is the bell annoying? Jiayi is rebellious? Carefree and ruthless? The four of them combined are not irritating, but if Luo Shen hears these words, Luo Shen will be so happy that he won't sleep all night.

The car stopped at the gate of the prison, and Han Qian took his daughter into the prison. Beloved raised his head and watched Han Qian start to ink.

From mothers to younger brothers and sisters, then to cartoons, and then to history, she was as messed up as a radio player. In the end, Han Qian couldn't bear it anymore, so he picked up Beloved and covered her mouth.

It's noisy.

When the warden of the prison heard that Han Qian was coming, he pretended to have a stomachache and hid in the toilet. Han Qian didn't bother to trouble him. He walked into the prison area for serious criminals, walked to the innermost cell, and opened the cell with a warning. Door, Han Qian said with a smile.

"Eight years in prison, I didn't expect time to fly by so fast. You will be free in one year."

Toad stood up, stretched out his hand to hug Beloved, then retracted his hand, turned around and ran to wash his hands, wiped them with his clothes, and said with a shy smile.

"Someone talked to me yesterday and said that I can go out in half a year."

Han Qian put Beloved on the ground, and Beloved jumped up and called "Master" to the toad. This made the toad very happy. It turned around with a silly smile, dug out a bag of chocolates under the pillow and handed it to Beloved.

He was the only one in Toad's room. In the past eight years, with Han Qian taking care of him, his life here was pretty good. He didn't have to go out to do hard work. He had cigarettes and wine every month, and occasionally he could give his daughter and wife a massage. Telephone.

Now Toad doesn't care whether her daughter-in-law finds a man or not. As long as she takes good care of her daughter, it doesn't matter.

Han Qian walked up and sat on the edge of the bed when Toad came over, glanced at Beloved, and then whispered into Han Qian's ear.

"A few people were thrown in a few days ago. They said they were imitating Feng Lun at the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala at Four Seasons Villa. I asked some questions about the early warning. They now know that they were tricked and were ready to bite Su Liang. Last night, Bei Someone from An's side came and talked to them, I know the details very well. "

Han Qian turned his head to look at Toad and said softly.

"I came here just for these people. The people in Bei'an have some grudges with us. It's mainly about the matter between Song Shunv and Liu Shengge. Liu Shengge takes care of my son. I have to say this, but they left If you are in Binhai, these things in the prison may cause bad things.”

Toad frowned slightly, then nodded slightly.

"I know what to do, it's just that I went out half a year later."

Han Qian chuckled softly.

"No, just go and beat them. I will find a way to keep them in Binhai to serve their sentence. Just let them be honest and say what they should and shouldn't say. Your daughter is about to enter school. I'm getting older. Do you have a school you want to go to? If not, go to Nursery Rhyme. There will be support at her school. Just ask for what you want."

Toad curled his lips and smiled.

"In eight years, my mother was given a villa, with eight servants waiting on her every day. My dishonest daughter-in-law had a luxury car and a driver when she went out every day. What else do I lack? Just a few simple blows."

At this time, Han Qian's cell phone rang. It was Ji Jing. Han Qian nodded to the toad.

"Just beat it. Just tell the warning if you want anything. Wei Jiu has saved more than one million for you in the prison. You can spend it as you like. I have something to do, so I'm leaving first, my daughter. "

Han Qian was the first to leave the cell. Beloved, who was eating chocolate, jumped out of bed, glanced at the prison door, then turned his head and smiled at the toad. The next second, Beloved raised his right hand and crossed his neck.

Toad frowned slightly, and Beloved made a gesture of silence, and then hooked his hands at Toad, Toad bent down, and Beloved whispered to Toad.

"Don't worry, your release time will not be postponed. You don't have to kill them all. If you kill one, they will all be honest. If you kill one, the other three will not be sentenced to death. The warden owes my father a favor!"


"Come on, Dad! Why are you urging me? You don't know I'm fat!"

Watching Beloved trotting out of the cell, Toad stood there for a long time without regaining consciousness. He didn't quite understand why such a kind-hearted Han Qian had such a...

Such a...

Such a...

A not-so-kind girl.

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