July 7th is the day when the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl meet.

A very luxurious cruise ship parked at Binhai's pier. It is said that the big guy who rents for hundreds of thousands a day seems to have appeared in Binhai for the first time. It is also the first time for Binhai people to see a real cruise ship.

The wedding of the eldest son of the Liu family?

No one thought this wedding was unqualified. They all knew that Liu Shengge was getting married for the second time, and that it was at night and on July 7th. Everyone thought it was reasonable, even a little too reasonable.

As one of the most distinguished guests among the invitees, Baitao was the first to board the ship. The waiter on the side bent down and asked softly.

"Ma'am, please give me the invitation."

Baitao took out the invitation and handed it to the waiter standing at the stairs, frowning.

"you do not know me?"

The waiter showed a professional smile and took away the invitation without answering. Then Cheng Jin also handed the invitation to the waiter and asked the waiter softly where the cruise ship came from. The waiter said "Magic City" , Cheng Jin frowned slightly but didn't say much.

There were about twenty members of the Yamenmen who were invited together. They formed a group. They came today to talk about investment and building a factory with Liu Shengge. Cheng Jin and Baitao talked in low voices along the way. Sun Dapeng, the industrial and commercial boss, said softly.

"Bai Shuji, this Liu Shengge is really good. Although he is the groom, his younger brother Liu Shengwu doesn't even come to pick him up?"

Jing Yang, the supervisory boss next to him, smiled.

"After all, he is the groom, and Liu Shengge has already made clear his relationship with his family, but I guess he didn't discuss his second marriage with his family clearly. I really want to see what Gao Qingcheng is like when he comes."

A group of Yamenmen members walked into the cruise ship talking and laughing. When they entered the lobby of the cruise ship, a woman wearing a black uniform and white gloves walked forward and whispered softly.

"There is still an hour before the wedding banquet starts. I will invite you to go to the room to rest. The wedding banquet will last for a long time tonight. If you need anything, you can press the call bell of the guest room at any time."

The woman's voice was very gentle. Baitao nodded and followed the woman. After asking softly, he learned that the woman's surname was Chu, with the single character "Nan".

Chu Nan?


Isn't this world a little crazy?

Baitao was indeed a little tired after a busy day. After walking into the room, she lay down on the soft bed and fell asleep. She was really tired. Cheng Jin next door stood in the room and took out his mobile phone. The power was out and the phone was shut down. For Liu Shengge to spend 500 million a year to help Binhai construction, this is what all yamenmen members, good and bad, would like to see.

Good people hope that Binhai will get better, while bad people hope that they can have enough to eat.

Everyone has different ideas, but the purpose of hard work is the same, all for money.

Twenty minutes after Baitao and others boarded the ship, at 6:30 in the evening, the Binhai Prince arrived. Han Qian walked up the stairs with a gloomy face and an injured leg. The waiter standing at the stairs said to Han Qian bent down to salute and said with a smile.

"Welcome Brother Qian'er~"

Han Qian threw the invitation to the waiter, took a few steps forward, turned around and asked.

"Who's here now?"

The waiter smiled, shook his head, and said softly.

"You are the first."

Han Qian said oh, and then he was ready to wait at the door. The purpose of his coming was to prevent the people around him from getting on the cruise ship. Han Qian didn't want to look for it, but he couldn't drag his injured leg. Find acquaintances on this cruise ship that can accommodate 6,000 people.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Han Qian saw an acquaintance.

Binhai Hidden Prince Lin Zongheng walked up the steps step by step, covering his side. He also came alone. After walking up the steps, the waiter still showed a professional smile and called out "Director Lin" softly. Lin Zongheng squinted at the waiter and asked road.

"Who else is here besides Han Qian?"

The waiter smiled and said nothing. Lin Zongheng waved his hand and slapped the waiter on the face, saying coldly.

"What the hell am I asking you about? Why are you laughing at me?"

The waiter raised his head and said softly to Lin Zongheng, still showing a professional smile.

"I'll show you the way. Mr. Liu has another distinguished guest waiting for you two."

