Ex-wife becomes creditor after divorce Season 2

Chapter 1098 Liu Shengge, a laborer in Bei'an

When Han Qian and Su Liang lay down to sleep, Tian Feng and Yanran were all sent to the hospital.

Originally, Han Qian wanted to put pressure on Tian Feng, make him nervous, and then force Tian Feng to use other means to attack him. There is no big grudge between us. My Yeats is injured on your side. If you don't give me any help, Just one statement doesn't work.

But not only did you not give me an explanation, you also brought Liu Shengge and Lin Zongheng over to deal with me, so I can't tolerate you at all.

Furthermore, Lin Zongheng wanted to use Han Qian to get Bei'an's resources. It was absolutely impossible for Han Qian to just give it to Lin Zongheng. He had to let Tian Feng know that after you found Lin Zongheng and Liu Shengge, what would I do to him? Your strike will be heavier.

I just didn't expect that Liu Shengge, the grandson, would act so quickly and be so good at finding time.

The drunken Han Qian and Su Liang did not go home at all, but lay down at the door of Lin Yebei's son's community.

When Lin Yebei learned the news, he was silent for a long time without saying anything. They even dared to threaten Tian Feng's niece and daughter!


When Han Qian and Han Qian were fast asleep and about to be bitten by mosquitoes, Liu Shengge arrived at the hospital with Qu Ledi. Liu Shengge rushed to Tian Feng's family with the report in his hand, yelling and asking what was going on, this matter I must give him an explanation.

Now Tian Feng not only has to face the torment of pain, but he also has to face Liu Shengge's pursuit of responsibility and the investigation of the Yamenmen. If it were not for Han Qian and others, Tian Feng would not care about this. He could suppress this matter with just one word. But now he can't hold it down anymore.

Tian Feng's daughter Tian Qianqian choked with sobs as she held up her belly and wiped her tears.

"It's all because of Han Qian, who called and threatened me that I became like this."

Liu Shengge frowned and looked at Tian Qianqian and said angrily.

"What does Han Qian's threat to you have to do with me? Your life is life, but my Yanran's life is not life? You can see clearly for yourself, speeding, running red lights, and driving while fatigued! I must pursue Tian Feng's criminal responsibility!"

Tian Feng's son-in-law stepped forward and stood in front of his wife, stretched out his hand and pushed Liu Shengge's shoulder, frowning.

"What are you yelling at a pregnant woman?"

Liu Shengge took a step back, Qu Ledi took off her high heels and screamed.

"I'll fuck your mother!"

Taking the heel of a high-heeled shoe and hitting Tian Feng's son-in-law on the head, Liu Shengge held Qu Ledi back and then pointed at Tian Feng's family.

"Remember, I will definitely sue you! I no longer accept settlement or compensation! Don't you like playing with Lin Zongheng? I let you have fun with Lin Zongheng! Xiaoqu went to prepare the contract and gave it to Yagyu Wu Call him, isn’t he having a good time with Zhao Zhen and the others? Go to Chen Zhan and sue Tian Feng!”

Liu Shengge pulled Qu Ledi and turned around to leave. Watching the two of them leave, Tian Qianqian murmured as if she had grasped a life-saving straw.

"Yes! Lin Zongheng, and Lin Zongheng, Lin Zongheng is not afraid of Han Qian and Liu Shengge, go find Lin Zongheng!"

Tian Qianqian took out Tian Feng's mobile phone to search for the number, and finally found Lin Zongheng's number in the call history. She dialed the number and waited for a long time before the call was answered.

"Hello, I'm Lin Zongheng."

Tian Qianqian shouted excitedly after hearing Lin Zongheng's voice.

"Lin Zongheng, I am Tian Qianqian, and my dad is Tian Feng. Now Liu Shengge wants to sue my dad! Can you think of a solution?"

"Who? Tian Qianqian? Tian Feng? Sorry, I don't know you father and daughter."

Lin Zongheng hung up the phone immediately after saying that. After boarding the return train, he turned off his phone and lay down on the soft sleeper, closed his eyes, and murmured softly.

"Tian Feng? Who the hell is Tian Feng? What does your incident in Bei'an have to do with me, Lin Zongheng? Save you father and daughter and let me fight with these two lunatics in Bei'an? Are you mentally ill or am I? It’s so stupid that I get sick every year!”

Tian Qianqian never expected that she would end up like this in the end. Liu Shengge had made it very clear that he was so angry because Tian Feng and Lin Zongheng were playing together. Now Lin Zongheng doesn't admit it?

Tian Qianqian looked at everyone around her with a blank expression, and then kept calling Tian Feng, but every call she either said she had something to do or simply refused to answer.

Tian Feng, who was unconscious at this time, still didn't know what he would face when he woke up.

In fact, there is no need for all this to become what it is now. As long as Tian Feng bowed his head to Han Qian, said a few nice words, said that he was getting older, and then bought some things and went to the hospital to see Yeats, how could Yeats let him A man older than his father was kneeling in front of him!

At this time, Han Qian and Su Liang also boarded the train leaving Bei'an. Han Qian didn't want to give up Bei'an. Just cleaning up the hotel owners was of no use, and Tian Feng didn't clean up anymore. Will you support Lin Zongheng in the future?

But before Han Qian could take action, Liu Shengge solved the matter first.

And now Han Qian is also worried that Liu Shengge, his grandson, will trick him once, so he has to leave Bei'an as soon as possible, saying that a gentleman will not stand under dangerous walls.

One day later, Liu Shengge broke through.

He had Lin Zongheng's WeChat account on his phone, and saw Lin Zongheng's circle of friends. He was lying on the beach to rest, with a very cute child lying on his chest, and the big word "binhai" behind him was very eye-catching.

He just showed it to Liu Shengge on purpose!

Distraught, he put it down and scrolled twice, and then saw Gao Jingcheng's WeChat Moments. Han Qian had a note on his face, and sitting next to him were Wei Tiancheng and Tu Xiao, who were playing poker.

Broken defense!

These two grandsons went back to Binhai to enjoy life, but Liu Shengge suffered in Bei'an. Not only was Yanran injured, but his shoulder was still hurting, and he had to prepare to deal with the lawsuit against Tian Feng. The important thing was that Lin Zongheng came for Han Qian, but now he helped Han Qian solve the trouble and blocked the possibility of Lin Zongheng settling in Bei'an!

However, his business had nothing to do with Bei'an. After suing Tian Feng, Bei'an would be cleaned up, and these two grandsons might come back to enjoy the fruits of their labor.

Broken defense.

His mentality was completely broken.

Think about these two people in Binhai, and then think about being in a foreign land.

Liu Shengge was so angry that he asked Qu Ledi to find Chen Yang, and then quickly prepare the materials for suing Tian Feng. As long as Tian Feng was not dead, there was no place to vent the resentment in his heart. After Qu Ledi left, Liu Shengge was still in a very irritable mood, until Han Jia called the video, Liu Shengge's mood was a little better.

Looking at the mother and son on the other side of the video, Liu Shengge said softly.

"It's not a big problem! Everything is OK, but I met two idiots who tricked me, so I was a little irritable."

At this time, the two idiots mentioned by Liu Shengge met and fought!

They successfully sent the other party to the hospital. Lin Zongheng broke one rib and Han Qian broke two fingers.

No one saw where the two of them fought. It was only when they were sent to the hospital that their families found out.

The two of them kept silent about the fight and did not reveal any information!

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