Memories are beautiful, but reality is cruel.

Han Qian finally realized how annoying it is when a child makes trouble.

The father-in-law and the mother-in-law went out for a walk early in the morning. Nuan Nuan lay on the bed and didn't want to get up. Little Lingdang insisted on drinking milk powder. When Han Qian wasn't paying attention, she sat on the sofa and grabbed the milk powder and stuffed it into her mouth. Han Qian turned his head, The bell coughed.

Good guy.

The whole sofa is covered with milk powder.

Give your daughter a thumbs up.

"you are awesome!"

Then he walked into the bathroom with his daughter under one hand. He had just finished washing Lingdang and felt warm. He stood in front of the sink with his hands behind his back, Han Qian smiled.

"Wash it yourself! Why don't you wash your hands? You can send Ling Dang to the kindergarten later. I'm going to see Qingsi. She and Guo Charming have been arguing for so long, but Guo Charming was taken away like this. I'm worried that Qingsi will feel unhappy. "It's comfortable. I want to ask Qingsi what she thinks."

Wen Nuan raised his head and brushed his teeth and nodded to Han Qian. He pointed at the door to indicate that Han Qian could leave. Han Qian turned back step by step and looked at the two girls, one big and one small, at the door of the bathroom. He always had something in his heart. So a little worried.

Can my daughter take care of warmth?

He went downstairs with a lot of doubts. He wanted to leave the car for warmth, so he could only choose to walk. While standing on the roadside waiting for the bus, Han Qian saw a very familiar Audi A6 coming towards him. Looking at this The car sign made Han Qian take a step back.

Why is this still lingering?

The car stopped in front of Han Qian, the window rolled down, and Baitao, who was sitting in the driver's seat, squinted and smiled.

"Wherever you go, I'll take you there, along the way!"

Han Qian smiled.

"No, I'm going to the Metropark Hotel, the other way around."

"It's okay, I'm going there today too, why are you so polite?"

Not wanting to get too stiff with Baitao, Han Qian opened the door and got in the car. As soon as he closed the door, he heard the sound of the door being locked. Han Qian turned his head to look at Baitao and said resentfully.

"You want to play some captivity play?"

Baitao raised her head and slapped Han Qian on the shoulder twice, smiling.

"Why are you so mean? I never noticed it before, Han Qian. I've always felt that you are quite shameless. Why are you going to Metropark? Going on a date?"

Han Qian shrugged and lit a cigarette. Baitao lowered the window consciously. After a while without Han Qian speaking, Baitao reached out and poked Han Qian's shoulder.


Han Qian turned his head and said blankly.

"What are you talking about?"

"Why are you going to Metropark? Han Qian, it actually has nothing to do with me where you go. Just tell me a little bit about the list."

I knew she was staring at this hauntingly.

Han Qian frowned and looked at Baitao and asked.

"Do you need this thing for your promotion? Hasn't your father already come out? You want this thing to be useless, but it is useful for me. Didn't I tell you yesterday? Huh? You are going in the wrong direction!"

Baitao said softly.

"There's a traffic jam. Why are you panicking? Change the road. What's more, I need it. Why don't I need it! I don't want to be called a balloon that blows up. Give me half of it! I'll keep half of it for you."

Han Qian didn't say anything, and Baitao stopped writing. He sent Han Qian all the way to the entrance of the Metropark Hotel. After Han Qian got off the bus, Baitao also got off. Han Qian walked up the steps and Baitao followed. Han Qian raised his He pointed at the door of the hotel and looked at Baitao.

"Are you throwing money away? The two of us went to the hotel, and the news spread all over the world. Now everyone thinks that I, Han Qian, am a prostitute, and I won't refuse anyone who comes! Are you going to follow me in?"

Baitao nodded.

"I don't care, just give me one-third. Han Qian, tell me, how many people are there in the list you have now, not to mention people from other cities, just from Binhai? Feng Lun handed over one before, but I know that's not all."

Han Qian held out three fingers and Baitao said angrily.

"You lied to three fools?"

Han Qian frowned and said in astonishment.

"You seem to be a real coin loser."

After saying this, Han Qian turned around and left. Baitao grabbed Han Qian's arm and chased him into the hotel, shaking Han Qian's arm and saying coquettishly.

"Brother Qian, why don't you just tell me?"

Han Qian pushed Baitao's head away and pointed at the hotel's indoor fountain.

"Go, swim inside, and then I'll tell you."

Baitao slapped Han Qian's butt. Han Qian took a step forward and glanced left and right, then lowered his head and said angrily.

"Don't move your hands or feet!"

Baitao raised his hand and chuckled.

"Han Qian is like a spring. If you are weak, he will be strong!"

Han Qian said angrily.

"You are stronger and I am stronger. One knot is better than six. Nanfu Battery King, Baitao, don't push me. I'm going to book a room now. You come with me and I'll tell you everything."

Baitao sneered and said sarcastically.

