Ex-wife becomes creditor after divorce Season 2

Chapter 1054: Dink is unforgivable

Tu Xiao came back, and the little old man was full of joy.

What they knew was that he went to the desert to urge his two children to get their certificates, but those who didn’t know thought he went to get their certificates.

I called Nuan Nuan very early in the morning.

"Brothers and sisters! Come and have a meal together at home. There are so many brothers and sisters, but you are the only one I invite!"

only one!

Nuan Nuan thought for two seconds and asked.

"What to eat!"

"Crabs! Crabs are the fattest at this time. I asked Xiaohai to go buy some and I'll be back soon."

Nuan Nuan agreed, and then Tu Xiao thought about it and called Yan Qingqing.

"Brother and sister, are you free today? Come to our house to have a casual meal together?"

Yan Qingqing frowned and thought for a few seconds before Tu Xiao smiled.

"The child's uncle will be here soon, and her younger aunt also came over. She wants to talk about the child. The child doesn't have a mother, and I, the father, don't understand children. I want you, the aunt, to come over and talk about it."

"Okay, I'll be in District 8 around eleven o'clock, and I have a small meeting to hold. Let Nuan Nuan go, there's no use if she goes."


Tu Xiao giggled and prevaricated. Sitting on the sofa, he thought about it and called Cai Qinghu. Hearing that it was about the child, Cai Qinghu readily agreed.

At nine fifty, when Cai Qinghu arrived at Tu Xiao's company in District 8, he opened the door and found that Wen Nuan was already sitting on the sofa and starting to take crab claws as snacks. Cai Qinghu immediately frowned.

"Okay! Eat! What!"

Nuan Nuan curled his lips at Cai Qinghu.

"Let me eat some crab shells for you? Just shake it to taste it. Why do you come to District 8 to join in the fun?"

Cai Qinghu stood at the door with his hands folded on his chest and laughed coldly.

"It's up to you to take care of where I go?"

At this time Tu Xiao stood up and smiled.

"The child is her aunt!"




The empress also came. As soon as she walked into the door, she heard Tu Xiao's words, "The child is her aunt." The three women agreed at the same time and frowned at the other two people at the same time. If only Wen Nuan and Yan Qingqing were alone, they would There will be no quarrels, but as long as a third person is around, there will definitely be quarrels.

By the time Han Qian arrived in District 8 at noon, the three women had already quarreled. Han Qian frowned and looked at Wen Nuan, Cai Qinghu and Yan Qingqing. He usually didn't let the three of them meet alone, and they would quarrel when they met.

Don't be open-minded and scold them for whatever they want to do.

Frowning and looking at Tu Xiao, Han Qian had a bit of dissatisfaction in his eyes.

"Boss Tu, you really have nothing to do."

Tu Xiao waved his hand, stood up, put his arm around Han Qian's shoulders and smiled.

"Let's go, let's eat first. We've already prepared it for you to come over and start eating."

The lobby of Tu Xiao's company is more like a stronghold than a company. A large round table is placed at the entrance of the company hall. More than thirty dishes are placed on the table. Han Qian looks at the dishes on the table and then glances at Tu Xiao. , whispered.

"Should I use some courtesy?"

Tu Xiao chuckled, and then sighed.

"The child's uncle went to the desert this time to get the marriage certificate for the two children, but...but..."

Yan Qingqing broke open the crab and ate it, then asked in a low voice.

"Little Tu Kun has given you another problem?"

Tu Xiao closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"This kid insisted on talking about DINK, and Jiawei didn't object. He talked a lot of nonsense. Children are born to suffer. The two of them... I got annoyed after hearing it, and I didn't even remember what they said. What."

He whispered softly while gnawing on the crab.

"I don't think it's a big deal. Aren't living people who respect their personal wishes very free?"

Yan Qingqing frowned.

"If you want to eat, you can eat. If you don't eat, you can get out. What does it mean to respect personal wishes? This is rebellion, no! To be precise, it means that you can't bear a responsibility on your shoulders. What does it mean to live for yourself? Parents want to raise them How much have you paid to live for yourself now that you have legs and claws?”

