Ex-wife becomes creditor after divorce Season 2

Chapter 1067: Not just one person’s conflict

Xiao Song suddenly felt that he was very busy. He arrived at the city bureau at six o'clock in the morning. He sorted out the various problems of the criminals in Four Seasons Villa without eating. Then he rushed to the mental hospital to find Chu Sui. There was really something wrong with Chu Sui. The prisoner admitted to having a relationship with Chu Sui, but Chu Sui's mental problems caused the case to be shelved again.

Before dragging his exhausted body back to the bureau, another notice was sent to him to deal with some illegal gatherings at the entrance of Glory Group.


Xiao Song always felt that he was about to fall asleep on the road, so he arrested the person and sent him back to the bureau. Xiao Song sat on a chair in the corridor and fell asleep with a cup of coffee. The busy staff in the bureau looked at the person lying on the chair. Xiao Song.


It should be called Team Song now.

At twenty-nine years old, Xiao Song's mental state is not suitable for this age. Everyone knows that thirty-five-year-old Xiao Song can sit in Li Jinhai's position. She is a student brought out by Li Jinhai himself, but she is really too tired. .

Xiao Song, who felt like he had slept for a long time, suddenly sat up and glanced at the time on his wrist.

Only ten minutes have passed.

Standing up and patting her forehead, Xiao Song walked into the interrogation room and began to question the gathered people about why they wanted to go to Glory. During Xiao Song's interrogation, the surveillance camera was turned off. She didn't do anything, didn't curse, or yelled, but after half an hour, Xiao Song Out.

She got the answer she wanted, but the answer was of no use. Someone had indeed approached them and promised a lot of benefits, but when they asked them to find this person, they couldn't get any useful information at all.

But these people are going to be detained.

Xiao Song would not pity them.

Maybe the city bureau should need a woman like Xiao Song.

"Brother Qian'er, I asked and got results, but it's of no use."

Standing in the messy lobby of Honor Group, Han Qian held his cell phone and whispered softly.

"I understand. Wen Nuan just said that your mental state is very poor. You should rest for a few days and prepare to change offices after returning to the bureau."

Xiao Song sat on the steps and said softly.

"Brother Qian'er, how can such days end?"

"Soon, very soon, it will all be over when you want to find a boyfriend and get married! Trust me."

"I know, go ahead and get busy! I'll take a rest."

It is never one person who carries the burden forward, and Han Qian is not the only one who drags the city forward with the burden. It is the people of this city who are working hard. Without guards like Xiao Song and others, this city will not be peaceful.

Hu Fongfeng from the hospital also called. Li Guangxi woke up and was not dead, Han Qian said softly.

"Is it customary for the head nurse to do this?"

"I'm tired. Brother Qian'er, I'm going to take a nap. I haven't slept for thirty hours."

Also working hard were the doctors and nurses of the hospital, as well as the city's guards. Han Qian looked at the messy Glory Group hall. The fight between him and Lin Zongheng was no longer just between two people. It was affecting the entire Binhai. It affects everyone in this city.

Just like Wen Nuan said just now that he would take action against Four Seasons Villa, more than a thousand people would lose their jobs this time.

"Song Daren! Are you fucking dead? What did you do as a security captain! The money I lose to you in a year is higher than your salary. Is this how you protect the company?"

Han Qian shouted from side to side for a long time without seeing the old man's figure. Yao Xue stood aside and whispered.

"Our captain is on leave today, and his wife is in the hospital. She will probably be here soon."

Han Qian took a deep breath. About ten minutes later, the security captain Song Daren hurried over. When he walked into the hall, the security captain's eyes turned red instantly, and then he turned around and punched the security guards standing in a row at the door. He kicked and roared angrily.

"Get the fuck out! Get the fuck out of here, you guys don't even get a penny of your salary, get the fuck out of here!"

A security guard wanted to take off his clothes, but Song Daren went up and slapped him.


Then Song Daren turned his head to look at Han Qian, and knelt on the ground with a thud. Han Qian covered his forehead and said feebly.

"Okay! Stand up, fire all these security guards, and just get their wages normally. After all, they have no law enforcement power, Brother Song! I have never wanted to hand over the security department of the Glory Group to the Eighth District. Please be more careful. , this is the second time, so I have a problem with your card game wife, you go recruit new security guards today, there can't be any trouble in the Honor Group, my wife and daughter-in-law are all here!"

Yan Qingqing, who had just walked downstairs and walked out of the elevator, was full of anger. After hearing the name wife and daughter-in-law, most of her anger was gone. She stepped forward and kicked Song Daren in the butt, saying angrily.

"How many years have you been coming to Glory? You came here earlier than I did. Even if this company goes bankrupt, you won't be laid off! Go, go, go, what are you guys doing crying? Yao Xue goes and asks the people from the cleaning department to come and clean up. Okay! Let’s go to work, Han Qian won’t get into trouble again, that’s it!”

While speaking, Yan Qingqing stepped forward, stretched out her hand to grasp Warm's ears, and said softly.

"If you like these two little turtles, I'll give them to you. Why are you harming them when you have nothing to do?"

Nuan Nuan held a palm-sized little turtle in one hand and whispered.

"No, it's not tasty if it's too small! Fox, there is indeed a problem with your security system. This kind of thing will never happen at Changxiang, because the company's losses are linked to the salaries of the security guards. The monthly salary will increase with the stability of the company. Once there is a problem, it will return to the starting point. There is something wrong with the management of your company. 50,000! Sell me!"

"Get out, are you hungry?"

"A little bit."

"I'm hungry too. Come with me for dinner. Han Qian, go to my office. There is a report on the table and the bonuses of various departments this month. Go and distribute them. Xiao Yangjia is also on vacation today."

Han Qian made an OK gesture, and then Yan Qingqing shouted.

"Yao Xue, what are you looking at? Aren't you hungry!"

"Oh oh oh oh oh, here I come."

As a clerk in the General Department, Yao Xue is the fourth strange flower of Glory Group with a higher salary than Gao Xingli. The first is Han Qian, the second is Su Liang, and the third is Da Qianer who occasionally comes to the company.

All of them are from the General Department, but Yao Xue can take the executive elevator, while the other three guys can't.

Gao Luxing was sitting on the sofa when Han Qian walked into the office. Han Qian curled his lips and laughed.

"It's normal. Everyone has encountered a few idiots. It doesn't have much impact, but it's probably not done by Lin Zongheng. Lin Zongheng is very busy today."

Han Qian sighed.

"Oh, it's a headache. Can we attack Four Seasons Villa?"

Gao Luxing shook his head.

"I don't have the ability. You go to distribute the bonuses. I'll go to Wei Tiancheng to talk about whether we can take action against Four Seasons Villa. Oh! Liu Shengge called me and asked me to either have a daughter or take Ye Zhi's daughter away. What should I do?"

Han Qian closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"He's an idiot. How do I know if Ye Zhi is pregnant? Besides, I don't know if it's a daughter!"

"It's probably a daughter. It's a bit difficult for you to give birth to a son."

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