Liu Shengge was transferred to another hospital. He happily gave Baitao 500 million. He was transferred to Shengjing and could be investigated at any time. After receiving the money, Baitao waved his hand and told him to go wherever he fell in love. Liu Shengge couldn't leave without leaving. During the day, Luo Shen stood at the door and cursed people, and at night, he had to worry about someone coming to kill him.

In just three days, Liu Shengge suffered a neurasthenia.

As soon as Liu Shengge left, Concubine Hua brought people to the hospital to be taken away by Lin Zongheng. She heard that Baitao also received 80 million in funding from Huacheng Group, but when Han Qian was about to leave, Baitao rejected her.

"take money!"

"Get the hell out of here! If you want money, you'll pay with your flesh!"

"Then you stay at Binhai!"

When Baitao went out, she gave Luoshen a thumbs up.

"You are so awesome, you scolded me twice in three days!"

Baitao seemed to have something to do, and left the hospital without saying much to Luo Shen. Han Qian always felt a little disappointed. He was just about to fight back, but the two grandsons ran away. Liu Shengge's business was in the capital. If Liu Shengge was in trouble, Shengge's business attack is still a bit sorry for Yagyu Wu.

Fire him from Glory first!

There was a man lying on a hospital bed, and two women sitting opposite each other.

Luo Shen looked at Cai Qinghu.

Cai Qinghu looked at Luo Shen.

Then Cai Qinghu said something.


This official call made Han Qian's skin crawl. Han Qian turned his head and looked at Luo Shen, who whispered.

"I don't think Liu Shengwu has much future, so let's just let Luo Qing buy the Liu family!"

Han Qian shook his head and Luo Shen said again.

"I happened to be in the hospital. Did you collect the sperm and send it to the United States?"

Cai Qinghu said coldly after saying this.

"Then the whole blond thing will have to come back, and then lie to my husband that it's a genetic mutation, right? And can you change your title? Isn't it nice, my dear?"

Luo Shen retorted.

"You care about me? Cai Qinghu, you..."

"If you scold me, I will throw you in and lock you up for three days. Try it! Luo Shen can scold anyone, but you can't scold me!"

Some people seem to be naturally restrained in certain things, but Liu Shengge didn't settle down after he went to Shengjing. Gu Lou's money-seeking gamblers chased Shengjing, and there seemed to be nothing they couldn't do. .

When Liu Shengge was worried, he received a call from Gao Xingcheng. After a few simple words, Liu Shengge became furious instantly.

"You want to kick me out of glory? Gao Jingcheng, use your dog brain to think about it. Who gave you everything you have now? You are my uncle! You want to kick me out now because of Han Qian? Your brain broken?"

Gao Xingcheng was in a very calm mood and said calmly while holding the phone.

"I am here for the glorious future!"

"The future of Glory? What is the future of Glory? It will become a municipal group at most. If Han Qian is killed by me, the Glory Group will disappear from Binhai. Where is your brain? We are relatives. Gao Ji, what are you going to do now? The only thing is to stabilize my position in the Binhai Glory Group. Even if I lose, you are my brother-in-law and you will have your position in the Liu Group! Think about it, what did Han Qian give you? Everything now is given to you.”

Gao Xingchen remained silent, and Liu Shengge spoke again.

"Your sister is my wife. I will always love your sister deeply. Think about it for yourself."

After hanging up the phone, Gao Wuxing sat in the office, lowered his head, took a deep breath, and looked at the lighter on the table. Gao Wishong's heart began to waver slightly.

Which one should you choose?

Gao Fuling felt that every choice he made in life was correct, not once.

The two garbage men left Binhai, and Han Qian also chose to be discharged from the hospital. This injury can be said to be the most serious one in the past year. When they returned to the Imperial City Garden, the windows of the house had been repaired and specially reinforced. Indoor railings.

Han Qian was sitting on the balcony looking at the railing. He was thinking about how to dismantle this thing. After installing this thing on the originally spacious window sill, even flowers could not be placed. He lowered his head and glanced at the dry flowerpot again. Han Qian stood He stood up and walked into the bathroom under the watchful eyes of Cai Qinghu and Luo Shen. When he came out again, he held a shower head and a small rag in his hand.

Seeing Han Qian watering the flowers seriously and wiping the dusty leaves, Luo Shen lay half on the sofa and sighed.

"Can you take a break? This flower will die if it dies!"

Han Qian looked at the clean big leaves in front of him and smiled.

"But you can't think like that. We have to take good care of them when we bring them back from the Flower, Bird and Fish Market. If we don't care about life or death when we buy them back, we might as well put them in the Flower, Bird and Fish Market and let them live a few more years."

Luo Shen looked at Han Qian with a smile and said with a smile.

"I really like how responsible you are."

Cai Qinghu, who was sitting on the single sofa with his legs crossed, raised his eyebrows.