Han Qian frowned and glanced at the stairs, when the waiter said softly.

"In a moment, the distinguished guests will give you a big gift, please!"

Han Qian asked after thinking for a few seconds.

"Who is here? Gao Jixiong? Wei Tiancheng? Cheng Jin?"

The waiter shook his head slightly.

"I do not recognize."

This strange waiter has already made Han Qian and Liu Shengge a little nervous, but now they are not sure who is coming, whether Baitao is coming, whether Cheng Jinxing is coming, whether anyone else is coming, Han Qian found out when he took out his mobile phone There was no signal on the phone at all. When he was about to get off the ship, the cruise ship suddenly started to move. When Han Qian and Lin Zongheng were about to jump off the ship, the waiter suddenly took out a mobile phone and handed it to them.

The picture on the phone was very clear. Baitao was lying on the bed and asleep. Next to her was a woman in black professional attire pointing a pistol at Baitao's head. Lin Zongheng raised his hands.

"OK, I'll go with you."

Lin Zongheng's face didn't show any nervousness or panic at all. He knew that Liu Shengge was guiding the track, and he never thought that he would lose to Liu Shengge. So what if he was alone? It's like the mad dog next to me will not die after I die.

As long as Han Qian can die, Lin Zongheng really doesn't care about the situation. If he is lucky enough not to die, then his relationship with Bai Tao will be closer, and Liu Shengge will be charged with kidnapping, and his mental illness will be useless.

When the two walked to the hall, there was a person in the hall of the yacht who had been waiting for them in a wheelchair for a long time, and the two were quickly handcuffed.

Han Qian sighed and turned his head to look at Lin Zongheng.

"It seems that there was a little accident."

Lin Zongheng looked at Han Qian with a relaxed face and raised his eyebrows.

"Are you afraid of this patchwork thing? Hey, Chu Sui, you are not dead yet!"


At nine o'clock in the evening, a luxury cruise ship was parked at the Binhai Pier, a giant cruise ship that can accommodate 10,000 people. Liu Shengge and Gao Luxing were standing at the stairs for boarding. Liu Shengge was dressed up carefully, and Gao Luxing opposite him had a cold face.

Wei Tiancheng came and glanced at Gao Luxing. Liu Shengge bent over and smiled.

"Welcome to my late wife's wedding, thank you from the bottom of my heart!"

Li Jinhai came, and Liu Shengge bowed again.

"Thank you from the bottom of my heart."

Sun Zhengmin also came, Chen Jinye, Chen Zhan, Wu Siguan, Chen Qiang, Li Dongsheng, all the people Liu Shengge knew in Binhai walked up the steps, and Liu Shengge bowed to each of them with a sincere face. At this time, everyone also knew that Liu Shengge's second marriage was different from other second marriages.

He chose the seventh day of the seventh month to hold a grand wedding for his late wife that was not held at the beginning.

During the overtime, Wu Siguan and Li Dongsheng sprayed each other.

Chen Qiang and Chen Jinye sat together, with Mu Xiuxiu standing behind Chen Qiang and pregnant Wesley standing next to Mu Xiuxiu.

Zhao Zhen from the capital came and brought blessings.

At 9:58, when the cruise ship started, an Audi R8 stopped at the dock. Cai Qinghu, who had not had time to change his prosecutor's clothes, walked onto the cruise ship, grabbed Liu Shengge's collar, and then pointed a pistol at Liu Shengge's forehead.

The sudden action stunned everyone, and Cai Qinghu roared coldly with red eyes.

"Dog eunuch, where is my husband!"

Liu Shengge raised her hands and smiled at everyone, then looked at Cai Qinghu and said softly.

"Han Qian and Lin Zongheng and I are not on good terms, so I didn't invite them! Prosecutor Cai, please be patient."

At this time, Wei Tiancheng also came over, and Sun Zhengmin stood up and shouted.

"Xiaohu, put away the gun!"

Two cruise ships, one heading to the high seas, and one circumnavigating the Bohai Bay!

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