Cai Qinghu lowered his head and muttered softly.

"There are three types of unfilial piety, the greatest of which is not having an offspring."

Nuan Nuan put down the crab in his hand and looked at the two of them and said softly.

"Little Tu Kun has never seen his mother since he was born, and Jiawei is full of disappointment in his father, so they are afraid that their children will be like themselves."

Yan Qingqing raised her eyebrows.

"Going back because of fear? The so-called Dink is just relying on his parents and still living, thinking that he still has a family. If one day his parents leave this world and they have no children, they will not respect the word "home"! Little one. Nuan Nuan, turn your head and look at your brother Qian’s face before you start farting.”

Nuan Nuan turned his head and looked at Han Qian, who was frowning. Nuan Nuan shrank his neck and whispered softly.

"I'm right, Han Qian's family is my family!"

Yan Qingqing looked at Wen Nuan, frowned and said angrily in a cold voice.

"You'd better shut up, or I will definitely slap you today. Boss Tu, I have a straightforward temper. If our family has anything to say, if little Tu Kun insists on DINK, then I will propose that Tu Kun and his family Wei and the others should separate and choose their partner again. If Tu Kun insists and Jia Wei just chooses to compromise, isn't Tu Kun a disaster for others? Dink should stay away from marriage for the rest of his life. "

Cai Qinghu whispered.

"Then let's have one with someone else."

"Fuck you Cai Qinghu, no one is as generous as you."

The queen's temper is really bad. Cai Qinghu lowered his head and said nothing. The problem was thrown to Han Qian again. Han Qian thought for a long time and sighed.

"What do you think?"

Tu Xiao sighed and whispered.

"How dare I think so much."

Cuicui on the side lowered her head and whispered.

"Blame me. It would be better if I didn't have a child."

Han Qian waved his hand.

"None of this matters. What did you say to Tu Kun, Boss Tu?"

Tu Xiao hesitated and couldn't say one, two, three, four. When Han Qian asked again, Tu Xiao muttered.

"At that time, I couldn't bear to be angry with the child, so I said... if I don't want to have a child, then don't have one."

Han Qian frowned.

"Then when something happens, you come back to discuss with us? You are such a good father, I have a way, look at how Zhang Xueliang grew up, how about taking a train? Qingqing is right about this, little Tu Kun's choice is wrong, although everyone has their own freedom, but not having children is not allowed, she doesn't want children, Jiawei's family won't continue the family line? She doesn't need to take care of the child after giving birth, huh? If Tu Kun gives birth to a child, will I be a grandfather?"

Tu Xiao raised his head, looked at Han Qian with a face full of grievance, and whispered.

"This rebellious son wants to take Jiawei for sterilization surgery!"

After saying this, Yan Qingqing stood up, took out her mobile phone and called little Tu Kun. After about ten seconds, Yan Qingqing roared.

"Little bastard, get back from the desert immediately, if you dare to take Jiawei for sterilization, I will twist your head off, you stand there and wait, I will have someone pick you up."

Then the phone was called to little Yang Jia.

"Go to the desert and bring her back to Tu Kun! Tie her up with a rope!"

After hanging up the phone, Yan Qingqing looked at Tu Xiao.

"Just spoil her, just spoil her. And Han Qian, you haven't said a word for a long time. You have spoiled the child to no end!"

Tu Xiao turned his head to look at Han Qian, covering his face with one hand so as not to see Yan Qingqing's angry look, and whispered to Han Qian.

"I received a call. Bai Tao is getting engaged? It is said that the engagement partner is still a very ordinary person?"

Han Qian curled his lips and nodded.

"There is such a thing. Go to the New Swan Lake Hotel at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. This engagement cannot be taken seriously. Bai Tao has to find a reason to make Binhai people think that the appearance of the party will not be accompanied by disasters. At the same time, she also wants to give people who want to invest in Binhai a safety guarantee. Bai Tao's engagement is better than Cheng Jin's second marriage."

Tu Xiao whispered.

"Is tomorrow's party safe?"

Han Qian smiled bitterly.

"How is it possible!"

Then he lowered his head and took a bite of beans and smiled.

"I can't keep him safe!"

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