"Flattery~! Wouldn't it be nice to buy another pot of it after I die? Aren't these things everywhere in the world?"

Luo Shen turned his head to look at Cai Qinghu and smiled.

"If your husband-in-law dies, will you remarry? Just buy another pot. Why don't you buy a smart brain if you have more money?"

Just as Cai Qinghu was about to retort, the doorbell rang suddenly. Cai Qinghu glanced at Luo Shen, who was lying directly on the sofa, and then said.

"I don't care who I love."

Cai Qinghu watched Han Qian put down the shower in his hand and stood up and walked to the door. After opening the door, Cai Qinghu said softly.

"Deputy Sun? Lao Qin? Auntie?"

Why did this trio suddenly visit?

Cai Qinghu stepped aside, and Sun Zhengmin walked into the room first. When he was standing at the door and ready to change his shoes, Han Qian said.

"Don't change it. It hasn't been cleaned up for several days. Just come in."

Sun Zhengmin walked into the living room with a smile. Luo Shen, who was lying on the sofa, stood up and smiled at the visitor without saying hello. Sun Zhengmin also smiled, sat on the sofa and looked at the railing of the window, laughing softly.

"Not bad, right? Tell me, why did you suddenly kick someone downstairs a while ago? Did he come to kill you? Xiao Han Qian, you killed someone, you are not clean anymore."

Han Qian smiled at Sun Zhengmin, turned around, opened the window and raised his fingers at Sun Zhengmin.

"Come~! Come and take a look at the scenery, it's great."

Sun Zhengmin smiled and said nothing. Qin Yaozu, who was standing in front of the TV, glanced at Han Qian, then strode forward and sniffed Han Qian with his nose, then frowned slightly.

"Why does it smell like blood? Are you injured again?"

Han Qian turned his head and asked with a bit of surprise on his face.

"Old Qin, you have such a bad nose? Can you smell it?"

Just as Qin Yaozu was about to raise his right hand, Luo Shen screamed.

"can not fight!"

Qin Yaozu's palm stopped in mid-air, frowning and looking at Han Qian, who smiled.

"It's okay. I met a few crazy dogs and bit off a piece of meat from my thigh. It's okay."

Qin Yaozu laughed and patted Han Qian on the shoulder.

"I thought you were in a fight again!"

Bang bang!

After two slaps, Han Qian almost died. Han Qian could only smile at Qin Yaozu, then turned around and continued to water the flowers. Sun Zhengmin, who was sitting on the sofa, laughed.

"I heard that you have been hospitalized these days. I came to see you! Then Xiaobaitao chatted with me about some things, saying that Sun Dapeng fled in fear of crime. I came here to ask you, who is on the list in your hand? There is no Sun Dapeng.”

Han Qian, who lowered his head and turned his back to everyone, took his mobile phone and sent a text message to Baitao, then put down his mobile phone and turned his back to several people and whispered.

"I don't know! What a list? I don't have a list anymore. Haven't I given it to you a long time ago? I really don't know this Sun Dapeng. He is someone who just appeared in the past few years, right?"

Sun Zhengmin looked at Han Qian and smiled.

"Are you nervous? Why are you starting to sweat?"

"Hot, it would be better for you to ask Baitao about this matter. Besides, I heard that Chu Sui also escaped? The threat this person poses after escaping is not small. I even suspect that the person who came to assassinate was sent by Chu Sui. , Lao Qin, can you go to the mental hospital and ask Chen Qiang for me? Just because he escaped, I don't dare to let Nuan Nuan and the others come back from Europe."

Qin Yaozu nodded very seriously.

"Well, I'll try to give you an answer on this matter tonight, but Han Qian, you're sweating a little too much on your face. Do you have any other injuries?"

"Oh, no, no! I just don't feel very well, so I won't keep you guys to eat! Qinghu, you send off Deputy Sun and Lao Qin, and I won't keep you either! Qinghu, Luo Shen , send the elders downstairs."

When Sun Zhengmin was about to say something else, Cai Qinghu took Li Yali's hand and squeezed it gently. Li Yali, who had been hanging out at the Yamen'er for many years and could still handle work at the Yamen'er after quitting her job, instantly understood the meaning, stood up and faced Son Zhengmin shouted.

"Let's go! Let's deal with the affairs of Chu Sui and Sun Dapeng first. Xiao Hanqian, you and Qinghu, please hurry up. The house in the capital is too empty. I asked the old Taoist priest. You two are going to have a baby in October. There is a lot of time. The high probability is that it’s a boy!”

Han Qian felt more pressure until the door was closed. Han Qian took off his clothes and looked at the bandage that was soaked in blood. Old Qin's hand was too strong, so Han Qian took out his mobile phone and cursed Baitao. , Baitao said aggrievedly on the phone.

"Can you please stop scolding me? I've been scolding you for half an hour and your mouth is dry."

"Fuck you, uncle! Come and clean up for me. Who the hell can install a cage in my house?"

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