"Let's go! You don't need to open it. You're a poor guy. You can't afford a room worth more than two thousand yuan. I'll open it. Remember! Whoever doesn't move will have a grandchild."

Baitao turned around and went to the bar to get a room. Soon Baitao came back with the room card and slapped the room card on Han Qian's forehead.


Han Qian said angrily.

"Just leave!"

Baitao kicked Han Qian in the butt.

"What are you making such a fuss about?"

The two of them were pushing and shoving, you slapped me and I kicked you all the way up to the top floor. The two of them were not quiet in the corridor. They kept arguing at a high decibel level. In the end, Wu Qingsi made the noise. He stood at the door and frowned at the two people.

Seeing Wu Qingsi, Han Qian remembered the business, grabbed the key card and slapped Baitao on the chest.

"You can do the catheter yourself. I have something to do with Qingsi."

Two minutes later, Wu Qingsi brought water and looked at the two guys sitting on the sofa. She didn't quite understand why Baitao and Han Qian appeared in the hotel, and they were in the housekeeping department, holding the room card in their hands.

The more she thought about it, the more something was wrong, so Wu Qingsi secretly sent a WeChat message to Cai Qinghu.

[Baby, your husband has checked into a room with someone else. 】

[Oh, isn’t that normal? 】

[I'm in my room with Baitao. 】

【You three? This won't work! 】

Wu Qingsi was blocked by Cai Qinghu.

There was nothing to talk about today. After putting down the phone, Han Qian's voice came.

"Is the complaint complete?"

Wu Qingsi raised her head and looked at Han Qian, who was half lying on the sofa, and said in a low voice.

"Little Han Qian, don't force me to throw you."

Han Qian sat up and smiled.

"Fall, it's not like you haven't fallen before. Qingsi, I came here to do two things."

"I'm not getting married."

Wu Qingsi refused very simply, and she took one of Han Qian's fingers back and whispered.

"Then there is only one thing left. The fight between you and Guo Weimei is all because of me. I know that you have always been standing up for me. Your feud started with Swan Lake and ended with Swan Lake. , but Guo Wumei is still alive. I want to ask for your thoughts and opinions. If you feel resentful, tell me and I will kill him. "

"Huh? Han Qian, do you think I don't exist?"

As soon as Baitao finished speaking, the pillow hit her face, and Han Qian said angrily.

"If you want to stay, you can stay. If you don't want to stay, get out. Baitao, just listen to me. Today Qingsi said kill, so go and kill Guo Wumei!"

Baitao stood up and Han Qian stretched out three fingers.

"Three people with high positions, one in Binhai and two in Fushan. Recently, Chen Jinye and Sun Zhengmin are still fighting. If you give one to each person and catch one yourself, this will bring greater benefits than catching three by yourself. A lot, you have to remember, I am a businessman, and I care about interests 80% of the time. Now shut up and obey.”

Then Han Qian raised his head and put it on Baitao's leg.

"Pinch your feet."

Baitao narrowed her eyes and smiled.

"Yes, uncle, Xiao Taohua is here to pinch your feet, but bastard, please remember this. If you want to fool me, I will hold a grudge."

Han Qian ignored Baitao, lying on the sofa with a cigarette in his mouth, looking at Wu Qingsi, and said softly.

"say something!"

Wu Qingsi stared at Han Qian's feet and said seriously.

"Next time when you wear leather shoes, don't say white socks, okay? I beg you."

Han Qian stared and blew out smoke through his nose. Seeing this, Wu Qingsi knew that Han Qian was a little dissatisfied. Wu Qingsi lowered her head and muttered in a low voice.

"I don't have any grudges with Guo Wumei. I beat her only because you are Qinghu's legal husband. As for whether she dies or not, I don't care. I don't care if she even turns into a pig. I just hope she won't come out to you again." Sorry for the trouble, that’s all I’m asking for.”

Han Qian raised his leg and lightly kicked Baitao on the shoulder.

"Did you hear that, idiot?"

Baitao narrowed her eyes and smiled.

"Okay, okay, uncle, what you said is not bad. I'll do whatever you want, little girl~ But Han Qian, you have to think carefully. If Guo Wumei puts all the grudges on Qingsi, this is a very dangerous decision. ”

Han Qian raised his eyebrows.

"I was almost deceived by you. You are really doing whatever it takes to get benefits. Guo Charming poses no threat to me. As for Qingsi, I'm not worried. If she can kill Guo Charming once, she can kill her a second time. , among all the girls around me, I have the highest trust and expectations for Qingsi!”

Wu Qingsi pointed at Han Qian and looked at Baitao.

"He's kidding me. I suggest you stay away from Han Qian. He's very dangerous."

Baitao narrowed her eyes and smiled.

"Are you trying to trick me? Don't worry, Xiao Han Qian is too vain. He doesn't want a man or a dog for more than eight minutes!"


The door of the suite was pushed open. Cai Qinghu stood at the door and looked at Baitao, tilted his head and said.


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