Ex-wife becomes creditor after divorce Season 2

Chapter 1061 Why are you not laughing?

Han Qian glanced at his phone and then threw a south wind to Lin Zongheng.

"Go to hell."

Lin Zongheng pushed the cards and smiled.

"So confident? Your aunt was sent to the hospital."

Han Qian smiled.

"Didn't your Ox King also become a cripple?"

Chen Qiang held a piece of Dongfeng and looked at Liu Shengge, smiling.

"I won't hit you even if I'm not confused. Are you angry?"

Liu Shengge didn't even bother to look at Chen Qiang. Instead, he looked at Han Qian and whispered.

"I'll charge you some interest."

Chen Qiang narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Do you really think I don't exist?"

Han Qian also didn't even look at Liu Shengge.


In the bar, Dong Yangjie and Li Guangxi were tearing and rolling in the booth. The whole bar became a mess. Li Guangxi was pushed on the sofa by Dong Yangjie. Dong Yangjie grabbed the beer bottle on the table and knocked it on Li Guangxi's bald head, one after another. one.

All twenty bottles of beer shattered on Li Guangxi's head. Dongyangjie fumbled around on the table. When he touched a heavy and cold glassware, Dongyangjie smiled.

The solid glass ashtray fell on Li Guangxi's head, and the peonies became more colorful.

Dong Yangjie also recently learned that brothers Li Guangxi and Li Guangbi had assassinated his aniki. He couldn't bear it. This was absolutely intolerable. This kind of threat should be nipped in the cradle and should not exist in this world.

These thoughts only lasted for a second in Dongyangjie's mind. When he raised the ashtray again and prepared to send Li Guangxi away, Dongyangjie's eyes were filled with light.

Aniki will remember me, and he will definitely remember a man named Dongyousuke, and he will remember it for a lifetime.

But the next second, Dongyangjie's wrist was held, and a man dressed like a manager grabbed Dongyangjie's wrist.

"Sir, if this continues, someone will die."

Dongyangjie kicked the manager in the chest, and when he turned around and was about to take action again, Li Guangbi dragged Liu Ding and rushed over. He knocked Dongyangjie down and punched Dongyangjie in the side of the face, and then hit Dongyangjie hard in the abdomen. .

Dongyousuke, who had an injury in his lower abdomen, felt as if his abdomen was torn at this moment. How could the injury heal so quickly? He was stabbed and fell from the building again. He was lucky to be alive.

Dongyangjie felt his vision gradually blurring. Just when he felt like he was going to faint, Dongyangjie dropped his fist on the sofa and roared angrily.

"What oil is it for? How can it crack so easily!"

Japanese was mixed with Chinese. As a zero-language owner, Dongyangjie stood up and pounced on Li Guangxi.

This bald man must die, what he did to Aniki is unforgivable, unforgivable, unforgivable.


The metal ashtray hit the back of Dongyangjie's head, and he had already rushed towards Li Guangxi's body and landed on the sofa. Dongyangjie stretched out his hand and touched the back of his head. It was moist, warm and sticky.

The vows made when coming to Binhai from Changqing.

Defeated by Guan Junbiao, Cui Li, and Li Yingjun, Dongyangjie felt as if he had never won. He failed again and again, but his status continued to improve again and again. Aniki gave to the company, to his wife, and to Country of Citizenship.

Han Qian's figure kept appearing in Dongyangjie's mind.

There were many fans of Han Qian, but Dongyangjie was the only one who saw Han Qian. How could he stop here? Dongyangjie struggled to touch the glass fragments of a beer screen, and then used his last bit of strength to stab the fragments. into Li Guangxi's chest.

Li Guangbi, who had thrown away Liu Ding, turned around and saw this scene. His face turned pale instantly. At this moment, the red wine bottle in Liu Ding's hand was used as a stick and hit Li Guangbi's face. In anger, Li Guangbi kicked him He kicked Liu Ding on the chest, and an adult man was kicked to the ground six or seven meters away. Li Guangbi rushed to Dongyangjie, grabbed Dongyangjie's right leg and threw him out, then picked up his younger brother and rushed away. to the bar.

Liu Ding without a gun was no match for Li Guangbi. Liu Ding helped Dong Yangjie up. At this time, Liu Ding's right eye was already swollen and he could not open his eyes. He supported Dong Yangjie with one hand, glanced left and right, and took out something in his pocket. A bank card was thrown to the frightened manager.

"Password 543527, compensation for you."

After Liu Ding went out, he took out his mobile phone and sent a text message.

[Run away, the Japs have old injuries on their bodies. We both have minor injuries. Li Guangxi may die. 】

[I know, let’s go on vacation with my wife and kids. 】

Han Qian put down his cell phone and looked at Lin Zongheng who was sitting opposite, holding his chin and looking at the cards. Han Qian smiled and threw the whiteboard casually. Lin Zongheng pushed the cards and said with a smile.

"I'm crazy, I got seven hundred yuan."

Han Qian smiled and said nothing, Lin Zongheng narrowed his eyes and smiled at Han Qian.

"Han Qian, you lost a lot tonight. I always feel a little uncomfortable when you give me money like this!"

After he finished speaking, Lin Zongheng took out his cell phone and glanced at the text message he sent. The smile on his face disappeared, and the exact words he said were transferred to Han Qian's face.

Han Qian held his chin with one hand and stared at Lin Zongheng, smiling.

"Smile, why aren't you laughing? I'm just doing to you what you did to me back then. I believe you won't be so fragile, right?"

Lin Zongheng raised his head and looked at Han Qian, smiling.

"Laughing? How could I not laugh?"

Han Qian closed his eyes and smiled and nodded, raising his right hand and snapping his fingers. Every time the sound of the snap sounded, Lin Zongheng's heart beat slower. When the tenth snap sounded, Han Qian opened his eyes and looked at Lin Zongheng, smiling.

"You are going to text again."

About thirty seconds after the voice fell, Lin Zongheng's phone rang again. Seeing the text message on it, Lin Zongheng stood up suddenly and said angrily.

"Han Qian!"

Han Qian smiled.

"Go to the hospital quickly, what if this is the last time you see Tang Li? But everything tonight is far from over, Yu Zhen and Yu Kai have to hide well~"

Lin Zongheng hurriedly left Swan Lake. While Bai Tao was still curious, Han Qian stood up and stretched out his hand to hold Liu Shengge's head.

"Yanran is very good to Jiayi, so I won't kill Yanran. You just be good and I'll let you live happily!"

On the side of the road somewhere in Binhai, a black man was lying on the ground with a smile on his face, and an old man in his fifties was sitting on his back.

The old man rolled welding smoke, and the next second the old man frowned slightly, and Yanran, who was lying on the ground, was busy smiling.

"My arm is a little itchy, please sit down."


Yanran tried to resist just now, and he was completely defeated after holding on to this old monster for fifteen minutes, and there was no chance of winning at all.

Liu Shengge also left the hotel in Swan Lake. Han Qian stretched his waist, turned his head and looked at Chen Qiang, and smiled.

"Stay in your mental hospital honestly, I will solve your problem for you, but if I know you sneak out again, I will break your legs!"

Chen Qiang stood up and raised his hands, Han Qian frowned and waved his hands.

"Get out."

The three of them left, and Han Qian sat on the chair and picked up his phone to call Xu Hongchang.

"Have you found Yu Zhen and Yu Kai?"

"No, but we found a few remnants of the Lin family."

"Pick them up and send them to the hospital."

After the words fell, a cold hand pressed on Han Qian's head, and Bai Tao stood behind Han Qian and whispered.

"I understand now. Whether the party will go wrong depends on whether you want something to happen here."

Han Qian laughed.

"What nonsense are you talking about~"

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